zc8 Chap, 4. The Sugiance of Gods ViVor/hip. Cofn. 2. fire. ASacrifice is onlyproper and applyable to Divine VPorfhip, &c. In a_ word ire hold withSt. Auguftine de civit. lib. 17. Chap. zo. Hujus facrificii caro & languis anteadventum Chrifli per viftimás fimilitudine promittebatur, in paflione Chriftj per ipfamveritatem reddebatur, port adventum Christi per Sacramentum memoriæ celebratur. Anfwerro Card. Perron. p. 6, 7, P "al, 16, r And laftly,by it we offer amolt acceptableSacrifice,and fervice to God,ofthankf- giving(this Sacrament beingcalled Euchariflia, which lignifies fo much) forbellow- ingfo great a bleffingupon us, wherebyevery faithful Communicant is flrengthned in the faith of Chrift. Therefore,Accedensdebet effe plenos Sandlitate;he that comes to it, ought to beas holy as he may, for all our fervices to God are to be done in purity ( which is true internal Worfhip ) and with decency ( which is external Pfal. 9;. 5. and both thefe make that compleatholinefs, which becorneth Gods Houle. 4. TheTaff part of thefubftancein theexternal Worfhip of God is Difcipline; Dfrfpfne. by which men are regulated in the fearand fervice of God. This we find comman- ded,-Mar. 18. 1 g, s6.&c.,yohn zo. 22. Executed extraordinarily, .Al. g.4. By St. Peter, ordinarily, r Car. i. 3. By St.Panl, and Rules fet down for the ordering of it, r Tim: 5. It is as Barnard faith,theYoke to keep uswithin the bounds ofOrder,and is Cant. (as Cyprian)Cu(losfpei, & retinaculumfidei,a preferver of Hope, and flayof Faith. de d f ;pr St.Auguftinealirms,that it brings delinquents to repentance,whereby they recover that, which theyhad loft, by tranfgreffion. For it is fure enough, that the Church of Godbath in it of all forts. Strongand weak, good, and bad. Corn, and chalfe, mat. 3. veffels of Gold, and Silver, of wood, and earth, and therefore hath need of fpme o Tim s. an. thing to cleanfe the floor, and to fever the Corn from Tares, and to prune bad rue- tors from the Vine And this the Church doth by Difcipline and Cenfure, whichall that live within the Church Inuit either willingly fubmit to, or elfe be forced to d eirept. 67 Obedience. .Lticungi Dei precepts jamfibi noes nonfacit, & corripi mn volt, toison g.a' c 3. propterea çorripaendm eft, goia corripi nonvult. Saith Augu/fine. He that knoweth the will of Godand doth it not, nor will fubmit to correftion, is to becorrefted .even for that, becaufe he refufeth correction But there are a fort of people ( and ever bath bin ) that cry out againft Difcipline, as a Tyrannical burden impofed up- serm. 238.de on the Confcience Saint Augufline tellsof fuch as thefe which were in his time. Tempt. Multi font qui fans dal-irons sdver,fantur, juftiriam culpan, & difciplinam imperium effe judicanr,&c. There are many that oppofe founddoftrine, find fault with jultice, and accountdifcipline, as a thing imperious, and afcribe moderate correction, to anaft of pride.: whereas there canbenothing imperious, but that which is com- manded unjuftly, norcan any thing bemore properly termed Pride, then the con- tempt of difcipline.. mar. 1P. r,. But howfoever we efleem of it, it is neither unjuft, nor new. We find it corm. r Cot. s 5. ; manded by our Saviour, Dico, Ecclefia,Tell it to the Church. And Saint Paul gave .order to deliver the inceftuous perfon to Satan, that his fpirit might be faxed : which 2 Cor. 10 6. is the true endof Difcipline. And in diversother places, he gives order, for care Thett.5. 54. to be had, that Difcipline fall not to the ground. Be ready to revenge all Difobe- r Tim. 5.20. dience : andCorripite inquietos. Warn or rebuke the unruly. To Timothyhe pre- deCiv. dei, 1. fcribes many rules concerning it, and among them, Them that fin, rebuke before all, 19 e. 16, that othersalfo may fear. Whereupon. Saint Auguftine faith, fin molt bepunilhed, mall in that the party punilhed may be thereby amended, or elfe that others thereby may Dear. c 39. be terrified from offending in the like manner. And upon Saint Paul's words [put that wicked perfon from among you 1 he faith, Ex quo appare, ut qui aliquid tale eommifü, excommunication dignue fat. Hoc enimnone agit Ecclefia in excommianicatio- ne, quod agebat' in veteri Teflamento interfeilione. The Church Both now that by defide df oper Excommunication, which the Church in the oldTeflament did, by putting to death. And therefore to conclude this point, Difcipline .Ecclefia dormirenon dcber, the Dif' cipline of the Church ought not tosleep. CHAP. V.