Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coln. 3; HowGods na:s a is to beglorifled. Chap. '24' 235 rifees =aft beavoided, That tinle(s one did fwear by the name Jehoval4 and take the very word in his mouth, he was not guiltyof the breachof this Commandment, ale though he (ware by Heaven or Earth, or 7erttfalem, for fuck Oaths they made no account of, when as our Saviour fhews, that to fwear by them is to fwear by God, becaufe his name and glory is feen in them: 2. For as we Paid in the fecond place, names are tiled to Dignifie fome above others, and to (hew thereby that Come duty orhonour is due to them, which is not due to others ; foGods name is lien in his Attributes, and in his Works,inHeaven andEarth, as well as in thole proper names of 5ehovah, Elohim, &c. This we tare to call in Englifh, agoad name, which in private perlons, is called, Credit, but in thofe öf higher place, is called, Glory, Majefly, Highnefs, Sic. which is the Diale t of Prin- ces, whore aim is, as the Prophet faith, that they May have a name, and praire, and ]err t3. rr- glory. The phrafe in the Hebrew is, tocall one of great credit, a man of name, that is, a man of credit, and renown, or afamous perrn. Now if Gods proper and lit. feral name ought to be reverenced, much more ought his other name, his good name and fame ought to be dear to us ; for the good named. any ought to be honoured according to theglory and greatnefs of the perfon, as the Authour to the 'Hebrews reafoneth, that Chrift was fo much above the Angels in glory, by how much he bath attained a more excellent name, than they. And when God would exalt Abraham, Heb. r. 4. from being Father to the Children of a bond Woman, -4Qar, by whom he had lfmeeel to be the Father of Iftac, and the. faithful, and thereby to eftabliflithe Church in his houle, then becaufe he was more glorious, he gives hint a more glori- ous name, Thou(halt no more becalled Abram, bast Abraham. And the like we fee in Gen.17' r. 7 ecok, wholename was changed to [frail, a name Of more Dignity, when be had De°' c ra. prevailedwith God. Now if a good name, or good report, beamong private men fo highly valued, that as Soloman faith, it is better than a precious Ointment, which was in great efteem for pleafure in thofe dayes,yea, than Silver or Gold, orany pre- Excl. 7. r. ciousTreafure which was molt efteemed for profit : and if it be true tvhich the Frov. r . r,, Heathen faid, inte;-effe fama, elf majus omnia!iointereffe, that the weight and interefl of a food name goeth beyond all other , yea further, as a Father faith, Fama p e'i paffte ambulatcam vera, itgoeth cheelçby ¡oil with life it felt, Of how precious and high eiteem ought the name of God to be, and how highly ought we to reverence and elteem it, Peeing, as the Pfalmifl faith, goal bath magnified his name and ford, above Pfal t ;8. s; all things. Therefore his glory and name is the chief thing we (hould look unto: Thus we fee whats meant by the name of God.. The fecond is, what is underftood by taking the name of God: Nan affames, &c, The barrennefs of the Eighth language makes the exprefïion of the Original fhort, for the word whence it comes lignifies to take up : and hath adouble gfetowhich' may be referred whatfoever is borrowed in this fence. a. It is applyed to a Standard or Banner, and hence comes tttp] nofe Armiger; a, To.a heavy thing, as a burden, whence conies Met mafa; pondus, and thefe two kind of things we take up or remove,if a thing be glorious as a ftandard, we take it and lift it up, and if a thing be neceffary and ufeful to us, though it be heavy and weighty, we take irup a fá thatthe one is in rebusgloriofis, the other in rebus neceffa- riis, and if a thing be neither glorious nor neceffary, we let itlye, the firlt includes the duties of penile in all that take Gods name upon them : the fecond refers to the duty of fwearing, which is a weighty thing, and under thele twoare Comprehended' all other takings of his name. a. It is ingloriojïs, as c.41ofes called his Altar, ereeled and let up, Jehovah that is, the Lordmy banner, or fandard, from DI nerf, vexillum: Or as the plate made for Aaron, whereinwas to be graven, Santfitai )ehovo. Holinefs to the Lord was to be taken up and placed upon Aaron, forehead vifible, as a thing glorious, as the badgeof a Noble man is lifted lip upon the (boulder of a fervant to be feen. This liftingor taking up of Gods name, is a thing glorious; As the taking of a Gen:48. t s; name by a chrla from a facber is honourable. It was anhonour, and a priviledge to Ephraim and Ivlanaffes to be called after their Grand- father 7a'cobs name, fo is it act honour to a wcenan tohave her Husband; name. It was all the ambition of the we,- J men ï in the Prophet) that defired one Hfi band, tobe called' byhis name. And we fee Still, that in marriage the woman taketh her Husbands name, and it is fuch a glory, to ääïa: 4° r Ggz' , hex,,