COln,2,. Of CerenzonierinGorls'IForfhip. Char, 5° 299 CHAP.V.. Of Ceremonocs inGods bY'orfbip: The ufe;òf.them. g. Cautions to be obferved about them. Themeans of preferving Gods LVmftísp. ,The fagns, ,lddition 17Concerning "Cufi'arns and Traditions of the Church. 'The 6; Rule of;caufingothers to -kZ,eepttiis Commandment..' He fecond general, confiderable in the external. Worfhip of God,are Cere- monies ( not Jewifh,but Chriflían ) whichhowfoever they are (by fome that either well weigh them not; or by others, potfeffedwith a fpirit of oppofition ) ac- counted Antichrifiian,and repugnant to the Word of God, and therefore to be a_ bolifhed out of the Church : yet in the judgment ofmoderate and well affefled men, nay ofall men that arc not fowredwith the leavenoffchifm or Herefy they are repu- ted no finali partof this external duty, for they which are the ancient Rory of the Church cannot but confers, that in all agesbefore Popery had its birth, and in all places, where chridianity was profert,fome ceremonieshave ever bin praflifed as lawful and neceffary; nor was there at any time any Religion ever praftifed in the Worldwithout"fome ceremonies, nay,the moil feemingly reformed Seftaries them- felves cannot but ufe force ceremonies in the praclife of their Religion, and there- fore of their own Fraternity, the wifeft fort have acknowledged. That they are neceffarily to beobferved, asconducing to the advancing of the true Worfhip of God Ceremonia ( faith one ) pertinent ad Dei cultura, argue neceffe (Ad-fine per- fona d.flinata inEcclefta, quo Magiflri vel Mini(iri potiusfiat Ceremoniartem, &eas exerceant in Ecclefia,fecundum Domini inftituia; Ceremoniesbelong to the Wor- fhip of God, and it is very neceffary, that there fhould be forceperfons in the Church, appointed to beMailers, or Miniflers rather of Ceremonies, to ufe them in the Church according to the Lords Inflitution : andheclofeth with a goodreafon, 7Jt norint cultores Des, qualem Deo cultum exhibeant, that the Worlhippers of God may knowwhat manner of Worfhip toexhibit tohim. For the Fathers,take the judgment of St. Auguf}ine for the ref}, Niella.Difciplinn in his ell meliorgravi prudentiq; Chriftiano, pans est eo modo agar, quoagere videat Eccleflaw adquameunq; forte devenerit : quadenim negase contra adem, ne ue contra Ad, inq. p bonos mores injungitur, indiferentor cfi habendum l f lib. s. cap: z, , C' pro eorum inter guar vsviturfocie- fate fervandum : there is no better diree ion in thefe things ( viz. Ceremonies ) toa fober and wife Chriflian, than to obferve them in that manner, which he fees the Church wherein he lives to keep them : for whatfoever is enjoyned, fo it be neither againfl faith nor good manners, it is tobe held as a thing indifferent, and to be obferved in regard of the fociety of thofe among whomwe live. And this is a 'good way to follow theApofilcs. Counfel, to keep the 'Unity of the Spirit in the EPl'4. 3° bond of Peace, You (hall hear the fame Fathers cenfure againfl them that are re- frae ory in this point. In iis rebus de quibus nihilfiatait divina Scripture, mos populi Ad Cafelan. Dei, conflituta majorum tenendaPunt. Etficut pravaricatores divinarum legum, ita contemptores Ecclefiaficarum confaetudinurn coercendiflint ; In thofe things of which the holy Scripturepath determined nothing, the cuflome of Gods People, and the Conflitutions of the ancient are to be obferved : and the contemners of Ecclefia- (Heal Cuflomes are no lefs to be reduced toConformity, than they which offend againfi Gods Laws. And withal], there is no doubt, but thefe Ceremonies be changed and varied ac- cording to the Diveruity and alteration of times, and Nations, and other Circum- fiances. St. Aug. faith in defence of this point, Non itaque veram efl quad dicitssr, Ad Marcellin. Semel cede fawns ntillatenus eff rnutandum : mutata quippe teenporis raufa, &c. that 5. is not then true, which is faid: A thing oncewell Efiablifhed, may not by any means bealtered, for as time, fo true reafon maycall for an alteration: and where- as they fay it cannot be well done tochange it : fo truth may fay, itcannot be well fometimes, if it be not altered : becaufe both may well (land together, andbe right, if upon alteration of time, they diffci. Yet in Ceremonies "there are thefe Forr Rules or cautions to be obferved. Del r, That