Corn. r, Of Obedience and the contraries thereto, Chap 13, t bar ends and defires , which Bernard calls deliratain obedientiars, 'a nicè obedienée. To lit anhour and hear a Sermon , and receive the Sacrament , and fuch outward perfor- mances , we fee no harm in them , but in thole things which the World or our own hearts do obloqui fpeak againft, we -areready to yield and hearken to them, and to faywith Cufhai, thoughhe had been David's Servant and Subject before, yet now whomfoever this People (hail chufe , his will I be , and him will l ferve ; we will hearken to God for a time , but fo as we will follow the World and our delires, when they contradict what God requires; this we mull fpcciallytake heed of, we mutt fo obey God,as to gainfay his gainPayers ; our obedience mutt be fincere without mixture, we cannotferve:God and Mammon. The hit thing commanded is, the meafore and quality ofthis obedience. Ir mutt be ready and willing, ás Saint Bernard faith, though contra voluntatem, yet ex va- lentate, cheerfully. Saint Paul commends the Romans , that they obeyed fromRora.6.rj; the heart : and therefore Saint Gregory faith ; Obedientia non fervili meta, led chart twit affebìs fervanda ell nontimare puma, fedamoredei, obewunceis to be perf.,r. mud not with fertile fear , but the aftcctwn of love , not for fear of punifhment, but for the love of God : for there is Obedientia coae2a , a conftrained obedience. The People were content to be obedient , yet grumbled at the Burden ofthe Lord. Jcr,x;.;;.&e, But what faith God ? For thisobedience he would forfake them , he would punifh them , and the Burden of the Lord thould be no more, in their mouths: for Amor erubefcit nomine , Love blushes at the name of difficulty. AndSaint Bernard faith in Gods cafe, non attendit vertu obedient quale fit gsod precipitar Da prcepto kac Polo cantentu: quia precipitar , A true obedient man re surds sot what kin.( 14'404' thing is commanded , being content with this only , that it is commanded. T.h, ?ae Disciples uponChrifts Preaching upon the Sacrament fail, Dúru¢ elf hicferme, n,s I hr, is a hard faying. There is an obedience in the Devils , they ean.,2 oìr. `,ae n,, {" feffed , but with greatrelwflancy and grudging. So they that obey:a;r.'ü<:c ;r l.G Thew what that kind of obedience is like. That which is dares ferana anda burden, the Pfalmift counted tweeter than theHoney-comb, Pf,lr:. Gods aim and (cope in thispoint is, that we perform ow obedience zc mands, though they behard, it muft not he like that ofSauls, we mule not :pain it in the great, and perform it in the Icaft ; if we do, our facrifice will not be accepted : for he fpared thebell and fatteft of theCartel, and offered the worft in facrifice. The thing forbidden, as oppofite to obedience, is difobedience; the nature of which fin we may conceive, if we confider what it is compared to, and behold it in the effects which it produces. a. h is compared to the fin of Witchcraft. or the finof Divination, as it is in the Hebrew; and to the abomination of the Teraphim, as it is in the Hebrew; or Iniquity, and Idolatry, as we read ir. T. To Witch-craft or the fin ofDivination, becaufe as Men forfake God , when they feek to Witches and Diviners, fo Men re.. stunner God by difobedience, and hearken to Satans Instruments, the Wòrld , and their own corrupt hearts : and likewife as Witches do not always give true and certain answers, but often deceive thole that tuft to them; fo difobedience to God deceive? Men in their hopes of worldly things , which they think togain by hot hearkening to God , as in this example of Said , he difobeycd God opt of fearof the People, left they should have deprived himof his Kingdom, which he thought toeftabüfh by pleating the People, when as his difobedience like a Witch deceived him, for thereby he loft his Kingdom: becaufe thou haft raft away the word of the Lord, therefore the Lord bath cart off thee from being King, faith Samuel. z. To the abomination of the Teraphim, which were Images or Idols, like the Penates, the Houfhold Gods of the Romans. These. they fat up in the ferret Gen.3á.gn 'corners of their kioufes, and worshiped in private, though in the Temple they .pretended to worship none but God; fo Men profefs obedience to God in the Church in the fightof Men,but in their domeftickand worldly affairs , they obey Maranon, and follow their own hearts, difobeying God. z. Confider it in the effects which are all the Curfes of God denounced againfi thedifobedicnt. His Curfe whofe rnaledicere is makfacert, as his benedicers is berg. facers