196 Chap; 2. Againft Images. Corn. 2 . and not in what we, without looting to the rules in Gods word, thinkmolt conve- nient; and therefore as we ought in all aEtsof worfhip to fee firftwhat is prefcribed by God ; fo litheChurch prefcribe any thing, the ought to look to thofe general rules given by God, that it may be the more acceptable to him, when there is no- thing in particular determined in the Word. Therefore whenwe cometo do any man honour, we enquire what kindofhonour pleafethhis humour belt ; and (hail we allow that to man, which we will deny unto God ? Surety if we follow not his will and pleafure in his worfhip, he will have none of it; for St. Chryfofoweconcludes there, Nonof honor fed dedecus, ft vel contra, vetpater mandatumfiat,'it is rather a difgrace thanan De Parad f: St. Aenbrofe goes further, Si quid worfhip ddasdve! detrahas,t prevaricatio vidcur effemandat gyp' "' adde, or'detralt any thing from it, and you break the Commandment; that is, where God hath particularly prefcribed any thing, we muff keep dole to it , but wherehe hath left a latitude, it is his will that we hear the Church , and obey thefe that are let over us. C H A P. I I. That God will not be worfhipped by Images : the feverai words whereby Image worfhip isforbidden: why God appointed the making of Cherubims, and the brazen Serpent: 'reafons ageinft warfhipping ofImages the original ofImages : four occafions of of e ofImages ; fame intimes of perfecootion, fomein times ofpeace. That God is not tobe worthipped by Images. THE general being thus premifed. The firft queftion is, concerning the choycè which God hath made whether he will have us worfhip him by Images, or not. In which there is a Meer tranfatio fcopi, as theLogycians term it ; between us, and the Church of Rome; for whereas God path delivered his will, in thefe turd terms, `1Dh andr nor; Pefel, temunah, fcnlptile, & exemplar , the greateft air they keep, is about, wan, and etdLAer, Ieonem,or imaginal; and Ìdvlum,an Image,and an Idol, two words that are not in the Commandment: fo that whofoever contends with them about thefe words, mutt needs fall into a r e.,;a, and fight about a fhadow. This is then that which is required, whether ( when Godnameth 1100 Sculptile; graven , and after ;11tó11 a word very general, and large; and that fo general , as that neither in the Latine , nor the Greek, therecan be any word found to anfwer it, containing both exemplum, and exemplar , and not only that , but extrattam too- ticnem, & indutbam in materiam, even the Metaphyfical notions, whether our brain, or brought intomatter, we muff not fo much as fancy any ofthem in , Gods worfhip, feeing that God rifeth from the fpecies to the genus of all. And this will fer the queftion right between us, and the "Papilla; for whereas Gods word is here Temunah , any likenefs whatfoever, which the feventy tranflate iv.Ioo, a like nefs,though tu, io. doth not fo fully exprefsit; their fir is (as before is laid) about Iconem and Idolem : but here is a flat Precept againft both,the Hebrew word canadmit ofno diftin&ion; and therefore for that which is averred by the Cenfurers of Golein, that God in no place bath generally prohibited the ufe ofItnages,letArias Montanus,' and Pagnine be their Judges in the word Temunab. It is true, that Peter .Martyr faith. There are thirteen Hebrew words to exprefs what is hère forbidden, to which more might beadded, but to avoid tcdioufnefs, they, may be reduced to thefe four. a. Seulptile,agraven,or carved Image. 2. Fufhle,any thing that maybe melted. 3. Dutlile,that which may be hammered out. 4. Gonfatile; a thing compofed of the mixture of thefe: and he faith truly, that fculptile was more common among the Pews than the reft,and was ufually taken by Mofes to com- prehend the ref, - But feeing it pleafed God , to fer it down by the word mom, which the Septuagint interpret (as before) ówíxtto a likenefs; let any Man judge, whether in forbiddingall likenefs, or fimilitude there be not a full and plain Precept, containing both Idola and Icones, in the abufe. There two have a plain diftinftion, but focannot Pefel or 7emunah, in regard ofthe rife, and abufe. After