Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com,2. Zhegeneralparts ofthe fecond-Córnmandtmerit. Chaptt. Iq t ner himfelf prescribes. z. And fecondly Reverentiamexhibitam He requiresat our hands, a reverend behaviour in the performance of it. If we mark the other eight Commandments well we (hall fiad them far fhort in words of this and the fourth. So that theft two may fitly be called `Precepts copiofa, Commandments fully expreffed. Statures at large. And this was not with . our caufe, there wasgood reafon they Mould be fo. For unless it were there two of the firft Table, and the laic of the fecond concerning Concupifcence there was none of the Commandments unknown to the Heathen. The outward worshipof God, and the day fee apart for his worfhip, theyhad corruptedmolt of all , there Laws were molt obliterated among them. They took Come order for the inward worship of God, as Solon. Ad Deos cafpe adewsto, let Men come to God cy th pure 'minds. And the keeping of Oaths was feverely exa&ed'among them. .Ó,t there two Laws they took notice. So in this point of the inward worfhip ofGod we agree in many things with Turk! and Pagans; but the outward icrvice of God is it , which makes the difference between us,, and will ever diftinguith the true Church from the falde, Chrifts Church fron titans Synagogue. And thus we fee the Reafon , why God did fo enlarge they two Commandments, because they were in molt danger to beneglefted. We will now come to the opening of the Commandment. ? lt is laid before, that the Commandments make use of Synechdoche, that in, un. der one fault include many, that are homogenes of the fame kind. So that in each Commandment,the principal or general fin is named, and the reft imp!yed; for if every particular fin should be mentioned which were within the compass of the prohibition, the Commandment would be infinite. Now that which is forbidden principally in this, is not meetly the making ofImages ; for Images, or PiEtures, are not abfolutely prohibited,either here, or in any other place of Scripture : for painting and graving are warrantable and profitable Ares, and the gifts of God. We Ice Beza-5xad. 3r.a. test commended by God himfelf for his wisdom and underftandin them in : 35 30.3r. and the reafon is , becaufethefe Arts conduce to theprefervation ofthe memory of things paff , as allo for the delight ofthe mind. Non Simulacrum, non Imagodam- l" Amos f.'3 natter, fednonfacie: tibi, faith Saint 7erome. An Image or the likenefs ofa ;ling is not condemned,but the EmphalsorEnergie of the Commandment is in, Nonfacies tibi, thou (halt not make to thy felf iNatat, cs, Invented and will worthèp,devilèd úy Col,2.s3. Man, not agreeable to the generalrules prcfcribed by God, but contrary to what is by Godprefcribed. Like to that ofSaul, whenhe was commanded to deftroy the Ama. r Satn.t 5.:t. lekites,and fpared the King,&c.his excuse was,The People took of the í'poil to facriüce to the Lord. They wouldhave a worfhip of their own, with a dire& breach of Gods command. Whereas God had formerly told them , Whatfoever thing I command you, obferve to do it thou (halt not add thereto, nor dimniifh from it; and in that particular had commanded them to fpare nothing ofAmalek_, but to deftroy all. Natwithilancfing the judgment of this learned Author with whom many expoftors agree it is the opinion ofdivers learnedMen , both Proteflants andothers that the very mäking or having of any graven Image of any living Creature was forbidden the Jr.ç; S rkc mai:S,.; of in this Commandment , and that therefore this Precept as well asthe fourth, ispartlypo- images. frtive obliging only the Jews , and not wholly moral or perpetual. The prohibition is general, notonly for worshipping, but for making any. Deut. q., 16. for the general opinion ofthe Heathen was , that font Divine potÿer was included in their Images, after they were confecrated by fame magical fuperflitious rites, as appears in Tertul. oe Idolo;, trio, MinutiusFasliat, CypriandeIdo loruinvanitate,andothers, asalfaby the Jewtfh, Writers, AbenEzra,' Máimonides,Kinochi, &c. andhence are thole f range relations of what was done by chofe Images mentioned in Heathen Writers, as that diversof themdid (peak, as Memnons Statuein iEgypt,the Images ofJuno,Moreta,Fortuna,Silvanus, &c, mentioned by Valerius Maximus , and others by Trifineg. in Dialogo , and to this that placeof Zach. ro. 2, May infer. God therefore, that his People might not come near the corrupt cuflomes of the Heathen, and to prevent the danger of Idolatry the more, as alfo that they might the better conceive the invif-ble and , nature of God, forbade, not only the warfhipping bur even the making of Each Images of as alfo of the Stares (becaufe they alfo have their motions 0u mofk dangerous to induce /Lien to Idolatry in chofe times atid fo the ctiftomè ( which is B b the