2112 Chap.6. Againfi reverence to, or before Images. Com.f.i. which any Idolater loth to his Gods. Thoufhalt not bow down to their Gods, or ferve them, nor do after their Works. We fee then that the Commandment is double, the prohibition is againfi making and ferving Images: and though they of the Church of Rome bring an 'Example for the making, as that of the Cherubiws, yet they thew none for the worthippìng of them; we mull havea warrant for both. or elfe they defend not themfelves. Now for bowing down, you thall underftand, that in their defence, they are con- firained todefert the original words ; for as in the former, they went from Pefel and Temunah, to Idolum and Icon ; fo here, from Tifhtacaveh and 7agnabod, they betake themfelves co araggeuvnsns, orBsnseaag, and AanitiTE' , and profefs the lawfulnefs of the firft, but not of the fecund ; yet this cannot quit them from the breach of this Commandment. But becaufe they would have fomeevalon, theyquote 'a place in the fthemifh Tellament , becaufe that t ove- (only) is not joinedwithwcaaavriw (wor- Rtaeh.4. g,to. Ihip) but with Aa7getlm (ferve)therefore, fay they, we may®eoeravî.v, bow to Saints, though not AaTCSñv. But if weconfider the precedent verte, we (hall find, that the Devil required no more but Ife9oxveñv ; and therefore, unlefswe make that proper to God, Chrifis anfwer will not be fufficient, nor ferve ; and the Devil might have re- plied, that he required not A4701,[41' s but only ¢aeooxvva "v, to which the word 01,0- was not joined. In the next place, they tell us, that the difiinfìion of d'evr e and aa7a abath been long in the Schools , and that Saint Augufline'hath it, in hiseenth book d1, Civitate Dei, cap. t, & lib. a, de Trinitare, cap, 6. in which places-he maintains the. ddlin&ia on, as they do: They tell usalto that Eufebios lib. t ¢ cap. 4. and Hies-on, epiiiola 52, de53. contra Vigilantium, hold the like, but there is no fach thing to be found in the two!aft, And as for St. Attegialiine, we fay, that he was an excellent and reverend man in the Church , but with reverence to him, we fay, what he confeffeth'himfelf in diverfe places, that the leafs part of his Learning in the Tongues , and that he was very Unskilful in the Creel; and Hebrew , and therefore can be no-meet man to pronounce; that by Soda is meant the fervice of men, and byAartsia the fervice of God. But if- if wewill diftinguifh Ofthere words aright, J'nnela is 'properly- the fervice 'of our own fervant, and AaTcs6 the ferviceof him that is hired s for A:4e- isproperly femur, a fervant, and narydt's an hireling : and fo came inLatro , which (as Varro faith) at firfi fignifiednothing but a hired or fiipendary Souldier, ofmaw., mercer, wages, and-afterby the abufe of their calling, and by their evil behavioúr it came to be to odiousa name, that it is now ufed fora thief; And this word is often ufed in the Scriptures, but not always for the fervice of tieb.8' 5. God, as in -theEpilile tothe Hebrews. The reafon why the Septuagint tiled theword De Idolatria. "'TAT for lagnabod, may be like that in the fpeech of 2ertuhian, that as he faith of the Chrifiiast. fo ye may fayof the Jews, becaufe they would not have-Grids people to be hired for money, to make ornaments for, and to drefe and adorn she Images of the Heathen : for it was the ufe of force Chriifans in the Primitive-Church fo to do, againfi which ast2ertisllian inveigheth, as being a thing utterly Unlawful.. But it was the ignorance in the Hebrew tongue, that brought in all thefe abfurd concluisons, (for the thing it Pelf, the nature of the word is contrary to-them , and Fart-3 [um.' the ufe al1'o : nor bath it any agreement with the Hebrew) infomuch that Thames q. as. Aquinas diddetermine, that the Pi cureof Chrift, and every part of the£rofs, is to beworlhiped adoration (not dulia, as their difiin &ion was before, bur) Zacria too, which they confeffed was alone due to God , and not to anyCreature whatfoever: Therefore the learneder fort among them, having fiudied the Tongues better, teeing the abfurdity of thefe conclufions, found out another fhift, and fay, that'they neither do adorare, nor calere'tmagines, neither bow down to, nor worfhipthedmagei them felves, but Chrift, and the Saints, by the Images. This difiinfíon doth little avail them ;" the Records ofAntiquity can tell them that this=was the Mt of the Heathen Idolaters of old, even-in the Primitive.Church. Lib. a. dé'öiig`. PEI-autism taxed) thole of his time for it , °me igitur amentia eft, 6-c. What.mad- error. caps. nefs isit, faith he, to anfwer, that you worfhip not the Idol, fed N,umen aliquod, cult nom, it. in idolum fabrìcattsr ? but force God to which the Idol was made ? and Ch:yfajtome_, Ephef. Aderatisftmulachra, nonfrmulachra, fed Veneremdr ..01eeriem per fimulachra Venerar In I'fd!, 7.7; Cs Martin' you adore Images, and not Images, but Venus andMars bytheir Ima- ges