Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

2,2,2 Chap. S. Thefan5io i of this Commgncinrtnt. Corn. 2,. CHAP: VIII. 'üf thefecoizdpart of this Precept. Thefan& ion, orpenalty. This is thefirff Command- ment with'a penalty, Reafons of it. The partsof thisfanElion.. i. Gods file. 2.4 Comminaí or?. 3..4 promife. r. Gods file by I. his power. 2: Ilis /ealeufe, How yeedoxfìe is afcribed'to God. Whyhxmane affeftions-are aferibedto God. Of the Sanaion in this Commandment. Sac8s E come now to the fecondpart of the Precept, which is theReafon, or the a. /! SanCion of the Law, conlfting as well of a Penalty for breaking it, as a Rewardfor obferving it. And thefe two may be refembled to the two Mounts, Lim!, where the Curfes were denounced; and Gerizim, where the bleffings were Deur. 27. 12. promifed to the Twelve Tribes, for unumgxodq; mandatumfanciturpramio pana, everyLaw is confirmed by Rewards and pumíhments, and hereare both. Now if it{hall. bedemanded, why it wasthe will of God, tomake this the firfi precept with a penalty, as ? t. Paul obfervedof the Fifth Commandment, that it $ph. 6. a. was the first, with a promife, we fhall findthefe Reafons for it. Dcur. 25. 2. r Becaufe apublick fin is to be openly punished, and the punishmentby Gods Law, is'tole proportionable to the offence. Now the fin againft the Command AR. í7.3o. meat is 'fetret in our hearts, it is a bofome fin, whichGod alonecan fee ; and there- fore the punifhmentof it is left to Gad himfelf, who is content ( as St. Paul faith) fonierimes. and on forne rafonas himfelf pleafeth to wink at it, not tofee ir ; but this, becátife it comes into the light of the Sun, and is obvious to every eye, and the ruleof 'pt./licebeing ut malum sobo contingit, ibi moriarur, that if the fault be open, itbe pUblickly punished ; therefore God hath appointedand decreed a vifible punishment for it,for the reafon and end, fet downby the Apoftle, that others may fear. z. Whereas it is the property of punishment, cohibere'impetus ad ttsrpia, to re- f Tito. r, so. firain"mens paffions from committing ill; and our impetus or Inclinations being prone to offend againfi this commandment by two motives, profit, and f..fety. z. Of thebell Oratours to perfwade (I fpeak of that corruption, which draws every One to fuch platformsof Gods outward woríhip, as his own head (hall de- wife) and that we cannot be vile in our own eyes, as Davidwas; and alfo for that :Sam. 6. 22 fometimes it falleth out, as God foretold, that the Beall getteth place, and is re- bevel. 13. T. ceived, and'then he that will not receive the markof the Beast in his forehead, (hall be threatnedwith penalty of Body andGoods; And that either for profit or ho- Dan. 3 6. noun, or for fear of fuch Edi(ls as were made byNabuchadnezzar, Darists and the 6. 8. Itulersof the ews, whichmay touch the life, any woríhip is likely to be embra- Aa44.:a ced by ùs, For as Satan told God skin for skin,yea all that a man hath, will he give for his life, not only to fave his skin, but to favethe fleece alfo, to enjoy out- ,ob. 2. 4. ward peace, wealth and honour, men will violate the commandments of God. therefQte to bridle thefe imGetxa, and to meet with thofe Edicts of Princes, and men in Authority. God frames his commandment as ftrong as Princes do theirs, and threatensa punishment greater than they can infili, Quifrcuafaxit. He that doth otherwife, (hall be fubjeft to this, and this punishment. And thefe arc the reafons, why this isa penal Statute. This',ariaion or Ratification containeth two things. r. A Cotnmination, vifiting fin to the Third and Fourth Generation. z. A prornife, (hewing mercyto them that love me, d e. before both, which there is a preface, I the Lord, &e. I The Lordly This Rile of God is the fame, which formerlywe had, but with a double encreafc CodrrSt. or addition. t. fortis ftrong. z. zealous jealous, of fine performance in what he threatneth,fortis nihil impediet, ftrong that nothing canhinder, z.elotes at piled fretlas, zealous that nothing may alter him. Ha hath both apole, and a ode, a power and a will. , r. It falls out many times, that men (whofe arm and flrength is fhortned) though they conceive fore difpleafure againft others, yet there wants ftrengrh to put it in CZ-