Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

The Contents. irndwhy an this day, are differentthings : out of Maimon, Abenczra. 2. Reafon, the be- nefit coming to mankindby theCreation. 3. Realri, God blefed thefeventh day. H A P. V. Pagez8o How farthis reft is to be kept. Why this word remember is prefixed. Such work to be forborn, which may be done before or after. Neceffty of avacation from other works that we may attend holy duties. Mans oppofit ion to God, when be bids refs, thenwe labour, & e contra. inparticular forbidden the yews. Whether the fame be abfolutely nowforbidden .the Chriftians. Rift neceffary onlyfor the means of Sanctification, or the pratlife ofit, asin works of mercy or neceffty. Sabbatum Bovum&Afinorum. Sabba- tum aurei vituli. Sabbatum Tyri. Sabbatum Satanæ. C H A P. V I. Page 285 Thefecond thing commanded, it Sanllification, which is theend of the refl. The kinds of Sanlfifìcatian, publick and private. How theHoly Ghoft works inus Santliftcation. The fpecial alts wherein the SanlJificationof the dayconfifls, s. Prayer. 2. The Word read, andPreached. 3. Meditation of what wehave heard, and upon the works of God out of Pfal. 92. 4. Conference. 5. Praife. 6. Sacramentsanddifcipline at fpecial times. The endof theft means, our Sanatfication, andGods Glory. C H A P. VII. Page 29t Work of Mercy proper for the Lords day. They are oftwoforts. r. Firff Corporeal, feeding the hungry, &c. Burying ofthe deada workaf Mercy. Suchworks proper for a Feftìval. Objettions anfwered. 2. Spiritual. r. To inffrull, Counfel, and Exhort. 2. Cons. fort. 3. Reproof. 4. Forgiving. 5. Bearing with the weak: 6. Prayer. 7. Reconciling theft thatareat odds. C H A P. V I I r. Page 194 Thefecond Rule of Homogenea. Fafting reduced hither. Commanded under theGo.. fpel. r. Publick Fallsfor averting of evil ofpuntihment, which is either malum graffans, or tmpendeus, oroffin forprocuring ofgood. 2. Private Faffs, and the Golfer of them. Theparts of a Paft. a. External abflinance from Meat, Sleep, coffly Apparel, Pleafure, fervile work, Alms then to be given. Secondly, Internal Humiliation for fin, pro., mile of Reformation. The thirdRule, our Falk anal Obfervation of the Lords day muff beSpiritual. CHAP. I X. Page 298 The fourth Rule of the means andhelps to keep this Commandment, viz. r. Places. z. Perfens. 3. Maintenance. s. Of publick places for Divine VT orfhip. Theplace as well as the time holy, and both to be reverenced. Addition 25, out of the Authors o. then works, concerning the adorning of Gods houfe, and againff Sacriledye in propha- ning it. Addition 26. Further additions concerning Churches, or places of Gods worfhip: fit places ufed (roan the beginning: the necellity of them fromnatural inflinil. Their Dedication and the afe of it. God is foie Proprietor, as of places, fa of all the Churches patrimony, All humane propriety extinli by dedication ; The Clergy have only ufum, acfru£tum ; no fee -- dimple by the Law Civil er municipal in any man but a quali leudum only, C H A P. X. page z90 Of perfonsfee apart for Gods Service. Themiffton, Choice, the Reverence due to them. Thebenefit received by them, Spiritual andTemporal. Preservers of Kingdoms. Humane Laws andPolicies not fufficient, without a teachingPrief , &c. Examples indivers 4S - narchies andKingdoms. CHAP. X I. Page 3e4 . Of maintenance forfaith as attendat the Altar. Schools and Colledges, Seminaries of the Church. The ancient ufe of them among the Sews, when they were in /Egypt, and afterward in Canaan. In the Primitive Church, care to be taken againft admitting Novices or young men into the Sacred Calling. Maintenance due by the Ordinance of Chrifi is, r. Tithes. Reafäns that the tenth is frill due under the Gofpel, to the Priefihood of Chrifi. Addition 27. About Tithes. That the tenth part was facred to Ged from the beginning by pofrtive Divine Law obliging all mankind, and frill in force. The Law of Nature It-fates not the proportion. Humane Laws andCuffoms about the modus decimandi to be followed, provided that they give not left than the true va. lue of the tenth, if atherwife, they are void, z. Oblations alwayes in ufe in the Church. lidditi.