Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Chap. 7. Of onboardreverence in Gr ds VVorfhip. Colla,2. y+ $f fervice,and reverence,. therefore we read in many places that thegelìùre in pray, er was ftanding, and thatfome prayed handing, as Gehezi flood before his Matter Gen. r9.2q. Eli a. So,Abraham floodbeforethe Lord,and Abrahams:fervant flood by the well Ceu 24 13' .h y Exo.33.1a.: of water whenhe prayed. Thepeople rofe up andworfhipped every man in his Numb. 23.10, Tent door. Balaamfaid to Balack , flandby thy burnt offering, and I will go, &c. Plai. 135.2. Thus Samuebiloodbefore `the Lord, and.the Pfalmift faith. Ye that Hand in the 2 (ko. 3' 13 houCe of the Ldrd, &c. The King flood byhis Pillar at the entring, &c. And thud - flanding may be á reverend gefture, when kneeling,or..faméother gcflure in publick woríhip is not prefcribed by the Church, in whichcafe we mutt conform to what is injoyned; for that which is indifferent in it felf, in the gefture, is not indifferent to us, or in the,praftifeof it, when it is commanded by lawful Authority. 2. Inprivate prayer, we (hall fee it to be a familiar thingfometimes to fill down profirate, as Mofes andAarón did. This getlure of proftrationwasufedby Mofes; Dem. 9.1e. as he tetlifies of himfelf. And the Evangelifi reports of ourSaviour, that he ufed Maub. 26, ;. it. So likewife was kneeling a cuftome of the holy Men of God in their private prayers. Ezra fell upon his knees, and fpread out his hands. And St..?aul in.his Ezra 9.5. private Devotions, bowed his knees,as he fayes of himfelf. In private Devotiong4" 3. tt. liberty and fteedomeof gefture may betiled, fo it be reverent and humble, which fittingat prayer cannot be : Balaam willed Balak. to Rand by his burnt-offering,. Numb. 23. 15. and being fet hebids him rife up.. 2 Theexteriour figns in refpeft of hope, are aculi elevati, b monist- intersJc y. eyes lifted up, and hands ftretched out And thefe are tobe ufed inthat part of prayer, which is called Petition, (for indeprecation the Publicans pofture is &tel ,' which is, eculia dejel-lis, with eyes call down ) for the other we find KingDavid Luke. it. r lifting up his eyes. And in St. John's Gofpel it appears, that our Saviour did the Piami 123. I. like. For the other, the lifting up of hands, we fee that in the battaitwith the 12 {,.1 4malekires, Alofes praftifed it. Ezra ( in the place before cited) fptead out his John ri. 4 s: hands to God. The Prophet David tells us, thathe hretched out his hands toGod Let the offering upof my hands, be an evening. Sacrifice. And it is the Apoftles Pfalm 88. g. Counfel to ufe this gefture, I will that everyman pray, lifting up holy hands. For 14 i A. as ocalue elevates expe iat,;the eye lifted up expefls, fo manas ratenfa petit, the r Tim.;a.8' stretched out hand begs andasketh. But in this point corruption is crept intoour Church. irfftead of humbling our felves byprofiration and kneeling, we are pleafed to fit at our cafe, and that in a proud manner t inhead of the depofitio magnificencia, é nedatiocapitis, kneeling And uncovering our heads, wefit,and with our heads covered too; this is not to enquire, at lead not to imitate, the dayesof old. Balaam would not fuffer Balac, though aKing, to fit down, but to amidat his burnt-offering, and when he was fee, Numb 4. 1$ hebade hint arife. This fedentary prayer, andproud fafhion df covering the head, 18 cannot be warranted by any Text in Scripture. Secondly, the outwardgefture at the word preached, or read in the oldTilla ruent, was rifuallyfitting, as we may fee inEzekiel. They fit before thee, arid they 2 hear thee, 6-c. faith the Lord by the Prophet. And fo in the new, the multitude Ezek fate about our Saviour, while he was preaching : and the Pharifees, aad Doftors of -Luck;',' 3 -- theLaw fateby him, as hewas teaching: So Mary fate at Jefus feet, and heard lo. 39. his word. Ezrtychur alfo fateto hear St. Paul preach. Sometime the word preachedAlts. so. 9. was heardhanding : as when Ezraopened the book, !landing in a Pulpit of wood, Nehe 8. 4, 5. all the people flood up. And theft two geftirreshave ever been ffidifferently per.. wittedaridufed. In the adminiltration.and receiving the Sacraments, the nature and dignity of them, with the prayer for the prefervation both of our Bodies and Sout un o eter- 3' n'al life (to fay no more) may eafilydire&us, with what exteriour reverend beha- viour we are to carry our felves,viz. That thegefture of kneelingand humble adó"- ration ismoll fit, and that fucha gehuré, as doch'norfignifieour humble revereneel, as fitting, is utterlyunlawful. In point of Difcipline the gefture is evident, the Judgefits, and the party accu- 4- fd, or that hath any cati'e depending before him (lands. So that the endof. all this is; r. That Godmay be glorified, as well by the body: i Cur. 6. 22 Which is`the external worlhip,as by the foul & fpirit,which isfor the internal.z.Thar É'e out'