Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

2,06 Chap. 4. heSubiance of GodsVi'otf'ip. Com.2. eQ 3 22 to be, as faithful asMofes, and thereforehis pattern is tobe as precifely followed 7 by us. St. Peter in his Sermon to the people, that came to fee a Cripple cured, and Deut. 58. 115. St. Stephen in his Apology for hitnftlf, being accufed of Blafphcrny ; quote the 12. 32. Prophefie of Mofes, concerning Chrift : AProphet Mall the Lord thy God- raife unto thee, from the midfaof thee of thy Brethren like to me, unto him ye fhall Jet. 2. P. hearken. And therefore whatfoever he fhall command us; we mutt obferve todo veut..5. 3, 2. it, not alter or change any thing of it, not leaveany part undone, that is, of what hehath exprefly appointed ; but in fuch things as hehath left to the liberty of his Church, being guided by his fpirit, and enabled by his Authority, in fuch things which tend to the better obfervanceof his Ordinances, and are no way contrary thereto, or corruptive of them, to obey his Church, is to obey him, Luke r o. In the external Worfhip of God, we are to confider two things. r. The Sub. I Per 3. 59, Rance. z. The Ceremony. so' . The fubfiance confifts of four parts. r. Preaching. z. Prayer. 3. Sacraments. Addition 15 Difci hné. Whether preaching be 4 J. ForPreaching, It is a fubftantial and effential partof God'sWorfhip. properly parr of Preaching is a Dirtyof . perpetual neceffty Under the Gofpel, and may in ageneral God, wo,ß,p. fenfe be ffyleda part of Gods Worfhip, its reading the Scriptures, Catechizing, andother wayes of Inftruilionmay ; becaufe by publickdeclaring God's Will, and fetting forth his excellent Nature, withhisgreat works sand benefits to us, as motives of' Obedience, fame publickhonour redounds to God; and therefore the Cafuifts refer Preaching to the dutyof publickpraifing, or lauding God, which is properlya part of God's Worfhip,as Reginald. prax. lib. r 8. trait. z. cap. r 9. So Fileucius andothers ; but in aftriet and properfenfe, it is not part of 6 od's Worfhip, asPrayer, and Praifes are, for the imme- diate Objetl of thej e is God, and their immediate end is Gods honour ; but the immedi- ateObjeft of Preaching, are the men to whomwe Preach, and their I firuition how to worfhip findferve God, is the immediate and proper ind of Preaching ; and fo thefe differ, as the means and the end. Preaching is of great Antiquity, He Preached to theSpirits that are in Prifon. Dem. 31.13. I. Before theLaw, Noah was a Preacher. z. Under the Law,Mofesenjoyned the 'Priefts to gather the people together, Men and Women,tohear and learn, &c. And A. r5. Is. St. arnes tells us,that Mofes had in every City,them thatPreached everySabbath- . 33.1, to. day ; and . the Prieft's Officewas, to teach, to burn Incenfe, and to offer Sacrifice. Er5. fit. . 3. In the timeof the Prophets,Efay fpeakethof preaching good Tydings,& the Jot. 3.2. Prophet yonah was lent to Preach to Ninìve. And the Prophet David profeffed,that Pal. 4° 5, he hadPreached the Righteoufnefs of God in the great Congregation; his Son Solomon, alfo was entituled by the name Preacher. Nth, 8 . 20. 4. This continued to the time of the fecondTemple; Ezra hood upon a Pulpit Luc. 8. of Wood, and preached to the people. s. In Chrift's time, he not only Preached Mar. 16.1;, himfelf, but gave a Commiflionto his Difciples to Preach to all the World, which 20. they did every where, as it is in the end of St. Mark's Gofpel. Sr. Philip Preach- Att. 8.35. ed to the Eunuch ; and St. Paul not only Preached, as you may fee in divers places, 20. 3. but makes it an Ordinance of God, to fave them that believe : So that this we fee, r Cor. I. 21, bath been a fubhantial partof Gods externalWotfhip in all ages. 2." For prayer, orinvocation, whichthe Prophetcalls vitulor labiorttm, the calves Hof. 14.2. of our lips, it conchsof two parts t. Petition. á. Thankfgiving, and this hath beenof great Antiquity alfm r. Before the Flood, many r oo years, there is men- Gen. 4. 26. tion made of invocation of the name of yehovah, which Time learnedmen rifer to 20.17. 24.12. publickformsof VVor/hip ör Liturgies then ufeá, Drufrus. 2. After the Flood, Exo. Num$.12 Abraham prayed for:Abimelech, and .Abraham'sfervant, for his good fuccefs.Aaron o. 6.24, &c. 35 & Mofes prayed for Phdroah. 3. When the Church was gathered together, the Ark a Kin. 8.22. nor the Army never removed or floodRill, without prayer. There's a let-form of Eta. 56.7 blelfrng'thepeople by the Prieft, with invocation, fet down in the fame bookof Mat. '111: r3' Numbers. s olomonat the Dedication of the Temple, ufed a prayer ; and therefore Luc. 2. the Church is called the houfe of prayer, by the prophet, which place our Saviour cited,when he drove the buyers & fellers out of theTemple. Laffly,.we have a fet- form of prayercompofed by our Saviour, upon the petitionof the Difciples Gen. 24.27: z: The other Thánkfgiving,we fee it ufedalto, before the Flood, by Abraham's peat; ;t. :9, fervant, when he hád'finifhed his bufinefs fuccefsfully; and we find this Duty cotn-