Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

14 Chap.' 7. Of Integrity, and Pirfèverance, &c. Cams. Religion enflames the heart and affedlions with love of God, and makes us prize him above all worldly things, that we can faywith David , whom have I in Hea- ven but thee, &c. Andmakes us able to anfwer Chrifis queflion to St. Peter, diligis me plies, d.c. Loveft thou me more than thefe? that we can fay , we love him more than thefe , all thefe things on Earth : and where this is not, there is not fin- cere Religion rooted in theheart. The fixth rule is, for procuring fincerity in others; efpecially we mutt exhort o- thers , as' the Apoftle doth Timothy, and all thofe that fucceed him in the likeoffice ofa Bithop in the Church, to keep the Commandment, that is, the Dodlrine and Re. Gal,:, i t. ligion left and commanded by Chrift, w'.7,0a, ai,,A..lci, without fpot, unrebukeable: and whenSaint Peter Teemed to judaize, he reproved him to his face; foought we in our places and Stations, to oppofe the corruptions and novelties, brought into Religion, contrary to the primitive andCatholique truth. CHAP. XVII. of the lafi wards in the forfi Commandment, Coram me, in which is implied Integrity. Reafons for it. OfHypocrifie, andreafens againfi it. Signs ofa found heart. An ob- . fervation from the fist[ words. Non habebis. They are in theFatare tenfe, and imply perfeverance. Reafans forW. The extreams. t. Canjiancy in evil. z. Inconftancy in good. pear reafons againft Bacb,lidings. Sign, ofperfeverance. Ofproctoring it in others. Coram me , Before me. His is the loft part of this Commandment. And this Coramme, faithSaint Au- 3 gufline,hath a great Emphafis in it,even fo much as makes a diflindtion between this, and the three other Commandments of the fiat Table : and it is to be taken ac- cording to the third rule ofExtent, before fpecifed, viz. that is fpiritual, and extends to the heart. Coram tae, Not in my fight. That is, thou (halt not have any other Rom. 8.27. God, not fomuch as in the feeret corner of thy heart : for God is fcrutator cordis, 7.14. a fearcher of the heart. This implies the vertue of integrity. The Law is fpiritual, faith the Apoftle, and therefore the duties here commanded , are to be, not only coram facie humana & coram laee,in the fight ofMen And in the light,which reachonly to the exteriour Ad of Gods worfhip; but this coram tenebris & coram facie Dei, in Efa. 45.7. the darknefs, and in Gods fight, reaches to the thoughts, the inward parts ofthe PAL i39.ii. Soul, which belongproperly to thefight of God, It God that formed the light, 93'9 and created the darknefs, And therefore, as the Pfalmift faith, the darknefs and light are both to him alike. And he that made the Eye, (hall he not fee ? He fees not only what the Eye feeth, but alto becaufe he forms the fpirit of Man, Zach. la. r. He feeth what theEyeTeeth not, but only the fpirit of aMan beholds , and that, as Saint Auguftine faith whether the Candle burn , or is put out; and which is more a John 3.xo,than all this, he feeth farther than the fpirit of Man can fee; for though our heart condemns us not, yet he can ; for he is greater than our heart, and knows more than our heart, orfpirit. Again this [Ceramme] diftinguifhes trueobedience from abare appearance : for bonum ápparens, good in thew , may be Ceram hombre before Man ; but bonumve- rum is only Coram me, before God. For Coram homine before Man , or any other Coram, argues nothing to be other than in appearance: but Ceram Deo makes it in deed. St. Paul, Ephef 3.16. Dividesevery Man into an inward,and an outward Man, and the fame words are ufed by Plato before him, whence fome gather he had read Plato;there is ö ilm :.eeomr,and tm .'seam,, an inward,and an outward Man,and which of r Sani.,6.7. thefe two pleafeth God belt, hirnfelf (heweth in Eliab, and David. Samuel had a Pïa1.5r.6. liking toEliabs countenance, but God faid, look not onit, for I have refuted him, God fa* more into him than Samuel could. God looketh into the heart, and Lake r7.r 1. therefore requireth truth in the inward parts. For there God rules efpecially. The Kingdom ofGod is within you, as our Saviour faid to the Pharifees. There it mutt begin, and there he delighteth to be molt, if our heart be right, from thence