Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. I. Of Religion, and its oppofts.' Chap. t 5, a $ r h is true , as the Fathers fay that for quánritar abfò1ua, the abfolutequantity, if we were as the Angels , there were no nimium; but forafmuch is in Man there is but quantitas ad analogium ; or ad proportioriem, and thereby hebath no abfolute. nets, but ex conditiáne, we mutt do that whereby we may continue, and go forward to the glorifying ofGod ; and becaufe of his weaknefs for a Man to fpend himfelf in one day, maketh a nimium in religione, and confepuently, fuperftition.. 2. For the other extream, Partin, when we give too little, and that eithet r. cui non oportet, or non quantum, the fiat is commonly called Prophanenefs, which was a punifhment from the beginning that a Man (hould be fuch a one a that he fhould not come infra patron, within the Church, but to Rand extra which many now a days count no punifhment; nay, it is to be feared that it hash a reward , and that fuch People ate the better thought of. Too many of this fort are in thefe times, that value Religion and Gods worfhip , no more than Efau did his Birth- right. 2. The fecond part of this extream is , when we give not quantum oportet, fo much toGod as we ought , when we will not re(f , or acquiefce in what God hath by his Church prefcribed, and delivered to us, but affeft novelties, anddefire new and ftrange things zi o Aorgí,..'T tuaiséaa arser,for, and therefore that God might make novelties the more odious to us, he hath made it a name fó: thole things he mat Lev;r.rö..; hateth. Nadab and Abiha are faid tohave offered ftrange fife to the Lord, and the Pr". "6. Wife man calleth an Harlot, a ftrange Woman ; facob commands hisFamily to putGen.35.z. away ftrange Gods. It is called in Dear. fornicare pots Deoraliens. This beingbe- witched with thedefire ofnovelties,and new devices,hath changed the pure Doftrine of the PrimitiveReligion,and marred thisReligion where it is predominant. Thus the Galatians were bewitch'd, Gal. 3. r. and none but the Attica ingenia which is fpokenofin the Afbs, are given to it , Academick doubting fpirirs, Scepticks in Att.t9° Religion. There are three degrees in novelty. t. Schifme. z. Herefy. 3. Apoftacy. In which one makes way foranother. s. Schifme is the high-way to Superftition , as alfo to Prophanenefs. And it isfo called properly,when a Man upon unjuft dillike,either ofG overnment,or Worfltip,or Doctrineprofeffed, or for Tome indifferent rites, withdraws from the Communion of the Church in publique duties , and refufes to fubmit tohis fpiritual Governours, the Bi(haps , and Paftors of the Church ; and fo will make arent in , and from the whole Body : whereas the Apoftles counfel is, that all would (peak our thing ,t Cor:r,tá and that there benodiffentions, but be knit in one mind and in one judgement }Heb,to;s; and in another place, notto forfake thefellowfhip we have among our felves. 2. Hcrefy is (as St. Augufline definesit) Dun) fcriptura bone intelligúntur nonbene, quod in efebene intelligirur edam temere CJ audaciter afferitur, when good Scrip r t.1 9... ture is not well underftood, and that they affirm that ra(hty and boldly that they Tart. it. ii underhand not well. St. 7erome goes farther , Quicunque alias fcripturam ineelligit, 2"6n; pane fenfav prima S. fdagitat, quo confcriptaof , h set de ecclefianon rece fferie, eamen ha_ reticusapellari petefl, he that makes another interpretationofScr:ptrre, than ac- cording to the fenfe ofthe Holy Ghoft, although he depart not from the Church, yet may be called an Heretick. This muff not beunderilood ofevery erreur, but of fun- damental errours and fuch as are wilfullyheld , when there are fufficient meansto convince one of the truth. Adis 5. 17. 3. Apoftacy is a general defehtion, or falling from all pointsof Religion. The means to find out trueReligion are, befides the publique and general means, Hearkening to the voice of the Church , to whom Chrift hath entrufted the Truth, and which is therefore called by St. Paul, the ground and Pillar ofTruth. . t. The Eunuchsmeans, readingthe Scripture, He read the. Prophet EJa,. A i,aL 2. Cornelius means Prayers, Alms, and falling; and that ( which is ftrange;being Ae to,n; aHeathen, before he was called) he was faid to be a Man thatfeared God : But the Fathers refolve it well , why hewas faid to be fo ; quia non detinuit verira etit in injuflitia, he withcld not the truth in unrighteoufnefs,as the Apoftle fpeaks, and did'ftoq,,t, r&. notabufe his natural light; and therefore God bellowed a farther light upon him. So that if Men ufeCorneliuis means, and notfupprefs the light they have, God will ìive them his Grace and farther light to lead them into all neceffary truths. 3, The