Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

tto Chap. 5. Of . Ceremonies in Gocl.r tf'orib,p. Cotir. Z; I. That they be nòt over many, and that thofe enjoyned, be-needful, according to the timeand place whereinwe live, according to the Apoftles.example, who enjoyned few things to thofe believingGentiles. Airs z 5. 28, 29. 2. That the Ceremonies enjoyned be for edification, and not dettruftive to that Cor 14.26. which the fubítance builds& fets up. "And this is the Apofiles ceunfel. Let all things Gat. a. t8. be done to edifying. For a defkroyer(according to this rule) is a tranfgteiTour. And I Cor. 4.4. in this refpeét it is, that thefame Apoftle prohibits prayer in anunknown tongue. 3. That they befuch, as conduce to order : to which all thingsmuft be Ignored 40. according to order, ( as the fame Apoftle) elfe there will be confufion 33 in the Church, andGrid is not the Authour of Confufion. 4: "Laftly, iuFiows. that they be for decency. Theymuff be fuch as make for the decent fervice of God. And therefore it is, that the Apofllc inveighed again(t co- . Cor. IT 4. veringof the head and face ti religious exercifes. It was an uncomelÿ and unde- cent thing for Menvibe covered, or Womenuncovered in the.. Church Themyths. Now the means (according to our former rules ) to obferve thofe things is. r. according to the Apostles direction, to keep the Depofirum fafe, which God him- felf tells, what it is, Retentis verbi, the keeping'of the word, which is,volumen t Tim. 6.2o. utriufq;federis, thevolumn of both Covenhnts. This book fhall not depart from Gal 4 2q thee ( whichnow among force is thruit out, and the Legend and other things , ob- truded in the room of it. ) Andthis, as it mutt be kept tale,fo finccrely and purely, jof t 8. without fpót, it muff not be corrupted ; for a little leaven fòwreth the whole lump, as he fpeaketh elfewhere : and Naedanzen tells us, that a little Wormwood a Tim. 6. t4. marrs a whole barrel of Honey. TheAltar that Vriahdevifed, got fo neer to the Lords Altar, that in the end itgot the upper handof it Phyfitians fay, that h.- gros 2 Cor. 2.17, fans immifcere initio morbi eft, it is the way to breed Difeafes 'to mingle the fiele with 'the found. Therefore, that formof outward worfhip is to be kept, which ¡Cor. 5. 6. hath no repugnancy with Gods word, and bath that decency in it ( which St. Paul 2. Reg. 6, 4. and before-) whichmay exprefs our inward affeC`tion, and be futable to the true reverend woríhip of God. The fight. The fignsof true weirfhipare evident, When that which is injoyned concerning it, is either groundedupon Dillum yehoves, as the Prophets ufually pronounced their Mai, 22. 32. Injunctions, The weird of the Lord : or as Chrift proved the Refurre(tion by a Syliogifine,or inferenceout of Scripture : or .od accepi a Domino, what I have t Cor. ii. 23. received of the Lord( asthe Apoftle,) or laftly, by Authority of the Church in things indifferent tending to decency, andnot repugnant to the Word. . Addition 17. To keep clofe to the antiant prat-tile of the Church, is the ditty of all Chriflians, and concerning what floe loath fucceffvely delivered to acs, being not repugnant to Scripture, ought to colonies and be reverently receivedby atria Sons of the Church. St. Paul requires the Theffalonians traditions of to obey what he had taught o' delivered them by word,' or by Epifile,' on whichplaco the Church. S, Chryfoftemfaith,that it is manifefl,the Apoflle did net deliver all h iattoañs,zud nnti et rj iiygatwf, by writting,bvt force things without writing,& he adder lµskis l ì oei 1.% 4 ?ours irn, igit,o aîa.,that the one is to be believedas well as the other, 417E d atee401,r 7Ì1f ianoac iaf. iedru 7ofr I)aidta e. -irioe how is, maa il,'uhip ím,, therefore we efteem the Tradition of the Church worthy of belief: is there a Tradition ? feek no further : andof filch things which have beengenerally receivedby the Church, andof whichnooriginal carsiïefound,andwhich have the Teflimonyof pious and prudent men of Authority inahe Church, that they were delivered by the 4poflles, there ought little doubt to be made,becaufe there can be nogreater proof given, or reafonably defired in filch things,for of fach we mayfay withSt. Augustine, Quod invenerunt in Ecclefia, tenuerunt; quod didifcerunt, docuerunt; quod a patribus acceperunt, hoc filiis tradiderunt; what theyfoundin the Church, they bept; what they learned, that they taught ; what they receivedfrom their Fathers, that theydelivered to their Sons. And thoughall matters doltrinal,of neceffty to Salvationfor all are written, yet other mat- ters concerning Government, and external Rites andForms, arementioned only occafîo- natty, nor were needful to be written, becaufe they it ere vifible to every eye in the daily prat-lice of the Church. Thefe are the true figns. The fixth Ruleconcerns. r. The M4Ìgiftrate, They which are in Authority mul} enjoyn that which is true and lawful, and abolifh that which is falfe and ungodly. ¡visfoc