Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn,2 Of ó etrem ire in t i Yorfÿi. 'e}40::17. dtb ing fhall be. Vt audits itafacie.,if you-h_ arnot well, ynu can never dowell; a carelefs hearing ever begets a çärele%d9inn, it,, cannot go ultrafpeciem. g. If we put to it, ut audits, itaaudieris, asyou hear; fo (hall you be heard of , God, and men. If we becarelefs of him, he will be carelefs of us likewife,,and more,then.that, gtr pyov. -very Prayeks (hail bean AMmination'to'hiTu. He tha: turneth\-à4dI tis 'far 'from shearingtthè 'Law,evenhg'sPrayerfh"all' be ,anAbommstion',IaithSolloto`n Aiid`this m'sy be .a ptì ifhment upoh fonte'Preat ers, who have had; dull ears iliq`gives'that they fhall`fpeak to a dull People, that will not hear." L t. That whichGod faith in the Propp- et, there is a very low, and as Auguftine The fgnr, faith, anunlawful con i f ii,Godcojjtares himfelf to an Earthly King, I am a great Kig faith the Lord of Hoffs, C,c. And withal!, how he reafons in that Cha Mal. 1.14. ter againA.AA the carelefs rnhis fervecet Of;ér ,this to yqur Goyernogr will he be 8` 'pleafed with thee'? Asif he fhould efá + á$ti"ít%ji fervicè as this to ypur Prince, ,Would he take it well ati'your han'dh?"á57d d'o you think that I ihat,a;ít KingOf =Kings , will not look fOr fùüh obfervance'lemy fervue;as an eaethlX' prince_seil! denk for? fo if we fay`wifft -ourfelves,' hI$'férvicewhich I offer in prayis ; hear- ing, c. would T offer nobetter to a greitting, this is a good fign., If as David was to Saul we be to God .bç careful, that We be not ringing from his houfe, for elfe as fonarkan fail to Rv? Te..,motrow is the Fealt, ánd iou 011l a 18, be looked for, and if my'Father find yoúr placeempty, he will be anger r.So will 'God look for us, and if he find us not at his-fervice, he will be angrytó , únlefs we -have juif caiìfei of abfence. Now there are fame caufcs wherein a n4 "' be ck- cufed for'ahfentinghimfelf; fuch as thefe. r. The firtt is ficknefs Mrchai excufed David from Coming to Saul, by Paying r sam, e9. 14. thathe was and it had been barbarous in Saul to urge a Pick man to come, a. Secondly, Sacrificing our [elves, isa ufficient canfe, Jonathan excufed .bavid 29. likewife, [tom coming toSaals Sacrifice, becaufe he was gone to Bethlem, to offer Sacrificefor himfelf. 3. Laftly,' Mi eri cordiemvolo, non Sacrificium. I will have Mercy, and not Sa- crifice ; works of mercy, as vifiting the fick, and the like, arc lawful cxct fes,' Mat. 9.'8' z. The fecond fign is, if upon theMeditation of I ese Talionir, as ÿóu lIea'r you [hall be heard. We can truly fay, Even as I hear, fo hear me O Lord. This'isa good1,1,41. 4. 7- fign. 3, The third is. If we be Companions of them that fear God, and love them Pfal. 119.69. thatare Gods fervants ; becaufe they bereverend and zealous in hisferviee,"for he 79% 'that loveth Gocî, loveth them that worfhip him, i , with fear and reverence.' Acce or 15.4 The laft thing ( according tó the fixth rule) is, that we `procure. this outward . 9 worfhip to be performed by others. Hierome faith2uilibet vertuChriftianus eft car- in Num, 3.26. tinafratris, every good Chriflian is a Curtain to his Brother, for every curtain `mutt have a hook, and catch to draw his Brother to Gods fervice. King David -drew the multitude into the houfe of God. Andrew brought his Brother Semen" to faff. .Chriff, fo Philip called Nathaniel, We mutih tarry one for another, according to John 4 the Apoflles rule. Forthey that defect others, and difí'wade them frdm this out- 45, ward worfhip and fervice of God, [hall be accurfed and ftricken with blindnefs of 1 cos. ,. 93, Body and Soul, as Elimes theSorcerer was fordehorting Bergin. Paulus the Gover- Ad. 13.8. nour, and feeking to turn him away from the. Faith. And thusmuch for the firfl part of this Commandment, which as we Paid in our divifion of it, was an exprefs Prohibition, in thefe words; Thou fhalt not make to thy fell any graven Image, &c. And an included affirmative precept, thou (halt worfhip me in fuch manner as I docommand thee, CHAP 'VIII