Chap, 4. The SuMance of Gods T/T/or1>ip. Com,2. 2,o5 C H A P. IV. The five Rulesof extentfor expounding this commzndment. Of the affirmativepart of it. InGod's outward Worfhip are two things, 1. Tne fubffance, 2. The ceremony. Thefirfl confifis of 1. Preaching. Addition tg. How Preachingis a part of God's Worfhip. z. Prayer. 3, Sacraments. Addition 16. The Euchariff confadered as a Sacrament anda Sacrifice. 4. Difcipline. THe firft rule is, That not only thatwhich is here exprefied is forbidden, but all .µcyivea, thingsof the fame nature, and kind aifo; as our own inventions, neglet`ting what God commands,or being contrary thereto. Sr Jerome faith, God r2 Amot 5. faith well, Oaafecerunt fbi, non quafecit Deus, that which they themfelves, andnot God made ; They received them not of God, but they were forgers of them thenrfelves. And the rule of the Fathers is, Idola Ethnicorumexceperunt herefes Chri(fianorum, the herefies of Chriftians,which changed and innovated the out- ward Worfhip of God, fucceeded, or came in upon the Idols of the Pagans, meaningthe external Worfhip of the Hereticks. 2. The fecond rule reachesufgaae adcar, look to the fountaithe heart, that that be not infeEted ; the fancy mull be reftrained, the conceits that rife in the brain, concerning God's fubftance, unreverently attributing to it, a bodily fhape, as Sera- pion the Monk did, Religuorumpraceptorum concupifcentia ffienda in cords, hujees vero fecondi incerebro, the lulls that break the other commandments, are to be ftopt and fuppreR in the heart, but thefe in the brain. 3. The third rule is, that the means which bring in falfe Worfhip are here for- bidden, and they are four, whereof wehave fpoken formerly. 4. The fourth rule isabout the liges, for if it be true, as the Apoflle bath it, Jude 23. that we mull hate even the Garments that are fpotted by Idols; no queftion but we mutt do the like to thePilfers whereon they Rand, which are defiled as well as the Dcur. 16. 22; Garment, for God commanded that there benot fo much as TIDY0 the piller, Balls or ftatue raifed for them. And in another paceGod protefleth, that the Silver and Dent. 7.25. Gold, the materials whereof they are made, are abomination to him, and there- fore commandeth them, to burn them; loll they be fnared with them. Nor mutt any 16, 21 Groves be planted, whereby they might have occafion to let them up, for not only they, but even the high places whereon they were planted, were abominable; and therefore it is, thatthrough the Rory of the Kings , it is laid as an imputation to them, that they digged not down the high places, though they had taken away the Idols So that chofe thingswhich feem good of themfelves, are condemned, becaufe they had force femblance, or Phew of fimbolizing. with the heathen Ido- laters : Therefore are we to have no conceits of our own tending that way, and though there might be agood intent in faving the bed Sheep and Oxen ; yet be- a gam. 6. 6. cau'e itcame within the compafs of facis tibe, whenGod had exprefly forbidden it, 15.21. therefore God abhors it. 5. We arenot only commanded not to ufe Images, tó" the difhonour of God our felves, but to do our bell to hinderothers too; not to (leál them as Rachel did ( for that means is not commendable) but to deprive others of them by all lawful Gen 31. ,9. means, as Jacob did with the Idols among his own houfhold, which he took and buried under an Oak, Gen. 34..1. Had not the Altar which the two Tribes and a half ere(led, been only fora Telfimonyand remembrance to the Lord, but for Sa- crifice, the other Tribes would have demolifhed it, or elfe ankh blood would have Joe. 22.26, been flied about it; and thus much for the Negative part of the commandment 27. whatwe are prohibited, now for the Affirmative part of God's: outward Wotfftip what wcare commanded. Of the affirmative pint of this Commandment. And this is in few words fetdown by the Apoftle, all things muff be-done ac Heb. 8.5. cording to the pattern (hewed in the Mount in God's outward Worfhip ; now as Num.12, 7. Mopshad this commendation from God'hímfelf, that' he was faithfulin every point to follow his pattern, fo hath Chrill alTo thelike commendation, Chrill is faid geb. 3:2. to