Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

I; é: ,i 1t 1 d ?fi Z?'ó Chap. 7, Of oulznard revzrcnce in Gods Worfhip. CUM. 2, ». as he liveth, it runneth out as fait as it is poured in, but the wife inquire at the mouth of thewife, in tbé;Cemgregation, and ponder his words in their heart. And.thefe are teltifec4 byRime figns Afools eyeisin all places, but the eyes of Pr0v.i9.24. thewiteate (as theirs were that hear iÇ,hrift in the Synagogue ) faftnedon the Luke 4.2o. Preacher, .The fools eyes, hands, and eet, all fpcal Wand will tell you,. that he is rov. `3" not recent withhis heart and when the are re roved all is but ra ov., -the make r+4. 9 p y P r f y Luke8. r 8, buta mock at it. Thereforc,itis nothing to hear, except we take heed howwe hear, Ads a6. 3. and beaffeEâed.with Zyf a, zo attend to.that which is fpoken ; for it is the wife ear Piov. re. 15. that gètteth knowledg. And as it is a,curfe, to (peak toan ear that heareth not, fo Piov.6z59'ir Itisab le(ling,tofpeaktoa nearing ear. The placebefore named is terrible, tterïtioned by May againd foolifh hearers, Hear ye, but under(tandnit, and it is often repeated,in other places of Scripture, as Mattb.r 3. t 5. Mark 4.tá Luke 8. to.,Yohn 12.4o.AEts 28 26. andRom.' LB. 'It is the extremity of Gods wrath, and a heavy curfe, and fo to be accompted, to be givenup to this fpiritual judgment ; and we are to take heed, that by our own 'carelefñefs it be not laid 'upon us. If it be true which the Heathen faid, that pietas non ell vtalfu ledenda,five fçriafivefimulato; then furely we ought to have a fpecial 'careof our looks and gefthrè, when this part of piety, Gods worfhip isperformed. g.. The fourth isflcntiuni, filence : we muff not talk, while we arc in the fervice of God The Preachers counfel is again(t it, for talking is flatly oppofite to hear- Ecdel. 5 r ing.the Word. Be more ready to hear ( faithhe) than to give theSacrifice of fools, °whofeheart ( as he faith in another place ) proclaims folly, they cannot be filent. P.ov.12.23. oE reckoned itas one of thehonours done unto him, while he was in profperity, Job. sq, 2 I. fat mengave ear to him, and kept filence. If a man fhould turn from us, and talk ` `with another, while we are fpeaking to him, we would think helittle regards us, or zeph i. 7. _what we fpeak. The Prophets command was The Lord is in his holyTemple, let `all the earthkeep filence before him. And, hold thy peace at the pretence of the Lord, that is, when the Lord fpeaketh : and he fpeaketh when his Meffenger Luke la. 16. fpeaks...Q 'tins audit, meua{dit, faith Chrifl, he that heareth you, heareth me. In `the. Primitive. church. the frft word, was, sEya gads. Be Rill and filent ye people, A tnr3 i6, which had its original, from that place in the Acts, where St. Paul being to Preach to the AntiQehiá:s, beckoned with his hand for filence, and faid, Men of 7frael, and ye that té4God give Audience. The ,latf,is eonftantiA in crsltu divino, we muff tarry while Gods fervice is Esoa. 33. ir. done, and not depart till it be ended. It was j'ofhatahs commendation, that he de- PG1. ii9. tit. partednot out of theTabernacle. The offending herein,' is that which the Prophet caÚs; dcfcedere-a hie, which relates, to depart out of the Congregation, while the aw.was.reading. Forfis'by Preaching, God fpeaks to us, foby Prayer we fpeak to Gpcy and,it isbut iew. 7oiianii, the Law is equal. As we deal with God, fo will ,God deal with us. If we flay to hear him, he willflay to hear us : and whenwe fay, Qesaro dereliquifti me, famine ? Lord, whyhad thou left me ? he will anfwer, ,waredereliquifti me,fir-CM' ? Servant,why had thou left me ? And that fpeech of Mai. 25 er. has at the lad day, Dfcedatc ame, depart from me, will be a juft puni(hment for them, that depart from himhere in this Kingdom of grace. In the PrimitiveChurch, from the frih words eíya xetis,let the people be filent, to the lad words m i agree, let the people depart, none might go out from the Con- Canon 14,. gregation. upon pain of Excommunication, as appears by the Fourth Council of Carthage. If we would well 'confider this, this fault would not be focommon among us. Themears. Now themeans to perform this outward worfhip are thefe, '. If we follow the Eccles. 5. i. Preachers counfel in taking heed to our feet, when we go into Gods !mute. 2. If ijeb is. 22, we confider, that it is a more fearful thing to come to the Church, than it was to 95. . touch the Mount, and in refpe?l of Gods pretence, we mud not refutehim that fpeaketh. 3; That the Angels are prefent among us, though we fee them not, and i Pee i !2 that the Define of the NewTedament is fuch, inplum defiderant Angell profpi- Cor' rr,'o sere, which the Angels defire to behold; therefore if they {hall fee any not to efleernthat, which they snake fuch accompt of, (hallnot they be Miniders of Gods wrath ? q,. That the endof Creation is to glorifie God; now glorification comes from Inflruftion, and Inftruc`tion from hearing ; fo then as our hearing is, our do- ing