Curn . Thefanéiion of thisCoinmanchnont. Qhap. $. 22,3 execution :.Shirnei wasnraliciouny bent againit Davidy yetail hecould do, wasbut 2 Sam. r 6. 13, tocats a handful of duff againa him, and becaufc:he wanted power to . pct his ma- lice in execution, he was fain to end in a few railingwords,-;:: T"ortis 7*; the thong God is oft-times ufed.inScripture, binefpecially then. when -God opj gfeth hiinfelt to weak man,as,wemay_fecin the Prophet, The Egyptians Eli 3.` 3 'are Men andnot Gods, cc. And this attribute of Godis cxpreffed by theHebrews _,by,two words.[Gouz roóut -, or internalttength, and[CayiJ potentiai .orfortitudo; external might as in weapons and arms. í. The find is called Goers wealsnefs ( by the Holy Ghoff, ) in refped of mani, , Cor. r. as. his wcakpe(g is dronger,thcn man, and-is called by Pharoahs Magicians the finger EXs.8 19. of God, which if it dohbt touch the Mountains, they will fmoak, yea at the breath Pfa1.144 5' of his Noltrils , Hills were overturned; and theFoundations of them are difcove- i4" r 5'. red. And. not only this.póftive; but privative too. For if ht do. bughold in his 104. ag. breath, the Creatures, dyè, all things fhall.perifh. It brings thofe effels, as th; Eclypfe of the Sun doth in the World, all are darkned. And therefore iris, that the Pfalmifl faith of God, in refped of thisdrib, Thouhat a mighty arm, thong Pfal, 89. r4. ; is thy hand, &c. a. The fccond is Potcntia, his external ûrength ; his Ammunition or. Weapons. Pote>ftia. This word is like to a fire, and Hammer as the Prophet, fpeaks, He hath a Sword, Jer. 23. ao, and a Bow too, for as the Pfalmifl faith, he whets the one, and bends the other. He p" is tided,Dórnizìus Exercttuum,The Lord of Halls : inmany places King David faith, 68.17. that his Chariots and Angels are 20000. The Prophet Daniel reckoneth more. Dan. 9. w. Thoufands of Thoufands, & Ten thoufand thoufands. The holyGhot in. St. Lashes Lue. e. 13. Gofpel, calls them a multitude ( our capacity or arithinetick not being able to con- ceive them )And what God is able to do by all thefe, we may imagine, by'that Ef' 37.36 which we read was done by one of them, who in one night flew 85ooó,of the .4 IrianHoft. And as he hath Heavenly, fo bath he EarthlySouldiers too, by whichhe hathdone mighty ads even againih ,great Princes, as Lice, Frogs, Flyes, Exo. 8. 9, 10. Caterpillers, Loculis and the like. And therefore there's no doubt to be made, but ffal. 105.3. that he is fortis, of power enough, and what he threatens, he can; and will bring to pars. Secondly, for his 'caloufie; And this is well added by God, for there are not - a many that will queftion whether he be able to punifh, or no,; but it may be thought, Pg that it is ate one to God, whether we afford him the true outward worfhipor not, and that he regardeth not, how we behave our (elves in his fervìcc, and therefore conceiveth no difplcafure againt them that fail therein. But to remove this doubt, he exprefly declares, that he is a regarder, and that a zealous regarder. And where- as the wicked as it is in the Pfalm) fay,Tufh God regardeth not, here we fee, Pia1. Io. 03. he regardeth it, and that in the hoghelb degree in jealoufie, which is a narrow fear.. cher of that it ftafpeäs. Jealoufie i s the excels, or extremity of love, zelotypiaamor eft reduplicates. Ma- Cant. 8.7. ny waters cannot quench it. leendures no Corrival, but is impatiens conforros, it muff be alone and have no companion. Nemoprueer, nets cum. None betides, nor none with it. AndGod is not only impatiens conforrú, but cqualitatis, of equality too, he will not have any to be equal with him, nor to partake the lead unequal pray. 15. 56, share with him in our fervice, but he will have totsom afficium, we fee he calls for the whole heart. St. Paul faith; I am jealous over you, with a Godly jcaloufie, for I a Con have efpoufed you to one Husband, that I may prefent you as a chat Virgin to Jchn aQ 1q. Chrill. And the Pfalmifl, zelus domes rua devoravir me, The zeal of thine houle hath even devoured me, which the Difciples applyed to Chrift. It is fuch an affection, as mutt take up thewhole man, fuch aregard bath God to his outwardworfhip. This affeelion in it felt is good, elfe God would not have taken order, that he Num. 5.14. that was led by the fpirit of jealoufie, might make proof of his fufpeded Wife : but upon fomc occafions it many times fallcth out to be mingled with other affe(hi- ons, as in the cafe, which St. rames calls zelum amarum, a bitter zeal, ex lafa cencupif- a s cenria, from an offended concupifcence, which brings not only grief, but Ilirreth us J4- 4 up, advindìltam,to revenge, and this is anger, fuch as we find in the Prophet. God Nab. r. s. is jealous, and the Lord revengeth : the Lord revengeth and is furious, Ccc. and the pre. 6.34, wife man calleth it, a raging revenge. Now, if this affection fall where there is power