Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn.3. 234 Chap.2. Now Gods name is to be Glorified. s a. The wife man faith, A man (hall be fatisfied with good things by the fruit of Prov t2, r4. his moath. And ourSaviour faith not, that it is thework of the hands, but the words of the mouth that a man flail be juttified, or condemned' by. The well ordering of the tongue will either produce fruit to life and falvation, or gall and wormwood to confufion. It followeth then, that a neceffity liesupon us to ufe the tóngue well, and in what better can it be ufed, than in hallowingGods name. We fee then what is here commanded, the fame which we delire in the firft Petition of the Lords prayer, viz. that Gods name may be hallowed. a. Inwardly, by our in- pfal. 45.2. tention, making it the end and (cope of all our aEtions. 2. Outwardly, by making it Mat. s 16. the matter of our fpeech, and that herein our tongues mutt be the infiruments of his Peal* 5t 15 praife, and as the Pfalmift fpeaks, like the penof a ready writer, and our mouth the 452 Trumpet to foundout his praifes, and not only fo, but alto by our outwardactions, Mat. 5.r'5. P P Y 3. Y pfal. 19. t. which mutt be ròaas that light whichmutt thine before men to hit them up to glorifie God. Sothat we fee, neceJtas incumbit, there is a neceffity that our mouth and lips thewforth his praife, that they be the pen of a ready writer, to that end, to utter the praifes of the great King, and our áïtions mutt thine, that others niay glorifie him too. Andlefs wecannot do then the Heavens and firmament, that are enarratores er pradi- carores divin.egierie. C H A P. II. What is meant by Gods name. The ufe of names. t. To diftinguifh. 2, To dignifie Gods navre in refpeff of his Effence, AtmbInes , and Works, ana bow they are to be reve. rented. What itis to take his name, asglorious as netffary, Glorifying his name in- wardly, outwardly,byconfeffng, defending ir, remembring it,honour..ble mention of it threefold, it muß be r vu. 'pro aazoV often EvvEynroá well 'poker/ of, oiCoror venerable. Applyed towerown al1ióniby prayer, and to others by bleffng,, &c. Of glorifyingit -in our lives. What it is to take godsname in vain,in re f pea- of t. The end. 2. Agent. The work; ' IN the Prohibition it felf there are 3. things confiderable. r. What is meant by the name of 'the Lord thy God. 2, What is meant by Taking it. 3. And laftly, what by taking it in vain. Thename of God. The name beinga word proper to the tongue, the duty of the tongue is commanded in it: now a name according to the general definition is, per quod cognofeimus, & cognofcimur,that by which we know andare known ; invented to dtitingudh men, and other things by. There is a twofold tareof names, t. Meetly for diftindion, that one may be known from another, which is the mofe proper and firft ufe. a. Names are tiled fometimes 'ççerynuXZ, for dignities fake, that men may not onely be diftinguitht from others, but reverenced above others, now God makes ufeof names in both refpeds. 76eafeóf a For dittindion; fo the name of God is diverfly fet down in Scripture, to diftim Hamer, Whar is guilh him from all other things ; as fehovah, the principal name of his exiftence. El; truant by Gods of his ftrength, Lord of hobs. Schaddai, of his all- fufficiency, in his covenant with name. Abraham, and the like, as ferome bath it in an Epiffle to Marcella. But moil fully in Exodus. Now his names are of three forts. a. Inrapedof his Effence, as yehoveh. Exoa.6.3. a. Of his Attributes, which are of two forts, Affirmative, as merciful, gracious, cr.c r Si. I. u.&e. and Negative, as infinite, invifible, &c. by which Dionyfius Areopag. proceeds in his Gems., t' Theologismyftica, as the beft vvay to knovvGod, per viam negotiants. 3. in refped of his Works, Creatour, Redeemer,Sandifier, &e. and to thole three may be referred vvhatfoever vve read of his Name. Judg, t ;. t8. The very litteral names of Godare to be reverently ufed, and of every one of them it may be laid, as the Angel Paid to Manoah enquiring after his name , Search Deut. 28. 58. not aftermy name, for it is fearful ; yea, muchmore tearful is the name of the Lord:. 5, ;;, and not tobe known, as appears in Deuter, if thouwilt not do ali the words wrïtd ten in thisbook, that thou tnayeft fear this glorious and fearful name, The Lord thy God, the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, &v. But that diftindion of the P,ba- rifees