Zoe Chap, 3. Tel imoniera&out Images. Corií,2: by bringingin of Images, and his reafon was, Deesfacile pole infimúlachrárum floli- ditatecontemni; The Gods might foon grow intocontempt, by the foolifhnefs of Images. We likewife Chewed, that nimium, too much, was a broad way to Superftition, and that it wasa vain affertion of theirs; that therecan be no nimium in Reli ione, la pfaimtor, no fuperfluity in Religion. Againft which opinion, St. Augufline oppofeth, and faith; That wemay as well bringaRock into theChurch, as other refemblances, becaufethat did reprefent Chrift too. 3. The laft was, by what means and occafions, when, and by whom Images were Lib. r. introduced into the Church. This we (hewed out of Iremuas, the Images of Chrift, and the Apoftles, by the Gnoftiquce : the Imageof theVirgin Mary ( out of Epi- phaniva) by the Collyridians. The occafions were Four, s. The policyof the Hereticks, to make the Heathen more favourableand inclinable to them. 2. Extraordinary grief for friends depar- ted. 3. The wealthof theChurch. 4. The idlenefs of the Minifters. Thefe were faid tobe thecaufes of Images. So much for the Recapitulation. CHAP. III. What theRomanifts alledgeout of the Fathers, ancient Liturgies andCounfelsfor Imo- ges. Add. s 3. Of St. Chryfoftome's Liturgy. Add. 14. Of the fecond Nicene Council. The words ,niflak¿en in the Capitularof Charles thegreat, and inthe Synod of Franckford and Paris. 7eflimonies of the Fathersagainft Images. N JOw, for the more full handlingof this Queftion, let us fee what can be faid i further for Images,out of theancient Fathersand Councils Their Fathers EaJtl. are either true, or counterfeit : Their true Fathersare Sr. Baffle and Eufebius only. And that fayingof Baffle, which deceived Aquinas and the Schoolmen is this, that the honourdue to theAbfrac`t, redoundeth to the Patter : and this Speech Aqui- nas urgeth for honour tobe done to Images. But he fpeaketh there of this Conclu- fion, that Chrift is to be worfhipped equallywith the Father out of the Hebrews, keb r. 3 where Chrift is called, Charüierfubflanriá Patrid,the exprefs Imageof the Father ; and fuch an Image we acknowledgemull be honoured; and if they can thew as fuch another Image among theirs, as Chrift was of the Father, we will accept of it, and worthip it. The fecond that is urged, is Eufebius in his Panegyrick toPau/inns Bithop of Tyre, and in bis Epiftle to Conflanria the Emprefs, fet down in the fecond Council of Ephefus; where he fpeaks of an Imageof Chrift, letup by fome of the Gen- l.ib. 10. C4.4 tiles, for the cure he wrought upon the Syrophonician Woman, which maketh lit- tle for them; for what reafon is it to fay, that theGentiles did honour Chrift fo, therefore Chriftiansought to do the fame : befides it is plain, that Eufebius was no Patron of Images, through all his Writings r. Their counterfeit Fathers, areAthanafsus, Damafois, and Chryfoflome; out of Athanafixs, in a certain abfurd book, not his own, but one that goes under hisname, they tellof a Crucifix that wroughtMiracles now it is eafie to be known, whe- ther this book were his, or not, to any thatthan read it : nay, at the readingofone of the firft Periods, he will fay, that it is fo far from being madeby Arhanafsus, as that it was not written by any Manof common fenfe. 2. Such another is that of Damafus inhis Pontificale, in the life of Silvefier; . There is no more to be laid of this, but Noveris, oderis, know them, and youwill never like them. Read the Treatifes themfelves. 3. ConcerningChryfoftome's Liturgie, Jewel obferves in one patfage ; An Empe- tour is prayed for by name, that lived 600 years and moe after the deathof Chryfoftome : for therprayed for Alexis; the Emperourand Emprefs ( who lived Anno i 1 So) whereas Chryfoflomedyed in the laft year of the EmperourArcadios, whichwas Anno 408. Mahlon 14 Thisflews rhatfome things havebeen added to Chryfoftome's Liturgy in after times, of3..Chryfog, CO' shut therefore this,aa all the other ancient Liturgies have beenalteredfiance their fir.g Liturgy, eom.