Çín,2. Of outn.árd reverence in Gods T/T orfTip. Chap. 7. 215 candles that have bonum lucis, thegoodnefs of light, rñuh not be theofl fab main te- nebrarum,under the evil of darknefs. Sò then, if thecandle of light be in our fouls,. that is, if we inwardly worship God; we inuft feY it- upon acandiefbcle'r our in- ward Religion, mutt appear in our outwardworfhip,'aird it mutt` rn 'be only in a Chamber,as our private Religion, a clofe godlinefs that cannot be ferny z. The-next reafon for this point-; the -Apoftle gives; yeare bought with a price [ Cor, 6. sb. therefore glorifie God in your Body and Spirit,, glory being nothingelfe, but an areaof confpicuoufaems, the fair fpreading and enlarging of honour and praife and thereforecontaineth honour in it. Now inconjurfaion's copulative, the rule is Incopulativis nonfufficit alterum, In things that are coupled; one is not fufficient, but tetrumque f iciendum, both are to be performed. And the Apoftles conjunc4ion and 1 L in Body and Spirit 3 (heweth, that this honourmustbedone in boas.' The Devil knoweth, this, that God requireth both, and therefore asked.of out M!t'4.9' Saviour butone, a little glorifying of him, but thebowing of theBody, becaufe he knew that if 'God have not the copulative, Body and Spirit both, he will have nei- ther, God will have allor none. The_third thing is, that feeingGod every .where alma through 'the Scripture, gxo.; hath put a diftinftion anddifference between his houfe andprivatehoufes, as being in more fpecial manner there, than in other places, and that as the Pfalmift fpeak-, eth, holinefs'becoineth Gods houfe forever; therefore he will not Only have a ma nifeltation of one worship towards him, and that to be in Body as well as Spirit, but he affigns his houfe for theplace, wherehe will have this honour exhibi ted.to him. You (hall keepmy Sabbaths ( faith God )and reverence mÿSanftuary, And therefore it is, that the Preachergives us this rule, when thou' goer[ into .the :Levir. to. 30. houfe of God, obferva pedem utrumq ie. Look to thy foot, and if Göd have á care 26. a. how we ferve him in our inferiour Members in that place, no queflion but he hath- Ecclef. 5. I. muchmore, how we imploy our eyes, ears, and hearts there; Our external worfhip, muffbe apparent, and it mutt not be byhalves, and it mutt bein the houfe of God; in the midit of the Congregation. a. The. outward worfhip of God (according to the formerdivifion)confifts'Honorfeci. e. In Sign. z. In deed. Andthis Honor figni is twofold, which the Apottle fets down in the example of Chrift r. Exinanivit fe. He emptiedhimfelf, or made himfelf of no Reputation. z. Humiliavitfe, He humbled himfelf. Phí1. 2. 7, 8. r. The empting of ones felf, is that, which is called deponere magnificentiam, to layafide all Titles of Honour, which holy fob expounds, and callsfpaliavir me heno- re, a [trippingone of glory, it is that, which the Elders did, cats down- their Crowns. beforeGod. King David laid afide' his Robes, and made himfelf vile before the G 6. r9.9. Lord, in his fervice.. The Apoftle tells us, there mull be Nudatio cápitis, our heads-2 Sam. 622. mutt be uncovered. The wearing of a cap, pileo denari, among the Romans, was , cor. rt. 4. peculiar to free menonly, and an Hieroglyphick of honour, for once if a man ce- piJfer ?ileum, hewas free, and when he laid afidehis cap, hewas Paid deponere mag- nrficentiam, to lay afide his honour and priviledg, whereby he was diflinguifhed from a fervanr. So then, as fervants are to be uncovered in their Matters fervice, fo are we to be in Gods : and therefore St. Paul (in the place befòre cited ) tells us, that it is a fhame for a man to havehis head covered at that time.. That's the firíl figs. z. The other lign is humiliare nofinetipfos to humble our felves, which is nothing elfe, but to make a mannearer the ground,'to bow himfelf as low as he can : and M this was it, which the Devil required of Chrift: and is a pollute which God ex- peas at our hands, and was ufed from the beginning. Wemay fee it, by that which God faid to Elias. I have yet left me 7000. in lfrael, all the knees which have not t Kin. 19. 58. bowed to Baal, by which he fignified, that bowing was a fign of them, that woe, EA. a. 9 (hipped himaright : and it washis quarrel againit them, that bowed themfelves to Idols, for which he would not forgive them. 'z. But Honor f?ni is not enough, there mutt be Honor faëli too. The grit was Reverence, this is fervice and worfhip, which we call properly Devotion, or the11"'r fglti. devoutnefs and readinefsof the will to ferve God.. And this Honorexhibitors fallo, hath alto two parts. r. To coneand goat Gods command. 2. To do his work. / r. Both of thefe we have in the Centurions fervant, approved by Chrift him- M;t, a felf.