Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coma. Againft reverence to, or before Images. Chàp.6. a í i Motes took the Calf, burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder , and Hezekiah brake the brazen Serpent. 2. The private perfons duty (is not topull down) but not 2 Reg. te.4. to worfhip Images : as it is in the Law, and in the practice of the three Children , Exod.a;.i4. though we may not without authority break them down, yet we may refufe to wor. Daniel 33 n. (hip them. CHAP. VI.' Of the manner of outward Worfhip, no reverence nor worfhip to be performed toImages, a. The DiStinition of tatleda and J'o'.a examined. 2. That evafson, that not the Image, but Coed by the Image is worfhipped, taken away. 3. That they are La.y. mens books, examined. 4. 'That Images are to put us in mindof the Saints, exami- ned. Addition 20. About Images and Piöluresfor memories fake. Of the manner of the outward worfhip ofGod: THe fecondpart of the Precept follows, which direéfs us bowwe. mule Eland affe- iced in this outward Worfhipof God. Wonprofernes te, &e. Thou (halt not Parsfecund bow down to them, erc. In which words are prohibited. z. Falling, or bowing Negative parr, down. 2. Worfhiping them ; or ( as fome tranflation ) ferving them. The firft of thrfe, Profilration is bowing the knees, orbending the heador body, in reverence or honour to any thing. And the fecond Worfhiping is, to offer fervice to a thing in the wayof Religion. Neither of thrfe ought to be done to an Idol, to rob God of the leali part ofhis Glory and Honour. There (hall be no {fringe God in thee (faith the Pfalmift) neither (halt thou worfhip any ftrange God. Pram 82.9. So that whereas force might fayconcerning the words, Non facie:, Thou (halt nor make. I am out of danger and compafs of this prohibition, for I make none ; here the words reach further andtell him, he muff not worfhip them, though made byo- thers ; foras a Father anfwereth, Age, nonfacia, alias fait, egofallum reperió, &c. Well,fay I make none,others make them, I find them made : as the Children of Dan, that fa up the graven Image that Micha had made : and yeroboam and Nebuchad. ne4ear, we mayconceive, made not thole which they let up : Well, faith he, how- Judg.18.31; foever, and by whomfoever they were made,as thou hadfl no hand in the making; rseg.r2. fo thou (halt have as little in the worfhipping of them. Non adorabis sreque coles,thou Dan.3a8. (halt not worfhip them that others make. Now, as before, he ufed the two words Pefel and Temuoah, a. That no graven Image fhould be made , a. and then no mannerof likenefs whatfoever, fo here be two words anfwerable to them r11rU'yDri and -my Tifhtacavoh and Gnabhod , z. There muff be no bowing down to them, a. no manner ofworfhipping or ferving them, ofpurpofe to exclude all diffin&ions. The firít bowing, was the ufual man= ner in old time of worfhipping. Abraham ran to meet the three men from theTent Gm.a.2, door, and bowed himfelf toward the ground : then from the Jjrecies,adorabis, he rifes to the general, coles,or fernier, to keep out all manner of worfhip whatfoever,for fear we might be apt to fay, No,we will nor bow down to them,yet we may worfhip them though,with force kind ofworfhip orother, if not with latria,yet with dulia, at leaf( therefore both thele are added here, not only non adorable, but nonColes too : for we know that aman may colere, or ferve that, to which he will not bow down ; and therefore adorable, the chief worfhip being forbidden firIt, he adds coles too , and forbids that alfo which may be a great deal lets than theother : for though the word gnovedpefel, in the Pfalm, bemere, to worfhip, or ferve graven Images, fo in ano- ther place, the word is ufed to ferve man, as twelve years they ferved Chedorlaomer; and elfwere to till the ground; and in Efay, gnoved piPrim is a trimmer or dreffer ofGen.rq.4; flax. And in Latin the word colo is not only ufed in refpefl of God andman , but 323; colore raw, glebam,hortum, arc. to till the ground, and thereupon comes the word 2 13. Agricola, anHusbandmanin refpeet oftillage. - gay.w. f.. So that-the Papifts hold an erroneous opinion, that think the holy + hoft afcendeth from, wordof lefs importance to one ofgreater. The like may be laid of 4ffeycoúvneer) or d'oA4úo«s, and Aaz4eúonç, bowing and ferving. But if thefe two non ineurvabis te, and non roles will-not ferve the-turn, thenwemuft be fent to another place, do E0,23.24. Dd 2 WhLCi