Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

21$ Chaps 7o .ßf .outrvartl r everence. ;n GoclrVVor+J7íi)ti, our,outwarelgefture may ítir tip; our Souls to their Dutyp arelothes ittetèafÇlthe heat of the body, though they receive their heat at ffrtt' froth the body; Laftly; a4. 23 as to Itir up ourSelves, fo.tofir. u.others'b .caurexam .le tietit they feeing our Re- 25 P p Y P Tir. a. io. verend behavivur,may falltdown::with ils3't and:beriivedxt3(dó-thattvliich they fee, and:tog(ijnifieGod`doour behalf a ,, : i. o1 Fs :. Ñ aijvé s Thps as,we ln.0i!e fhewcidiivliaithWe areftddearn outó# = crt)àtivë'pv -viz. 8 tlhatDutieate,performt:fio ,outlbf the Iégative part; iee tttufb"teat ;rtvhat fins we mufi avoid};'. and to- finái':ontz this; tah0 hall'need ganù'fd7rtheiythfiti'by op- poling the Contrariesto that;3thichttath+ eèn.deltveietluñth'eAttìrmatit lat. Prov.d.r. J. ToHúmili,ty, and iir.perio rioskiimfe1f proudly in sf rvicel"The yife maa tails rts; a pi 4 ee f9&ti-abdfihitatiori'm jcr 13.15. the Lord; andif at all einic'e,itz#tch more at'that 'timé It tsthe'Ptoplitztst'ioprfifel to:decline this behaviour., éfpeeiä aaye, give Car ( faith he) be not proud, forthe Lord hath:fpojteuti scut. . . , 2. To fJ*piliare_] He is.averfc, thatisitimnecked;not.willing to How; and that bath knees,lice an Elephant;..that canmatt_ßehd3whenw'e:givdh:im'not thelRel*érebeé Qf knee,lteadd, andof our whole body:» , ., 3. To,Coming ] Our.abfenting our.'fehtés from Gods fervice and`u4Yfbip r. Çkryfefiovie , faith; Z.trrhrtyttb,'et,& Reis, wear. aureattaha, c;wsnis: Ca1ua Dai ja6er, co nonfacts, vocal f-- non vems ; pleaílire commande thee,^and thou, obeyed the golden Trumpet calls:thee,..and thou,ci.imeft., Gods:worfltip coninbndeth, and Muth. 8.9' thoe obeyer -i t,;,:it calls thee; and thou cotíaeft not, .'. Whofefervant then thcu àlt, thou ñiayel jut by the Centurions words, evenhis at whofexommartd thou cone- eft. and goeff.: 4. Lafily, to the doingof his work the ncgle4 of it is: oppofed, and the nag= Hiè in Fpi t, leers out of ,Gods favour ., for negfet o fraceptaa Fr'æcrp 'ntis -injaràa -rfl, the neg- Lako Ia. 47 ten- of a com)uand, is an:injury to him ;that commañdeth. He that knoweth his Matters will,and doth it not, fhall be fevercly punifhed, But in the manner of doing Godswork and his will, in his fervice, a7..d publique Liturgy, there are five things required of us : of which. though fomething bath V:,animirar. ; been formerly fpoken, yet confidering thegreat negleft and - contempt of this work by many, more is here to be faid of them. r. The firf{is; Unanimity-andUniformity, to come: together at the fame time, a COI. u. 33. and to joys-together in the fame worfhip,that.there be no difagreement in our beha- viour in-Gods fervice, one to do one thing, and another to do another, forne come hito thc.Ghtitçh at prayer, me.not till the Sermon begin; But, as the:A"poRle en= joyns, taetyonsefor another ,:...that is,allpraifeGod together; Inward unanimity, palm tat r. and outwarduniformitybging.a delight tdGod. It was Deified s joy, I wai glad when s they faid,to me, let us go ,into the houle of the Lord :: and foon after he addeth, ,yerujalem is as a City that is compaft together, or ( as fotne Tranflation ): at unity irnit fell. " ,Arckthis fpiritualunion, is without queflion, a great flrengthning to the Ghurçh,foe.when, either-AT comes ofter-another, orif . in time of,.Gods fervice, Afls a. ' föme fingpot}tnor pray with the other, this iñu1FTreeds.make :a breach in :the fabrick Of .it,. IreDifcordia ( faith Auguflirte )nërato benedicit Dóminum, God is never truly pr well feerved, where there isdifcord or feparation. The Prophets earnefi defier is, Omagnifie theLord.withme, and let usexalt his Name together : And. therefore it is, that,tjie.hph Ghoft mentioneth fee often this unanimity to be in the infancyof the Church, go being one of the chief caufes of the :growth and enlarging of 'it. The Spirit came upon them when they were all together withone accord in one place, as if the whole Church were one perfon, and had but one tongue, and one lip. And inprayer it is laid, They lift up their voice with one accord. And they heard 44 at. fo too. .The people with one accord gave heed to the things which' Philip fpake. 8 6. So in-the point of uniformity we fee, that lie was punifhed; that was not like the maxim 21. 12. raft of the guefts,'that had-not awedding Garment. And as the feparation and di- vifonof tongues was acurie, that the earth was no more seise labii, of one fpeech Apo, 4 ro. r,. or language, fq it is.a great part of the bleffednefs of the heavenlyyersfalem, that the Elders ling with one voice unto the Lord. The Fathers beat much upon this t suit Saint 04M-el/one sxtolleth it highly; and faith, that it falleth "upon God like