Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

The Content. CHAP. XVII. Page 6t Questions about the Law. .I. Why it was written by Moses, feting it Wilt-writtenbe- fore in menehearts. How the Law of Naturebecame dim, three califes of it : it was de. fervid in three refloat. s Why the Latawasgiven at this time. Whyonly to the 7ews. Ali the fourpartsof Law , are in the Lawwritten. I. The Alt. z. The Manner.'ï3.Tbe rewards. 4. The pnnifhments. 2. Whether any can keep the Law. HowGod is'jnflin requiring that which wecannot perform. An e 4ddition about the power of Keeping the Law Evangelic}. Adam loflhesability, non inefficienter, bet meritorie , Gad always gives, or is ready togive power to do what he requires if we be not wanting toourselves. How Christ bath fr(filttd the Law : hoar wekeep it byfaith 3. Why God premifes life to the keeping of the Law if we cannot Ott. C H A P. XV I I I. Page73 Of the preparation before the giving of the Law. T. To make them willing; by confederation of t. his benefits, 2. Gods right. as Lord, 3. .Their relation , as Crea- ture, &c. 4. That they are his people. His Benefits puff and promifed. Three *navel, to love. I. Beauty. 2. Nearnefs. 3. Benefits : all inGod. 2. To make them able, byfan - ibifying and cleanfing themfclves : that Ceremonial washing fgnifted our spiritual clean- fing ; how we came to bepolluted : howwe matt be cleanfed. Why they w. re not to come at their wives. Of rhodanger and abufeof things lawful. 3. That they might not run too far, bounds were fit. Ofcuriofity about thingsunneceffary. CHAP. X IX. Page79 The manner of delivering the Law. t. With thick. Clouds. 2. With thunder and lightning. 3. With found of a Tramper. The terrible delivering of the Law, compared with the terrour of the laft judgment, when we maltgiveaccount for the keeping of it : the comparison inal the particulars. Theaft of this. CHAP. XX. Page 8Q., The end of the Lew as givenby Mofes. s. It brings none to perfeltion, and that by rearmof man: cerraprion ; as appear:, t. By the place, a barren wildernef a mountain which none might touch : z. by the Media.or Mofes : by the breaking of the Tables, &c. 2. t,bringsus toChrist, becaufegiven by Angels in the handof a Mediator.It was to be put into the Ark,: Given fifty daysafter the Paffeoacr : Mofes had a Veyl : the fiery Ser- pent : our life of the Law, to know our debts as by a Boor¿, of Accounts ; then to drive lie to feeka Surety topay theDebt, viz. Christ ; and to be thankful, and take heed of run- runing further intoDebt. The Expostion ofthegrit Commandment CHAP. I. Page83 Of the Preface to the beealagut. Two things required in a Lawgiver. I. Wifdom. 2. Authority : both appear here. Gods Atithoruy declared. s. By his Name Jeho vah, which implies, t. that being himfelf, and that all other thongs come from him; 2. Hisabfolutc Dominion over all the Creatures : fromwhich flow two Attributes : s H:: Eternity. 2. His Veracity, or truth. 2. By his jurefdillion , thy God by Creatiost and by Covenant. 3. By a late benefit, their deliverance ont of effigypt: Howall thit belongs to ut. CHAP I I. P:S,r The diviionof the Decalogue : how divided by the sews; how by Chrifiani, detion 6. That the four fundamental Articles of all Religion are implied in the four firfi Precepts. Of rules for expounding the Decalogue. Six rules of extent. s. Theaf- firmative implies the negative, and a contra. z. whenanything is commanded orforbid- der, all of the fame natureare included. 3. The inwardall of the Soul isforbidden or commanded by theoutward. 4. Themeans conducing are included in every Precept 5 The c nfequents andfagnes. 6. We mull not only obferve the Precept our feines, but route it to bekept by other:, left we partake of other mens fins, which is, I Jubendo, by com- manding. z. Permittendo, jby tolleration. 3. Provocando , by provocation. 4. Sua. dendo, by perfwafior, 5. Confentiendo, by contenting. 6 Defendendo, by maintain- imp 7. Scandclumpræbcndo, bygiving fcandal. C 2 CT-IAP