Coni.2. Thegeneralparts ofthefecondCominandinent. Chap. to hash beento prefcribe and order fevers( things inGods worfhip, which no peaceable and Holy men ever found fault with, provided, that thywere agreeable to thofegeneral 'des of moral warfhip required by God, and no ways repugnant to chafe ritesby him appointed, but ratherfnbfervient to them, and contained nothing either impious and forbidden, or vainand ridiculous ; nor the obfervance of them preferred before she Commandments of God, or madeequal to them ; but a difference obferved between things of immediate di vine inflitution, and tholeof Eccle/iaflscal inflitation : and to add to Gods inflisution anything asfrom God is forbidden, Deuteronomy i z. r o. Buttoadd fomething for the more decent andorderly performanceof what God bath appointed, and to obferve the fame as an Ecclefiaflical inflitution, is no where forbidden, but rather commanded in all theft Texts, that require no to hear the Church, and togiveObedience to her ; and to abferve this is alfo to obeyGod, who loath given his Church power toordain fetch things : and that that place inColoiTions 2.23. Condemns not all voluntaryorfree tvorfhip, no more than it doti, Humility, andchaflening or Ieeeptngunder the Body which arejoyned therewith, but rather that it maltesfor it, bath been lately proved by»editions and learned Divines ; and by one in afull traîl upon thisfubjeîf of well- worfpip; for the Apafile there condemningce-tain ?ewifhand Pythagoreanobfervances about touching, rafting, &c. Saith verle23. That they loada fhewof Wifdome, If due cautions were ob ferved, viz. If they were free. ly andvoluntarilyundertaken, not as neceffary to Salvation, and without rejelling what God hadmade, and if they were ufed inHumility or modefly not condemning others which tiledthem not, and if theyfought therebyonly to peep under theflefh. The contrary toall which thole Pythagoreansand'9ewsprallifed, By which expofition, which I take to be moll true, it isplain, thatthe Apoflle is fo farfrom condemning all voluntary or wilLwarfhip, that he rather approvesandcommends it, and condemns theirforbearance of meats, and other things, becaufe it wasnot freely or voluntarilyundertaken, but as a thing neceßary to Salvation, &c. See Grotius in Colo'. 2.23. Et votumpro pace. p. coo, iot, Ioz, 103. & Apol. Rivet. difcufi. pag. Iva. Ito, &c. Dr. Hammon of will-worjhip. See alfoour Reverend Author in his Sermon onMatthew6.16. pag. 124, &c. and on I. Corinthians I1. 16. Theaffirmative part of this Commandment included in the prohibition, St. Ste- Alts 7.44. phenin the Acts, rand the Author to the Hebrews after himciteth out of the Law, Heb. 8. qe where Mofes receiving order how to build the Tabernacle, was admonifhed by Exod. sç. 40; God, to makeit accordingto the pattern precifely, as it was (hewed him in the Mount. a. Becaufe God(after the delivery of the moral law)declared tohim theparticulars yeti 40.; concerning the outward worfhip. 2. And fecondly he gave him charge at his departure to fquare and order it,accord ,ipg to to the form by him prefcribed. And it is probable, that if he had fuch a care in the Type, he will alfonot be worfhipped in the fubftanèe otherwife, than himfelf bath prefcribed. Thenegative part is, that we mingle none of our will-worfhip with his precept; that is,in fuch thingsas God hath particularly prefcribed, not to vary fromhis corn mand, but hoc tantum facere quod Deus pracepit, do that only, which Godhath corn- mat. manded, ( and thefe words may betaken for the inward worfhip alfo, but they efpe- D1 cially concern theoutward worfhip ofGod.) There follows in the text before cited ( to make Godsmeaning herein more plain) Thou [halt not add nor diminifh. If we doeither, or bothof them, that will fellow which our Saviour tells theScribes and Pharifees, that if it be mans doctrine that is preferred before the commandments of Efay God, or made equal therewith, freeflra colitisme, worship himwe may, but all in ptue 14.7. di vain : as the Prophet fpeaks, requifevitemanibus vefiris r who hath required legibm. thefe things at your hands? serrates Now the rcafon bothof Negative and Affirmative is, Becaufe that feeing honour is tobe given to God, it is molt reafonable that it fhould be given after that man, net which he beft liketh , and not contrary to his will, The Queftion , being propounded, whether God should be honoured, as he, or we thought good, Socrates could anfwer, that every God will be worfhipped, =a+tvaaeedooiideir. era, 'seti, in that manner that beftlikethhim. And fo Saint Chryfoflome, Qfsi hono- ratter , is maxims eo honore delablatar, quern ipfe volt, non quern nos volamus;Hom .las If a man be to be honoured , his delight is in that, which himfelf fancieth,matth. B b z and 195