Com,2.' Teftimonierabout Lna-es, r.Iíat;, 2,o compofng,'but to deny thefubflance of it-tobe Chryfoftornes, is contrary to the Trftìmo- nyandprallife of all the GreekChurch, and therefore ryas never intended by this learned Aathour, who was agreat honorer of Antiquity. . They have but one Council for them, which is the fecond Nicene Council, the gatherer whereof,was Irene the Emprefs; íhewas'a Heathen bórn, Daughter to an Emperour of Tartary, nouzl'ed up in Paganifm from her Birth, and afterwards matching withLeo the Fourth, Father toConftantine the Emperour ; fhe was con- verted, and after the Emperour Leo'sdeath, in the minority of her Son, ruled with him, and called this Council : Conftanrine at theflea feemed not to oppofe her, but Rom. r. 3!. after, whenhe cameto Tome underftanding, he refufed to admit of Images; but fhe being too Potent for him, caft"him inPrifon,and put out bothhis eyes; whereby you may fee, that(he was a Woman without natural affection. The chief men at this Council, weft T .orafiusPatriarch of Conftantinople, and fohn Legateof the Eaft Churches. The firft hadbin a Lay-man and a Courtier, all his life, till a year before theCouncil called, and (as he confeft of himfelf ) never 'intended'matter of Religion till a year before: and for John, weneedno other wit- nets for him, but the Teftimony of the Patriarch of Antioch, who fent him to the Council, which was, that he was a good devout man, but of no great learning. Thë like may be faid of Theodofius and Conftantine, who ruled the Council : and it maybe truly averred, that in any one Council, there were never fuch a fort of Pim- ple men, in refpedof their gifts, nor more evil difpofedin regard of their boldnefs and attempts, prefuming above theirgifts. There is not in all Durand's Rationale Scripture worfe alledged, nor morefabulous narrations in the Legend, than in this fecondCouncil of Nice ; There maybe gathered our of it, Ten abfurdconclufions: and that which maketh up all, there were in it fuch errours, as they themfelves ouldnotdefend. Inthe fifthAnion thereis this conclufion, that Angels have bo- dily fubftances : and in another, that Chrift was born in theFive thoufand andfirli y ear of the World : in another, that Honorius the Pope wasa Monothelite, and therefore anAnathema denounced againft him ; for which the Romanifts cry out, that the Council was corruptin all thofe places. Laftly, the Council is ranker on their fide, and fayes more than they would. Nonfont dux adorationes,fed una d- eadem : adoraturprototypes & Idolum, the adorations of Images, and prototypes arenot two,but. oneadoration. And a worfe then this, Mein Imaginibus honor debe- tor, qui & bearsTrinitati, the fame honour is due to. Images, as is to thebleffed Trinity. It is true thewords of the Council, arefo recited in capitulam Caroli magni, lib. 3.. addition r4. cap. 17. and that the Synods-of Frankford andParis, thereupon condemned that opini- CounáÌ t nd on, and that juftly, if theyha - held it : but it is as true, that they were deceived by a k falfeTranflationof the Ails of the fecond Nicene C'ouncid' into Latin, wherein the words werefo reared, whenas indeed the wordsare,.as appears in the Greed',, Acliotie tertia Synodi fufcipiens & cum honore ampledans fandas & venerabiles imagi- nes : adorationemvero (atriw, foli fuperftantiali ac vivificæTrinitati defero, which words are direílly contrary to u hat was chargedupon them by thofe Synods, Now what may be faid on our parts, is this. FUR, n- tins Lampridius, a Heathen-Hiftorian Reports, that the Emperour Adrian in his affection tothe Chriftians, built a Temple-- for them, (according to themanner of the Roman Temples) which was bare, without Ornaments,' having a Roof todefend them from the injury of the Weather only; which not with- flanding was afterwarddenyed to them by the Senate, and grew into loch contempt to vita ddtian, among theHeathen; that thereof arofe a Proverb among them, that if any of the Gentiles built a bate Temple, it was called TemplumAdtietni, Adrian{ Temple, be caufe it was inoràate. a. Concerning the Fathers, youmayhear their opinions., And fiftt, /renews Both latterly difallow the Imagesof Chrift, and theApóftlés which Carpocrar, and the lib.r. e. 23,2 a. Gnofliques laid they had from Pilate. S. Clemens Alexandrinets, in his Paranefi goethfat,kér, . (--if not'tbó far) Nabir sestitum eftfallacemhoneartempingendi exercere. He is fb far frorriVI firing images, that he would have thelawful ufe of the Art of Painting utterly taken away ; For hisopihion he alledgeth this Commandment : but doth not well topreis it againtt the lawful ufe of Painting. C c A 3. Tertul-