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Corn. r $a Chap.! 6. Of Sincerity, and the contraries. . 3.. The third is, Appollos means , to have paratum cor, to Le re.dv rid will n.gto Act.i8.n', encreafe the knowledge we have already. Thcte are the prirdpal means: other 26, means were mentioned before, when we ipake of knowledge. The figns of true Religion were four: of which formerly we have fpokcn, and therefore will but name them. r. The Antiquity. z. The purging of the Soul. 3. The beginning, and growth of ir. And 4. Lally the examples of De C+a. DO. venues in the profeffors. All thanSaint Agufline accountcth the efpe. cial figns. The fixth rule forpurging it in others. King David d &fired that he might notdye yet, becaufc the duff could not declare Gods truth. And our Saviour faith, that he, was born and came into the World to bear witnefs unto the truth. And on the contrary we are commanded to mark and avoid thou which cattle divilon and often. John 14.37 ces contrary to trueDofirine. Mat,4,to. ida 42.8, Judg,to.r4. Malach,r.6. pfa1. 5.:. Hof.x.zo. Math,6.a4, Efa,r, a:, Gen.3 s.s. r Kin,18,21 Zeph:r.ç Cvr.5.8. CHAP. XVI. The third thing required in the r. Commandment is , to have only the true God, which includes Sincerity. Reafons hereof. The Contraries to Sincerity. Aunt ofSincerity. Signs of Sincerity. Of procuring it in others. rHus much for the fecond general Proportion, and the vcrtue therein required j viz. Religion. Now for the third. Habebümefolum Drum. We muff have him only for our God , and this includes Sincerity. It is not enough to have him for our God , but we mull have him alone for OUT God : none but me, as the Cha/dee, and Septuagint read. Our Saviour faith, than fl alt worfhip the Lord thy God , and him only finale thou ferve : which is all one with Deut. 6. t 3. and no. 20. only there is not [.,,t nit him only, but it is fup plied by our Saviour, and all comes from the fante.fpirit. The reafons were touched before, yet we will mention fome ofthem again. I. The fir( is, becaufe it trencheth upon Gods honour, and glory, to havea Part. ner; and that Men hould worfhip other Gods. The Apolles end their Epilles. with Soli Deo honor t gloria. Rom. 2. Peter. And Saint 7nde. And the reafon the Prophet gives, My glory, faith God , will 1 Rot give to another ; his glory is indi. vifible, ifany will add a Partner, fee the conditions, 1. Sam. 7: 3. God promifeth,if the People will leave fervingof other Gods, he will be their deliverer; but if they ferve any other Gods, he will deliver them nomore, but bids themgo to them, and let them fave them. 2. Another is taken from the Titles given toGod : as a Father, a King, a Maler. O hearkento the voice ofmy calling , My King. a Husband. I will marry thee unto me, faith God by the Prophet. A Maler. If I be a Maler, where is my fear? And of all thefe we can have but one : but one Father, one Husband, one King, one Maler. We cannot ferve God and Mammon. And therefore we can have but one God. 3. The third was touched before, To joyn any with him,who is below him ( and whofoever he is, he mutt be below him ) is to abafe him : if we could joyn any that were equal, or his match, it were otherwife. Ifwe joyn worfe with better , it difgraces it. Winewith Water, is the weaker. If you go to Bethel,and eredi an Al. tar to ?ehovah, you mill put away other (range Gods. No halting with the*wines between God and Baal. No fwearing by jrehovah, and Malcomwith onebreath. No keeping the Feal with Leaven ; no mixture in Religion, but our Paffeover mutt be kept with theUnleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth , faith the Apoffle. And therefore all mixture was forbidden under the Law , both in Figure, Detrr 22.9. and by exprefs Precept, Dent. 4. ao. there muff be ahr=ernM, as the Apoftle fpeaks, 2 Cor. t. 22. a judging of mixt and counterfeit Wares, by bringing them to the Sun: God will fearch with Lanthorns: Sincerity is tine cera, pure Hony, without Wax , fuch mullour Religion be. The thing forbidden, and oppoftte to Sincerity is. n. Mixture in Religion , and that both in refpei of the matter ofit, ançi of our affefíions towards ir. a. For