224 Cum,'L, i%efantiion of this Cosnnrandetint. Chap.. poweras withGod, it will not only fmoke, but it will kindle, andburn like fire, ad Dear. 29. so. the Pfalmift hath it,'and not like a fpark in a ftaek of Straw, which flameth, And Pfal S vanifheth away, but like fire in a barrelof Gunpowder, bearing all before it. For pro porentia ira. According to amans ftrength, fo is his anger. The wifeman tells us, Pro. 16.4 The wrath ofa King is death : and of the Eternal King, - Eternal death, of body Luc. 12. 5. and Soul. Now to avoid the errour touching6V° Whether according to the Man- her of men, affe Lions fall into God, or no ? We are to diffinguifh : for if we fpeak fimply and notby Metaphors, there doth not. Why then faith St. Augußina In- dignume(tiJtde Deo4rnare, it is an ïndigûity to affirm fuch things of God ; but heanfwers himfelf, Indignumcerte,fs aliquot dsgnum, Trod deDee dscererur, ini'enire- tur. It iscertainly if we could findany thingto fpeak, that were Worthy of him; but we cannot. FR themoft glorious terms of Majefty and Magnificence, which, we give him, magis congruune humans imbeeillirati, palm diving ,Mejeflari, they agree betterwith mans weaknefs, than Gods divineMajeíty. !Om. z; And whereas it is fait in Scripture, both, that God is not asman, that he fhould Gen. 6, 6. repent ; and in another place, that it repentedGod, that he hadmade man upon Earth :.thefe places and the like" are to be reconciledby thefe rules. Aug, I. Cum negantur de Dec "affedliones, human. natur. snfirmitati tribuuntur : cum affrmantsr, dtvinenatur. efficatie. When thefe affe&ions are denied to be in God, they are attributed to the infirmityof humane nature, but when they are affirmed of him, it is to fhew thepower of the Divine nature. It betokeneth, that he will workas effetfually, as men'do, when they have the like affections upon them : not thathe hath fuchaffalions, for he is impaffìbtlis, not to be moved with any kinde of perturbation, but that he produceth fuch effects, ad madam hominásfc affedti, as theydo in whom fuch affeetions are. 2., Secondly, Augufrine faith, that thefe things, though they ar`e affirmed of God andman, Lodern verbo, expreffed in the fame words, yetare they not eodemmodo, performedby the fame manner. For r. Jealoufie in man, oftentimes arifefh out of errour, either out of a falfe or light caufe, but inGod id nó errour, he doth all out of judgment. 2. Mans jealoufie is fuddenly provoked: but Gods cometh, lente & longanimiter,fiowly andafter much and long filtering. 3. Mans is immodi- P'sl. r g' ;t' ce, &fine fine, immoderate, raging, and endlefs ; but Gods is, Sedar, temperately, it is Tranquillajuflitia, a peaceable, andquiet juftice. 6. 3. We are to conceive, that God fpeaksthus for mans capacity (as the Apoftle Cor. 1 r. faith ) after the manner of men : or as in another cafe, not to us as fpitituafi but as carnal in our own terms : as in the cafe of Man and Wife, fome think they love nottheir Wives enough, except fome jealoufie be milt, that they participate their love withother men : andGod in his fervice here, is as jealous, as a man for breach of Wedlock, and therefore reprefentethhimfelf in that manner, and under the like affe lion. 4. Fourthly,Zia nos non promovemur ad nemen juffitia, introducitur zelotypus. We are fodull of fpirit, that the attribute of Gods juftice alone moves us not, and therefore he takes a term from anaffettion,that fallsnot into him, as it is inmen to the end, we may be quickened, and made fearful to offend. [. z coso. Mar- 5, Laffly, as Tertullian faith,titurfpiritushoc vocabulo,adexaggeranda ejusgeneric eio"' fcelera. The Holy Ghoft ufeth this term, to thew how odious this fin of Idolatry is to God, that if itmight be, it would make God bethat which he cannot be. s. Cor, rr: The ufe of all is thar,which the Apoftle maketh. God profeffeth himfelf jealous here, that we our felves might be jealous of our own Salvation. For if we would" redire ad corda, enter into our own hearts, and confider, firft, what God is, and then what vile Creatures we are, we fhould wonder at the excefs of Gods love to us- ward,that he fhould be any way jealous of us, and not rather let us take oyr own courfes, to our own ruine, and take no further regard of us. But chiefly, that we fhould rather fo love him, as to be jealous of his anger, and the loffe of his love, left he fhould'bellow it fomewhere elfe. And fomuch of the Preface of the San- íYlion. CEdAI''.