2o4 C0111.2. Tefimonierabout Images, Chap. 3, 3. Tertullian faith, Nos adoramos, oculis in Ccelumfublatis, non ad imagines & pifturäs intentis; we adore with our eyes fixt on I3eaven, not bent upon Images and Piftures. Origen celfus nobisobjicit, quad non habemas altaria, & Imagines, profatemur, Celfuaobjets again(} us ; thatwe have neither Altars nor Images, and we confefs we have not. p.. Arnobius, Objicisnobis Imagines, quidLe, nifi viii ma fabrorum opera ? Thou objeeleft againft us Images, and what are they, butthe molt bale work of Artifi- cers ? efpecially thus abu fed. 6. Laflantius, Non e l dubium, quin Religio nullafit, ,obi ilima/aerate; eft. It is with- out doubt, that where Imagesare, there is no Religion. .7. Eufebius in a Panegyrickto Railings, and an Epiftle to Conftanria the Em- prefs, fets down in the fecondEphefsne Council; That fhe muff now require no Image of Chrift, as he is Man, becaufe now as he is Man, his glory is much more than when he was in the Mount ; and yet there the Apoftles were not able to be- hold him, much lefs then, can his glory, as he is now, be .expreffed. And therefore, Can. 3. the Fathers in the firft Ephefine Council, pronounce, Anathema fir qui Chriflum ullo modo dividir, let himbe accurfed that divides Chrift; Now if they give unto Chrift De morib. Ec. an Image as he is Man, andnot as he is God, theydivide him, and as St. Amp/tine ihf enp. 31. 'faith, omnino errare meruerunr,qui Chriflum non in divinescodieibos, fed in piftis pari- etibusquorivoluerunt, they deferveto err,that will Peek Christ, not in books di- vinely infpired, but on painted Walls, .Arn;rof. de ft- 8. Ambrofe, Nefcit Ecclefia noflra inanes Ideae, & vansfämulachorum figurar, tnf cub cnp.3 our Church knows no vain (napes or figures of Images. 9. Jerame, Nos unamtantamveneramuri3nagtnem,fefam nempe Chrifum, qui eft Hieron in Imago Dei Parris, weW rfhip one ouely.Image, )efusChrift, who is the Imageof g .1,5;,f;r;,. his Father; and hereupon it is, that Erafetus faith, thattill Jerome was dead, there calech, 6, 6, ,was no Imagesreceived. inArafat. i o. Epiphan, is an.Authour that they cannot abide, becaufe in an Epiftle of his in "Le"' to john Bifhopof ,yerufa /em, he faith,that coming intoaTemple that hadán .Image, E}nia. he rent the Vail, andpulled down the Image,Arming that it was againft S r u e . p g g g" .. e flak. r. . I r. Augufline being told as it feemeth ( by the Alanichees) thatfome Çhriftiatìs Augcíiin do began to Worfhip Images; anfwers, Navi in Ecclefiangtra efe aderatcres lmaostnim, C7 Sepulchrorum, fed ifti profefonisfaxvim nefciunt, &c. I know there are fome in c°p. 35 our Church, that Worfhip Images and Sepulchres, but thefe men know not;the rnp' rc. f force their el fpeaking o' de col' f id Chriftwrotecertin books of Magickwhenhe inEgypt,, fah,Src E. nng, enim erraremtruerunt, 05-c. as before is mentioned. A free ( when the firft Fivehundred yearswere expired) there was fome better hold for them, but Yet there were gain- Payers; Cerenus the Bifhop oppofed them. In the fixth and fcventh Centuries were the nacrd,oeo,, Champions about Idols, Combatants both for and againft them, and aboutanno,Soo. They got fore footing, fed". but were not generally received, tillthe fecond Nicene Council ; for Claudius Bi- 7h.opb. Thep of 7àurinum floodagainft them, Paying, Amplexifont Idolatriam permutatam, that the-Chriftians embraced the fame Idolatrywith the,Gentil s, but only that it waschanged fomewhae inname. But in thefe times Cerlftanrius, Copronyrus, Leo km 727. the Fourth, and Philipp'icus the Empereurs, fet themfelves againftthem ; fo that this Worfhipping of ltnges, had entrance about thefe times, but nevergot found footing till the fecond Council of Nice. But we have divers Councils for us, ThefecondEphefine, and thofe at Confanti äpt,f. Co,;tnn nople, tinder Leo the r. and Conflantine the z. At El,beriswhere Ofois ;wgs,Prefi- E1;ber. dent, in which was one Canon, Placuit pifiaras in Ecclefia effe non debenerne quad colitsr ant gdoratur, in parietibus depingatur,,,that pic`tures, ought not to ;heJ in the Church, nor any thing b painted on theWalÌs, left it be Worfhipped oráfloted; Can. 36, r s, thelike at Carthage the-5 . at which Augufl was prefent. And laftlyat Fragtfrg'rt Caothag. 5. under Charley thegreat, the Emperour. So much for the controverfie of Images, now for our Kkles, i'o.r y CHAP: