Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Conn. t. OfObedience, sand the `cantraries thereto. Chap, r 3. 165 man 5.n,when a Man hath an earneft endeavour and will, to fatisfie and-fulhlhlvCtatfö- .ever is prefcrbed. And it is r. unperfett inchoata : or z. perfeft, perfeEla. The firft arifth from fear of punifhment only, as in Saul,' t Samuel 15. 24. the other from filial fear, as in Abraham's, Genefrs 22. 12. r. Obedience is acompound ofob, and audio, and imports to hear and obey, and that beqre all others; and 'in compo /tis,& copulativis oportet titrumque fieri , non fuf- ,ficitalterum, in compounds onewill not ferve , we mutt have both. We will take the; litrrpie firlt, audire, ro hear, and then thecompound, obaudire. Firft, audire for stu- dire and requi to hear and follow, are Gods words for obedience. The fathers in the Greok, Church call it +zira, the Latkits - obeudire both imply hearing and following, r. Forhearing, it is good reafon to hearGod, if it be but in this refpeft only Quit nos nùdit,. becaufe hehears us , when we cry de profundis ; but there is ano. ,(her reafon, and that is, becaufe we canhave nobetter Guide to follow,or Counfellor to hear. It is late -to follow 'Lotout of Sodom, and Noah intú the Ark. Ifwe follow not them tnat can lead and direft us, we fhallbe punifbed with falfe Guides and Counfellors; there was never anyHeretick but had fome followers. Leinolene regia paftore incident in leepost They that will not follow the Shepheard to the - Failure , either are a .prey to the Wolf, or (hall be led by the Butcher to the Shambles, , Many are loth to hear , becaufe they would not follow , they will devife and invent neW+ways, and be leaders themfeives, that they may be heartland , followed; . but ma/nr..nffèda ratio pejor volumes, our o 'n reafon is an ill Lac- quey , our Will worfe ; our Reafon is blind, and our WillaTyrant, before itbe lubduedby Grace ; therefore we mutt becontent to be led , and to receiveRules from God. ' 2. Andas wemuff hear with the car, fo with the hearttoo. Audittte eft fenlm dtfcipdinæ : we are perhaps content tohear, but that is not all that is not requi- red. .Quad tor non facie , non fit. The ears without the heart are but dike Idol ears, that hear nothing, acres equivoco. There is preputium, and this foreskin. mutt be taken away elfe we have but uncircumcifect ears , ser. 6. Ia. Weufe tofay, that fuch anonewill not hear good counfe! , that is, will not follow it: for though he will not ftop his ears , yet if his heart be not bent to r r ^ t follow it, his hearing is to nopurpofe , for as the Heathen Mai' fard mena video non oculus, it is not the eye, but the mind that teeth ; fo 'tis net the ear, but the < - heart that heareth. To Phew the truth ofthis, left Men lhoirld thinkobedience con- fifts only in hearing, God ufed toput an & a copulative after it as aediant, e euftodient, &ainbulent, & faciant, &c. they (hall hear and keep, hear and walk, hear and do &c. There is an apt, fimilitude of a Fifh`trook, rune capit ca- tntur, &.Uum copieur, dom:ate ahitur, when it taketh,' if is taken anOLB'is taken when it it is drawn to us; and it is' a figs that our hearing fticks to.rís, when we hear to obey. 2. As we mat audire, fo allo ebaudire, hear and follow him before and againft ll bothers, thisisitnplyed in theprepoftion [ob.J As there is aLrying, loq'ui, and ob- *qui a gainfayitag; fo there is an hearing, and a hearing againft,aüdire,and obedire. There is never a hearing ofGod, but even when he fpcaketh there will be an obloÇr¿. tar, one that (peaks againft what he fpeaks: s Deus. + There are three speakers Hoo. á "'! m Alundou. I.. Dew. God is afpeaker, by his word., and his works' - t. By his word, ^'O thatGodwould fpeak, faith Zopharto lob. Andfpeak Lord; for thy Servant Péh- eth, faith Samuel. Hear O my People ( faith God himfelf) and I will fpeak. Yfly.JohYrs. that will not hear him (to obey ) when he fpeaketh in mercy, fhall heat:Win'war. fpeak in his wrath. And he continually fpeaks tous nowby the Church and'ficr z. I. Paftors, as he did in former'Ages byhis Prophetsand Apoftles: 2. By his works every Man may fee and behold them; And therefore.El;hu job36,t4, bids hobRand ftilf,.and.confider the wonderougeitvorks of God. There's none of 37-4.' them