Com.3. Of Glorifying Gocic name. Chap. 4. 249 might be heard of all Nations, Pfal. y 1. 18. The found muff go out into all Lands,-Prat g. and the words ( of his praife ) into theends of the world. Seventhly, and laftly this celebratin of Gods praife "mull continue to the end of the world. His name faith g P t tiom.lo.t@. the Pfalmiiit ) (hall endure for ever, fo long as theSim and Moon endureth. And we efal.72. t7. will thew forth thy praife from Generation to Generation, and he would have it con- 79.33 tinue fo long as the world endureth. Thusyou fee the fcope and end of this Commandements is Gods glory : and you fee, that it mull not be retrained, but it muff have a large extent, and that as large as may be for place and perpetuity. Youmay fee the renfons briefly, that this is no vo. luntary aft, but a neceffary duty. t, Man was created for this end and purpofe, as you have heard : and Saint Chry. Motives to follow faith Animsliafecit Deus propter hominem,hominempropter feipfum, God made yrarfecod. other Creatures forman, but man for himfelf, that is for his own glory. So faith Supmarb. > > Y moral. 1. a, St. gregory, Homo adcontemplandum a laudandum creatorem fuum conditus eft, man was made to contemplate and praife his Maker. Therefore it is obferved, that the Hebrew k r13 Bara , and fit Barak, creare & benedicere, are little differing, be- caufe the end of Creation is, that God may be bleffed or praifed. 2. As Coon as the world was made, God fan tified a Sabbath to be fpent in his praife, being a Type of what we mull do hereafter. Dies enim feptimus not ifs eri- mas, quandr ejusfuerimus benediiiione cF fanïtificatione pleni aeque referti, faith Saint Ee civ. Del.1. AuguJtine. And therefore our Saviour delivering us a formof prayer, though God as-. c. 3o. requires his inward worfhip in the firft place, as in the firIt Commandment, becaufeit mull be firft in execution or performance, yet becaufe his praife and glory is the end, and the end is firft in intention, though latiin execution, therefore Chrift puts it in the firft Petition, wherein we delire his name may be hallowedor glorified. 3. If we mean to do it hereafter in patria,in Heavenour Countrey, we muff do it bere in via, in the way thither, on Earth. It will be our continual exercife there, and by ufing it here, wecome to have a Heaven upon Earth. 4. We being little lower than Angels mull imitate them in this duty : It is an ex- altation of our nature, while we are here in corruption,to be made like the Angels 9111 e: 1. They fing Hallelujahs, Salvation, Glory, Honour,and power to God. Let us do the Heba.7 like. . Apoc19. I. g. If we do it not, we (ball be fo much lower than the Angels, and we flail be prate 19. r. worfe and more unthankful than the Heavens and Firmament, bafer than the bafefl tqe. io. Creatures, for they do in their kind. 6. The Church militant doth it. It is the work of the Temple , and to be prefer- redbefore the works of other places , as that is the placeof all places, or chief of places ; . fo is praife the workof 'all works, the chiefeft work to be done. 7. Man ought to be delighted in that, wherein. God bath made him to excell all other Creatures, that is, in the diffinftion of voice, no Creature but man having a tongue co (peck, the ref( only having a found, but no articulate voice: whence man is called ,osegq.from his articulate voice. 8. This gift is not only proper to man, but the parts exercifed herein, as the tongue, lips, and mouth, are honoured much by being imployed in this fervice , it is morethan necnlhry for him to ufe it, to that end Saint lames 3.8. debafeth the tongue, which is lewdly employed : David extolleth it, when it is well occupied. It is the highest 6egree of glory to be thus imployed. Awakemy glory, Pfalm 57. 8. 9. It is not only a good afi, but pleafant, feemly, and profitable : David faith, prat, 147,1, his foul was filled with Marrowwhileft he praifed God ; we (hall get by it, Honorift- crrnres honorificabo ; thereforeneceffary it is in refpeft of the reward. to, It being a more excellent thing to give, than to receive, dare quam accipere, and to make, than to be made louvre quam fieri, as in all other things we are made and we receive, in this we are giving, we give God glory, and become makers, we make himglorious and great, byglorifying and magnifying of him. an. Though Chrift command the contrary, and will not have his name glorified Match.8. 4, as he feemed to the Leper, the blind man and others in the Gape): yet the need.: Mar' 3`ßj fityof this duty lies fo hard upon us, that as they, fo we mull publish his fame for in this cafe no precept orprohibitionwill lye againft this Commandment. G g II., The