Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

18 Chap.1a Of Integrity, andPerfeverance, &c. Com, r z. Another Motive , and that a forceable one , to perfwade us will be , that God requires an exaEt and fincere fervice ofus tohimfelf; becaufe he command- EyheLs. g. ech finglenefs ofheart from Servants to their Mafters , even with fear and trembling. If this tienknhurn , eye-fervice will not be allowed by God , as current towards Men , muchlcfs will he allow it to himfelf. 3. Laftly, ifwe confider the IntegrityofChrifts heart to us , of whom we read , that it was pierced , and that he fpent his very heart blood for us : if weconfider that , it will fir us up to have a reciprocal heart to him , and faywith St. Bernard, jufte car noflrum v'indicat , qui car [sumpro noflro dedit , hemay juffly challenge our hearts , that gave his for ours. When he had offered his Hands , Feet , and other Members for us ; yet thought it not fufficient , but gave his heart for us alto. It is not our Tongue, Hands, or Feet, that can requite it; our Hands will be too little, if we give them alfoup to him. signs ofrip r. And we (hall know whether our heartsbeupright or no, firf, by the Heathen igGt ejr. Mans rule, Nilconfcire fibi, India pallefcereculpa hicmurru ahenentefto.. A fecond heart is like a Wall of Brafs , and is fo full of courage, that it can fay with the Apoftle, Alibi perminimum eft , ueavobisjudicer, it is a very (mall thing r Ccr.4. 3. that I fhould be judged by you. It is the foundnefs ofthe heart that will make it Mark 6. s, bold if we be not confcii mali to our felves , that we know no evil in our felves. 14.65. This made ohn Bapràfls heart, to be above KingHerod! power ; the want of it made se. Peter afraid at a fillyDamfels fpeech, charging him to be ofChrifts company. 2. Another mark like to this, is , if we be firm and upright under theCrofts. If affliftions alter us not : for troubles and croffes will dikover the integrity of our hearts. Look how we Rand affelted is them, iffirm, then no doubt but we are s ao.3, right. If we can with King Hezekah, Remember, O Lord, how I have watk- ed before thee in truth , and with a perfea heart : this upheld hint when he was Fick, even unto death : but e contra , if the heart benot found, then in any trots , it melts withinus like Wax, as the Pfálmifl fpeaks, Pfahn, 22. 14. Gen.;s.:4, 3. If we deceit fin in our felves, and punith it no lets in our felves than others : ,( fudah at thefirf in the cafe ofTimmer , cryed, Bringher away, let her beburet ; but upon further confideration , when it came to be his own cafe , there was a fud- denalteration, (he was more righteous than I. This is much like that the Heathen Man faid ofAnthonyand his fellow, that they did odiffe tyrannum, but not tyrannidem, they hated the Tyrant , but not the Tyranny : whereas a found heart hatesfin molt Rom.7.a4, of all in it fell, even the teat fin, as we fee in the Apoftle when hecryedout, O wretched Man that I am , whe fhall deliver me from thebody ofthisdeath ? PCal.i z 4. The !aft is fomewhat hard. Ifwecan withconfidence fay thofe two lafVertes 39',34 of the Pfalmifl, Search me, O Lord, and know my heart, tryme, and knowmy thoughts and fee if there be any wickedway inme, and leadme in theway everlafling. if any dare take this upon him, and can fpeak it truly not deceiving himfelf, his heart is upright in him : but a gentler tryal than this, is, if a Man can fay in fame particular cafes, as he in another place, if there be any wickednefs in my hands, &c. let the Enemy perfecute mySoul, &e. And when we with commu- ning with our own hearts privately , can fay , as my heart hath been upright with thee, fo t delire in my laft gafp to be comforted by thee, O Lord; and to be y°;' holpen in my greatet need. In thefecafes, a Man may perceive whether his heart 4f4, be found or not. And this according to the Gxth rule tayeth not in our felves, but defires to have í'h11,, it in others alfo , withSt. Paul, who prayed for the Philippians, that they might be fincere. And fodid the Friends oflab, though they took a wrong courfein their comforts , yet they were right in this, that they had a delire to make yobs heart upright. Thus far of Integrity. Rer evera.;cr One point more refs to be handled within the Taft general Propofition, and that is , Non habebis, . Thou (halt not have. The obfervation is, that it is fet down in the Future Tente, which implies perfeverance; and this is the knitting up of all. It ftandcth firf in the Text, non habebis, and non erant , thou (halt not have, and there (hall not be; but in order of handling it hath the tat place , becaufe it is the (hutting up ofall. The