Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

T H E }4 )(_POSITIO[V O F T H E SII. Commandment. Thou tlialt not takethe name of the Lord thy God in vain, &c. Or,as the Chal- dee Paraphraft rende ir, Thou fluait not (wear by the name of the Lord thy God in vair, or falfel y. CHAP. I. The general f ope of the Third Commandment. Of glorifying the Name of God by Praife. The manner how it molt be done. Several motives to 'lie meat tip to the Duty. His Commandment forbids andprohibits not only Perjury, but all other chufes of gods Dame, AunOtdtlOII' Though all wain and rajht Swearing,andall irreverent ufage ofGods Ph' at'ïs means Name may be reduced to this Commandment'; and therefore it is en- ty taking Gods lageel by our Saviour Matth. 5. 34. to the prohibiting of 4lllvoluntary Nameinváin: Oaths ; yet ifwe lookat the literal meaning of.the words,to take Gods Name in vain, dothitriltly and properly fignifte nothing elfe , but to ¡wear falfly, or to fo: fvear; and therefore, the 7o. áb they 'redder the Hebrew word Nz'tGt7 talhavaby y. uaior, µznt, zsode, which we tranflate vain -a r they often render it od`s falflr, ad Deu. 5. sB, Ezek. 12. 24. Smelt 3: 6, y, 8, Hof. ao.4.. Jon.2.9; Zach, 10.2. and that the word Kt^,ty Shava and npV-Shakar mentiri difer little, appears in the. ninth Cemnmindmcnt, wherefor rpíi Sheker mendacium tefed in.Exod. is put t2ttg in [int. both wh'chthe yo, vender by toapnoelaa dñ, falfe witnefs. Therefore ',Ptiilo in expl'cation of this place, havinglaid, that we muff ph) r.ap<Cdtety óuojoe Os ¿nn oaratía not rake thename of God in vain, adds by way of expticatiara rùne7r cmi .ya(Pr+ Osty dvaotrlrarov for tocall God to witnefs a lye to molt wicked. So likewife Aben. Ezra, fain Exod. 23. t. For the Hebr. tittD vain, the Targum Hierofol reads tpv i falte. .So in Pfalm 24 4 and Plain 12. 3 Zachary to. 2. and in many other places, the Hebrew KM) is. . rendred falfhood, or lying, and that by Hierom.him!elf. Our Saviour himfelffo ren- ders thefe words, Muth. 5.33, I lion (halt ink forfwear thy felf, ffeaking of the literal fettle oftins Law, as it was given by Mofes, whichhe amplifies and enlarger,:i(jfpr,that which jon'e late Expofitorsfay, that he recites and rejeits only:the corrupt glifo of the fewi..(h Dollars; is againft the current of Antiquity, and agatnf{ the Text,nsmight eafî- ly be proved,) and therefroe Çkoe Syriack Tranflation fo reads.the words, non mentiris in jurejorandotuo , thou ¡hak not lye in[Cwearing. Thisfurther t to be noted that thu Commandment#oaks not of an affertory oath,orfalfefwea ing in bearing witnefs,for that belongs to theninth Commandment, but a promiffory Oath.only, as the following words of Chroji impart, Matt. 5. i4. naro,i'ácoso d's mp, ,mein arw ápxe se, Thou flak perform thy Vows unto the Lord, which are takenout of Numb. 3o. 2, and fo Philo expounds this Precept, and AbenEzra, who adds, to ¡hew the danger of ibis Sin,, chat otherr Sins have ufaalry thebait ofprofit or pleafure, which are l ldom in this;irnd;that otherfns cannot be committed at all times, as this may. r. This whichlis theproper firifo ofthe words being laid as aground, other things of Like nature maybe 'reducedh;ther 4-cording to the explication enlargement, whichChrift our great andonly Lord and-Lawgiver hath left in his g.olpel, to, which weore t ì' have necostrfi