Cain. t, The Subgance of Gods VVorfbip Chap. 2: Zo7 commanded byGod himfelf; afterwards Mofes had a fet-form of Thankfgivitig Exo after thedeliverance of the people from the Egyptians. AndKing David in manyKahn. 9x. places commends this part of prayer highly, and penned a fet-formóf kin aPfatni, a Chr.6.4, which heentituleth, a Pfalm or Song forthe Sabbath day. Solomon his Son in the 3.6. time of thefirft Temple prae3ized it, and fodid the people, Wingoneof sing Da- ñ ai3. sto vid's Pfaims ;:the burdenwhereof ( as we may fo fpeak ) was, far his mercy endareth Luc. ró. s s for ever. Ezra alto ufed it, after thebuilding of the fecondTemple, together with mat. a6. ;o. the Priefts and people ; So did our Saviour, I thank thee O Father, 6--c. In the Rom.7. 25. tiwe of theGofpel they fling a Pfalm. Larily, -it was not onlypraelized by the Ep r. aX94° Apoftle, asyou may fee in many places, I shank God through Jefus Christ, and pill. 4.6. thanks be to God, &c. but commendedby him toothers, fpeak to your felves in Heb. à3. r5. Pfalmsand Hymns, &c. as unto the Philippians : where he joyns both parts of this duty in one verfe, in every thing by prayer and fupplication, with thankfgiving let your requeft be made known to God ; And ( to omit many others ) in the Epiftlé to theHebrews, giving thanks, is called the Sacrifice of praife. 3 . As the Word is Gods Speech to us, and Invocationoúr§ to him, fo the Sacra- Sacramentsa mentsare the Covenants between God and us. Such arethe Type of Circnmcifion, ins ead whereof Baptifm fucceeded ; and the Type of the Paffeover , inftead whereof we have the Lords Supper. And thefe twoonly we receiveas Sacrament§ generallyneceffarily for all. But fdr our juflifiëation in this point, St.Augxftine faith upon thewords of St. yohn, citedoutof the inititution of the.Paffeover [Abone of Exo12346. hiaajhall not be broken J anus emiliribxs, &c. A Souldier with ,a Spear peirced his I. de Catactilm fide, and forthwith cameout of it Waterand Blood, which are the two Sacraments e 4. of the Church our Mother. And in another place,QadamFaucet pro muftis, &c. The 1.3. de de& Lord, and Apoftolical Doelrine, path left to usa fewinRead of many ; and thofe ChriJtcana. eafie to bekept, moltexcellent to the understanding, and moft pious to be obferved, 9á theSacrament of Baptifm, and the celebration of the Bodyand Blood of the Lord. r. The firft, Baptifm is fo neceffary a Badg for a Chriftian, that he cannot be John ;. 5 without it. St. Asp./line faith, fir accipiendum eft, &c. That which the Apoftte faith, In Eph r. ts, is thus tobe underftood ; that by the Lavacre of Regeneration, and the word of SanEtification, all former fins of the Regenerate are cleanfed and healed, and not 1. r.'de naptüt only all fins are rimitted in Baptifm, but thole alfo which are afterward cöntrafted cat ti by humane igr trance and infirmity: and inanotherplace, Dimittirar eisregenerati- aree fpiritali quad traxerunt ( atfepedixi) ex adami generation carnali. By this fpiritualRegeneration (as I have often Paid) whatfoever they have drawn front. Adams carnal Generation, is forgiven them. And this Sacrament, is afervice of faith ; for though Children Baptized cannot be properlyPaid to believe of themfelves, by reafon of their Minority: yet are they believers by theirfide jufferes, or Godfathers, and Godmothers, and Parents, who prefent them, and delire tohavethem Baptized in the faith of Chrift, and re= ceived into the Church : as were theyews Children by Circumeifion; Inter creden.. res( faith St. Augufiiree) igitar populos Baptizatos numerabis, nec judicare aliter Idle de verbis eipe; mode atedebis, ftnon vis effe apertus hareticat. Thou art to repute little Children, that Italical cont. are Chriftenedamong believers, nor muft.thou dare to judge otherwife, if thou Peksg. t. 14o wilt not be anopenHeretick. And in the fame place, Abfir lit dicam, non credences infantes, &c. God forbid, that I íhould call Infants unbelievers, I have difputed it before. They believed by another, and offended by another, It is faid, they be- lieve, and it is enough to make them of the numberof thefaithful that are Bap- tized; This hath the Authority of the Church, and the Cation founded upon the truth obtained. z. The other, theLords Supper, is a fubftantial part of our fervice too; for in it is a whole Oblationof our (elves, Souls and Bodies,to be a reafonable, holy, and lively Sacrifice to God, asWe Acknowledge in our Liturgy. In it we acknowledge; confefs, bewail, and repent us of our fins, which coft our Saviour his Mott precious blood, to make Atonement for them ; and in it we profefs, that we are is love with God and our Dleighbours, which is the fulfillingof the Law. Get. 5. 14. Herein is a Commemoration of that Sacrifice which Chrift ofered foras upon the Crofs,ìn which refpeff it maybe calleda Sacrifice;for as oarReverendAsthoar elfewhere Addition fpeak:, theEacharift ever n'as, andby us is confideredbed; as is Sacrament and a Sacri- thh thetatt whethereSe. lice. tr¡fiee: 4