ii6 Chap. 7. Of outwardreverene_in,Goch VL'orj7ip. Com.t. felf. z . In goingand coining wheola e is bidden. -,-I fay go and he goeth, came and he'cometh, z.i Indoing. his, Matters will or fervice. Do this and he dothit, 4nd inthefe twoxefpcfts it is, thatÇhrifl will fay, to fome Norc o vos, I know you not. I. Either for not corningátäll to his houfe,,fothat becannot take notice of them for his fervants. 2. Or for,eoming unwillingly, with an ill viI1 to 00 his vork, and fo they dà not perform ffe,v,iee to him,,and; in thisrefpeh are not known to him neither. h. Gen, 22. r: We fee tlfat gods fervant's did both, Abrghainwas no foonerfpoken to by God, YGI. 84.2. büt he was,pjejfently at his call and anftyered, Ecee cgo,behold, here I am. The 40. 9 kingly Prophet before hewas called, had a longing defire to go into Gods'Houfe, Prov. 1.24 h t wh Efa. 65. ra. Tn ., en he was called, he prefentlyanfa exeds Lo I come:,, It is Gods threat-Be- c4ufe;I 4110,40 ye refuted, &v. I will laugh at your calamity. And in the Gofpel, Luc. r412.=í. ' they which were invited to the Supper and carne not, were thought unworthy; none of them fliáll tart of it.. And as we are to come, foin our coming two things are required tomake uswelcome. r. The firft is, we muff come mature betimes, Prov. B. r ^, they thatfeekmeearly (hall find me ; and fecondly, we muff come guotidie daily : 34 Bleffed is theman that heareth,me, watchingdaily at my Gates. We mud wait, and be defirous, to becaller}, Lnc, J. a8. -2. The feéond is theAC}.'J Service, ] to do his will. It is the property of a good feyvant.to dó his.Mafkers work, and topreferr itbefore his own. We fee the pra- Gen. 24.;3. dIze of it, ini4braham'sfervant, heréfufed to eat before his Mailers work was done; andlierefalls underthis, the commandment of thegreat fervice, the fervice of, she Altar, which that wemay think it no diliaonour to be Gods fervants, we find .teat l chofe,theTribeof Levi, to fervehim at. the Altar, fo that thisfervice, is the Deur,.t. 5. feririce of .choite,and howfoevcr fome accoúntbut lightly of it, yet it was the greateft honour to be chofen toperform this fervice. Now toapplÿ-thefe,things to the point in hand ; There is in the 95Pfalm, which is t}ed asan anti-pfalm or,lntodu&ion ( asit were ) to the fervice of God by our Pf L ç5.6 Cìaurch. r. A coming. z. Aworfhipping. 3. A fallingdownAnd4.A kneeling before the Lord, whereby we may fee, that in the precept of world-Lip, in the:fubitantial parts of the fervice of God, prayer, preaching, theSacraments, and difcipline e- fpecially in the former) there is a due gefture and behaviour :required. And in this 1 s we are to 1'13116/the rule prefcribed by St. ,garner, which is to take the Patriarchs 10' andProphets for our guides and direftors, and it is St. Peters ruletoo for Women, r Pet, 3.5. to follow the fteps of holy Women of old. So that laying this for our ground, and withall taking the approved praftifc of the Church with it, we cannot goamifs, 1ówwe (hall find (in this outward worfhip of God) that they never carne toge- tE'tër to ferve the Lord, nor departed from it, without exhibiting fome reverend ex- ternal worfhip, and behaviour, both in acceffie & receffu, in coming in and going out, a chi.. 6. is. Inacceffu, in their coming together, it is plain, Solomon in the Confecrationof his Temple, at thebeginning, before his prayer kneeleduponhis knees. And in receflu, 29. 29. we fee, that when Hezekiah and his people had ended theirfervice, they bowed their heads and worfhipped. We have feenwhat our getlure mull be in acceffu and receffee. Let us now fee, what it muff be whilewe are prefent at Gods fervice, in the particulars of it. Behaviour in s. Firfl for our outward gefture in prayer, which is either publick or private. prayer. And in both thefe, lince we are to remember,that they are to proceed partly from Humility, partlyfrom hope, our external figns mull be anfwerable to both' thefe. I. In publick prayer, the figns are firft, that which we called before depojitienem r Car. rr. 4. ni ma ecentia, with our heads uncovered. z. The other which we called Humilia- Gen. i8. 2. non, by bowingour felves to the ground,or kneeling as Abraham did, and his fer- E24, 26. vant too, bowed, andworíhi ed the Lord, So did the people at the Inllitntion xo. r2. 29... PP P P I Kin. 8. 54. of the paffeover, So did King Solomon, praying upon his knees. The Prophets. Luc. au. 41. Daniel 6. ro. After the firft Temple. Ezra9. 6. Our Saviour himfelf upon the API. 20.36. mount of Olivet kneeled downand prayed: laflly, St. Paul, and the whole Church prayedkneeling, St. Peter Aft. 9. ao. Thuswe feeour pattern, if we lookat the Patriarchs, or Prophets, at Chrift or hisApoftles, or at the whole Church. True it is, becaufewe only kneeling, but alto ftanding before another, is a lign of