wi Chap.7. Ofotttzvard reverence inGods worfhip. Com.2. Council of Ephefus : becaufe in fome fort they divide in their Piaure the Manhood Cost t.Eph. from the Godhead, which they cannot exprefs therewith. `an' 2. Not of Chrift, as man, and now glorified , for againft this the Paying of Eu- a,t Confldndam. ¡chiles may ferve sVell, that the Glory of Chrift in Heaven is now far greater than it was whenhe was transfigured in the Mount, where the Difciples could not look upon him ; and thereforecannot bepourtrayed byany pencil. 3. Nor of Chrift, as hewas in the fleflt ; for that were (as the Prophet (peaks) to teach us lies, and rather to forget than to remember what he fuffered for us; for in his Pieture(as in that upon the Crofs for example)we can be put in mind,and we fee nomore than the piercing ofhis hands and feet, a wound in his fide by a fpear, and the thorns on his bead : this we may remember by thefe things: but the efpecial pains and torments which inwardly he fuffered ; his being forrowful unto death, his anguifh of heart for the Jews obftinacy and reje&ion, the bitternefs of the Cup, which his not only molt perfect Body was molt fenfible of, and his holySoul appre- hended and fuffered , thefe are forgotten, thefe cannot be depiéted ; fo the greateft part of his Paffion is unexpreftible. 4. The last evafion of theirs is, that by Images we remember, or are put in mind ¡j 22 9. of, the Angels and Saints. To this in brief may be anfwered, that Saints are no bet- ter than Angels : and feeing that an Angel would not fuller john 'gpaxvrr a to worfhip him, it is not to be ufed to them. S. Augu.ftine hath a zealous with, utinam velleeís " p difcere ab Angelis, turnmint difceretis cos non Adorare , I could with youwould learn ínPfa1.96. of Angels , for then you would learn not to worfhip them. And St. Paula charge was : Let no man beguile you of your reward , in a voluntary humility , and wor- IC01.2. t8. Ihiping of Angels, &c. Andthus muchof the Controverfie betwixt the Papifts and us, as it had dependance upon the former pate of this Commandment concern ing Images. qtr Thee rea ons evo that there are other means better and more a ePual than `Piastres Addition.18, f f of Images. to loflralf men in the knawledg of Chrift, viz. The Scripture and the preaching of the Gofs el, but they are not meant to prove it unlawful to paint or make anypourtraitureof Chrift in his humanenature, as at his 'Peon,&c. provided, no religious wer(hipbegiven to it : that which is of lcfs fife is not therefore unlawful, or ofno sale at all. So the Au- thor in his Anfwer to Perron, cap. 18. p. 17. To have a ítory painted for memories fake we hold not unlawful, but that it might be well enough done, if the Church found it not inconvenient for her Children. CHAP. VII. The affirmative pare of this Precept, concerning the manner of outward Wcrfhip. 3,Rea- ions for outward bodily worship. Outward Honour confifts a. in theSign. 2. in the Alt. Of the Sign,by 1. uncovering thehead. 2. bowing thebody. Of the alt or deed. 1.73y beingat Gods command, 2. By doing bis wortor fervice. Of thegeftureofRe- verence a. inpublickand private prayer. 2. At hearing the Word. 3. At theadmini- ftrationof Sacraments. ¢. At Difcipl:ne. TheSins againft thefe. Inpublickwor(hip muff be. i. Vniformity. 2. Fear. 3. The heart muff be prefent. q.. Silence, y.Con- ftancy, to tarry till all be done. 'The means ofoutward worship. The figns. WW E are now to take a view of theaffirmative part of this Precept, that is , how / we are to behave our felves in the external worfluip of God. The worfhip enjoyned in the brit Commandment (as bath bin faid) is internal ; this in the fecond Honor fgni d9' is outward or external honour or worfhip. Honour being a teítimony ofexcellen. fat; cy given by outward fign or deed, and praife by word. The Honour of the fign is expreffedby the wordTifbtacaveh, in bowing down, and ofthe deed by the word Ta nabod, in ferving. For the firft, as the negative was, thou (halt not bow down to them, theaffirmative is, thou lbalt bow down to me. And for theother, as in the negative, thou fiat not worthipor ferve them, the affirmative is, thou (halt ferve tree. Mao5 t5: t. For the outward worthip fir(( in general. Chrift tells us that a candle is not lighted to be put under a bufhel : upon which the Fathers have raifed this note or maxim,thatBrae debetur ma'nife ftatio,our goodmuli be made maitifçjt and therefore Candles