Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coif), 7. Ofóutn'à'dreverence in Gods r'l'orf.'ip. Chap; 7. 2iÿß like a fhower of .Hailftones: and St..11rfçuftine faith, of.flnging of pràifes, that it founds in Gods ears, tanquam refnsnria marls, asthe voiceof many water's, i4. 2; which he feemeth to takefrom thatplace in the Revelation: a. The fecond is fear, H xakr 061w, in all fear, ;faith St. Peter ; with fear"and (trembling, faith St. Paul; for if the fervice Af men (according ¿o the rule 6f St. :Paul and t: Peter) mitt be fo, much more the fervice of God. .But in our exteri- 'our ferviceof , God, there is commonly' fó little fear, orrather fuck want of fear ; tph °that commonlywe deep in ir, like the Apollles, who could not hold open their eyes, a Yet' s: 18; bona, in the Garden with their Mailer, they could not watch one hour, and (therefore that judgment befell them; that they all forfook Chrift and fled ; and there is little fear in deep. When Jacob was afraid of his Brother Efeu; he flept not all thatnight. The example of the Chriftians in the primitive Church, is left ,upon Record for our Observation; That they heard St. Paul preaching till mid- night. Uponwhich place- Chryfoftome faith, A4'boe c'ommemoravit ros, 'qui media Ad. at pudeat cos, pi media die dormiunt ; theEvangelio Recordeth thole that watch till mid-night, to this end, that they may beathamed, that fleep át mid-day. Now becaufe the anions of a natural nian, are eating, drinking, and fleeping, the fame reafon which condemneth the tiring of the two formerin the Church, I Cor. múo needsbe of force to condemn fleeping too; have ye not houfes to ear. and . drink in,faith the Apoflle ; thereby condemning thofe that ufed to eat and drink in the Church : So if hecould have fuppofedthat the Corinthians would have fiept there, he wo'nld have asked the faine queffion concerning fleeping. And as he reafons from the place, fo we may reafon from the time, out of ano- ther place of the fame :Apoftle, vigilate, eam qui dormiunt, notte dormiunt, watch, i Thef, y: for they that peep, deep in the night : But with us, we may fay, They that deep, 5 fleep in the day; And fo, whereas the place of fleeping íhould be our houles, and the timeof fleeping the night ; we, ( becaufe we will becrofs) in the day-tinie fleepat Church. Natural reafon tells us, that Aaioveflita indebitis,circumfantiis ilfitita eft, every afuion cloathed with undueeircumftances, is unlawful. The Prophet (as his man- . ner is ) after he had denounceda curie upon acarelefs people, falleth to bleffing the E. 5, a6: Churchof God; in which he faith, Non dormiet cfuifquam, neque. dormitabip, none ¡hall flufnber, nor fleep among them. And our Saviour gives this caveat; Beware, that the Lordwhen he cometh., findyou not fleeping, which though it have afpititu= .al underftanding, yet there follows a temporal punifhment. Mat. 13. 27 Inprimaprena eft eflimatio peccati, we may confider of the fin, by the firfl pú- nithment; and fo we may weigh every fin in prima,plena. God ufually punifheth fin in its own kind ; we fee it from the beginning, Cains murder, God threatneth 'with blood': Sodoms heat of tuft punned with fire, &e. Eutychus fleep (in this A&. ao, 9: cafe) with a dead fleep. This carelefnefs inGods fervice, is the only way to bring us, firfl'to profanenefs; and then to Apooacy,and no Religion at all. We find it punifhed in the Church, the Ilept and awoke, but foundnot her beloved. And this Cant. judgment. followed the Apoftles'themfelves; becaufe they could not watch one hour, theyall forfook our Saviour, and Peter forfwarehim. ma/ 36.4o: Flut however it funds, in refpe& of Gods pionifhments of mercies, yet the former reafons condemn it : and we may add, that the heart truly and rightly af- felted in Gods fervice, is ardens cor, (as the Difciples were rhat talked with our Saviour going to Emaus, their heart burned ) and a Father faith, that it is iinpofß- Luke 24.33 ble to have cor arden Tub oculogravi, a burning heart, and a heavyeye, arenót compatible. 3: There mull be with there, Cordis prafentia, our heart snuff be prefent, and watchful too: for though we watch outwardly, yet there may be fuck extra- vagant and wandering thoughts in the heart, that we may be Paidto bepratates abfentes, abfent, though prefent. And where the heart isabfent, the other members ]3ce1e¡.7. will direover it. The note of Cor farai,. afools heart, is to bein demo latiria, it pcov, r5, 14; turneth that way, where the fport lyeth, whereas cor prudens, the heart Of him that hath underfianding, quærir fcientiam, feeketh to get knowledg: The inner parts of a fool, are like a broken Veß'el, he will hold no knowledg; fo long Eea as