Corn.a. How Gortpunifies thefinsofFathers,Szc. Chap 9. 2 al thereforeprolixum er t eu.Judictu?n, they.fhall receive. the longer judgment or great- er damnation : fo is the purilhmen here, even during-the whole memory ofman for four generations. t tteg. t3.í4; The execution ofthis Cotnmination We.. tee in yero oain wio.for his difobedience 2 Sam 12,15, to this Commandment bvasunilljedinthis. kind. It is laid, that it became. fin to the 1 Rek,t6.¡2. houfe,:of ergbgám,..fn David by the1ofs,pf. his Child,. InBaafliá 7jmridcftroyed fiobkß .1 .ail the föufe of` Baaflìa _ 11',Ahab, and inthe children of S4jomon, lot hisIdolatry. And therefore we may w'ely conclude with theApolle, It rs afearful th;ìg o fail in-; to the bands of thhc living God. And. this the-godly took notice of, choosing rather to fuf:r a temporal death, martyrdom, than totranfgrefs this Commandment, here may arife a queftion, concerning the ¡office of this visitation, how this may ftand with Godsown determination upon that Proverb , [ The Fathers have ea- ten fower Grapes, and the Cbildrens teeth are let onedg] which God faid Ihould 30. not be fpoken any more; nor heard among his people. , For, the Son' h0not bear the iniquityof his Father. And we fee, that this was pradifedby Ama . ah in punifli- ing his Fathers murtherers ,. änd not their Children , quoting Gods own Law for z Reg.t4,6; it. According to that which is writt.n in thebookof the Law of c/21ós, wherein Douc24. e6, the Lor d commanded, faying, The Fathers (hall not be put todeath for the Children, -nor the Children be put to death for the Fathers. And this. feemeth tobe. the opini- on of Saint Paul , when he faith Every man flrall bear his own burden: and at the Gai. 6.5. Lail judgment, every.:onemoth receive according to what he hath done in his bo- 2; dy, &c. To this the anfwer : as tothat place in Efgy , where the Prophet wil- leth Hezei,jsh [to put his houle in order, for he Ihould die and not live]. faid not, quidfuturum effet,fed quiddifjufitione nature futttrumaet, not that líe Mould then Efay certainly die, but that according to the courfeof naturehecould not live, and there- fore fltould die,if by Gods fpecial power hewere not preferved.So here God fpeaketh not (fay they) quidfaciet, fed quid gi fi aßiione meriti noffri f tceret,not what he will do, but what he mightdo"in refpsa of our defers : but this diltinstion is dangerous, as tending to an encouragement, to the breach of this Commandment. ; But to anfwerit more fully, we fay, that Punifhment essay be inflidedthree feve- ral ways. I. Byway of Satisfaâion. a. Of Medicine. 3. OfCorreftioó, And we may fafely hold, that by theft, one may be juftiy punished, though' np. Offence be committed by him, a. By way ofSatisfafion, as in point of furetyfhip. ,. When one man is a principal D:btor, and a friend taketh the debt upon him , is it injuitice in this cafe, to punifh the furety with the payment of the debt ? God forbidwe fhould think fo. For then, that which Chrift bath fatisfied for us might be accounted unlawful, and confequent- lyofno effed. So that voluntarily one may fatisfie for another, and yet no violence offered to ¡office. 2. Byway of Medicine, ór Cure, Iithe eye be ita aff,iled, or the head ake, the arm may w,f1 bleed to cure them , otherwife the whole body may be in danger : and in this cafe it is not only juft, but necefi'ary : fo then, ifthe pnnilliment of another man be propter medicinam for cure, and the evil infIded be lefs than the evil pre- vented ; as to wound the finger to fave the eye , and the like, this is not unjnft ; and fo when the temporal punidtment ofthe fon is to cure.and redeem the father from e- ternal, then punifltment may be infidled by God, without any impeachment to his juffice. 3. Bywayof Correiion. In which there is relpel to be had in repairing equality broken : Aman fhould require no more than lusts with the- Will of God, but we fee daily he dotti, and therefore breaketh equality, and is to make amends for it and therefore nimis muff be punifhed.with nimis, which mutt be either inthe father or the child ; and if equality be not broken iñ them, there is no injuitice, The Fathers lay, fruftra requirit debitum, qui non rependit indebitum, Co require a debt, and not topay that which is due is no ¡office : as God faith, Doye thus requite Deut.;a.ti, the Lord, O fooliflt people and unwise , is not he thy Father that bought thee ? and =u eontnfat patremfuum. jufte coniriffatur afilio, he that brings sorrow upon his Father, shall have the like brought on him by his Son, and that ¡Wily too. Again, in regard the Covenant of bleflingwas made with Abraham and his feed , God will Gan.t7.7? be the God of our feed : therefore when the Father breaketh the Covenant , he F a may