Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

. G OftheLoveofGad,and theanti-old tDentd. Chap. i2. 155 us this good , Love will be stirredup in us ; and then followsuni° affeúmes, the union of the affethon, all that we can have here; and in the life to come, inftead ofthis. Fruition by Faith, fruitionby deer Vilion. There are two forts of love. t. Amer mercenarimei , aMercenary }bye. 2. Jmno' grataitne, a free love. . They are diftinguifhed thus : whena Man lives his Meat and Drink, And when he loves his Friend or Brother; it is certain thefe lives are not alt one : in theo>Je there is a delire to have the thing loved , that he may make ufeof it for his own benefit, for the prefent , not caring what becomes ofit after ; but his love to his Friend , is to do him good ; for himfelf, or for his own fake ; and it includes in it bonevelle, & bene facers, to with him good , and to do him good : in the formera Man looks at himfelf , and his own good only ; in the other at hisgood whom he laves: the firft is amor concupifcentie; theothery amor aMicitia. The Philofo. pher diftinguiihes them by Onde, c!)- Q`uo, whence, and whither. I one firft love .(17 the queftion is made by ; in theother by t-'nde. In the firft we astir what good conies to us by it : in the other, what good it bath in it felt, though it be nò benefit tú us. The one hath an Eye that looks inwardon our felves; the other outward upon others. Yet thefe two5though they may bediftinguifhed,yet are not always divided: for the one oft times is the beginning of the other , both in our love to God and Man ; for thofe that havebeen beneficial to us, though we love them atfirft for the benefits we receive by them , yet afterwards we come tç love them fos them- felves t. The firft arifeth from hope. Becaufea Man being calf down by fear, conceives hope, upon Gods promifes , then fending forth Prayer receivethFruit, and faith Praised be the Lord , for he bath heard the voice of my humble Petition. And PCxlnr a act thou hail given me my hearts delire : which Fruit ftirreth up the firft love , and this amor concupifcentie, the love of concupifcence , which goes before amore,,; gratnitmm, free love; for as the Apoftle faith, that is not tìrft which isfpiritual, but that which is natural , or carnal ; and then that which is fpiritual : fp freelove of God forhimfelf is not firft , but firft we love him for his benefits, and then for himfelf, and this is true love. Therefore it is Paid that Cafarr Vertues ofclé- mency, affability, liberality, &c. weregreater than Cato's, of juftice and fidelity in, his dealings; . becaufe the former looked at the goodof others, thefe reflcfted upon himfelf, and his own good. That which isnatural will be firft coneupreenti4 beefore amicitia, or benevolentia; and this is the inchoaticn of the other. PerfeEt love is not attained at firft; for item, repente fit (jemmies: now St. Chryfo/femç útondereth how Men can flip themfelves out of this rove; for ifthey will love any for. bis benefits , none bids fairer for this amor mercenariise, thanGod; for he offereth for it , the Kingdom of Heaven: The Fathers compare fear, to the Wil- dernefs, and thefe twodegrees of love , to the Land ofPromìfe; this mercenary love, to that parr of it, which lay beyond 7o dan; and the other, to that part upon which Sian and ?brufalme Rood; For amor gratuitru which tools net dt reward Saint Bernard faith, that Deter nunynam fine premio diligitar, our love to God is never unrewarded, though fine imuitu premiidiligenden ef, heought to be loved without looking at the reward. TheApoffle refpefted his burnCommodity fo littlef that he wifhed himfelf accurfed, that the glory of God might thine iti thefal: vation of lfrael. It is lawful to love. God For his benefits, for Godufes them Roat.9.3° asmotives to stir us up to love hitn ;, and the belt of Gods Servants have fo paCìi. fed : Aisfes looked at the recompence. Hebreivi t: But we muff not ,eft there, nor, love him only or chiefly for them, but for himfelf; otherwife we love not him, but our felves: ratio diligendi of Deem ipfe, modm fine mode, the cause o{ our love mutt be God himfelf, and the meafure without meafure faith Si. Bernard. Somedivide Love into.uonlain, Tdm¿tfi, $ecaufc, and Although. t. The firft is that which is called mercenariue. I love the Lord, faith the Pfa4- miff andwhy ? He is my defence: Pfaltml is. t. And in another place, ße- caufa? he heard my voice : yet feeing David' did not love God only, or chief- ly, for his benefits, his love was neit properly mercenary i but truer though not perfect: Váß