.4 GPtjV7.! 04! ú¢ ï@ 11 rl ;1 1 It 236 Chap. 2': HowGods matte is to beglorified. Corn. 3. her, that the is contentco lofe herown name for his. And it is our own glory, that Va. 43.7. from' Gentiles we:are called Chriftians. Of which Efay in fandry places foretold. 61, a. Every one (hall becalledby my name (faith God)for t have created him for myglory. 65.15. And;Thou fbalt be calledhy a new name. And again, And (hall call his Servants by Aft11. a6, another name. All which was fulfilled in the primitive Church, when the Difciples were firft called Chriftians. - The Gloryof Chrift was taken up by Chriftians, when theywere called by hisname Nowbeing Gods Servants, and having taken up his banner orbadg, the duty.corn- t COT. to. 31. manded is, that we molt likegood fervants do all to his glory, as the Apoftle (peaks. Qeli.r n 4. God can receiveno profit by ut, but glory we may give him, and therefore all our actions muff-refer to it. We malt not he fo ambitious, as they were in the daysof Peleg,'that.fought by building Babels Tower to get, themfilves a name : for that is. Giganfometehia, which is, be' llare cum Deo, to fight with God. It is not good to conteft with him in this kind. You may read the fuccefs of their enterprife ; God over threw their plot, even by the confufion of that, which fhould have gotten them their names, the tongue, Nor mutt we fee a faceor falle colour upon our own evil ass, under pretence of aSam, a 5.8.: Gods Glory ; as did :Abfelom. If the Lord will bring me again to yerufalem, I will ferve him: here was a fairpretence, when Treafon layhid in his heart again[ his own [Kin. 21. Father. So Jezabelmakes Religion a cloak, proclaims a Fall for the Murder ofNa- both. There are fo far from the glory of Gods Name, that they are wicked abufes of it. a Thus Gods Name is to beglorified within us, now for the outward duties. Mat. tò. 33. t Having takenhis Name upon us , we mutt not be afhamedof it nor afraid to confefs it. 3udah, of whom came the nameof the Jews, was focalled (the word fig - nifying praife) becaufe his Mother faid, the would confefs or praise God : fo mutt we wear. our name ofChriftians, and GodsServants, to the glory of God and Chrift, andnotbe afhamed of ir. The realon Chrift himfelf giveth , Whofoever [hall deny mebefor'e men, him allo will 1 deny before my Father. And though the Church of Philadelphia was but of fmali ftrength, and its works were not great , yet becaufe it Apoc: 3.8. had not denyed his name , Chrift promifeth to fer open a door for it , and other 4.9, to things, as you may read. But any that (hall receive the name and mark of the beaft (wear any* therslivery) he [hail drink of the Wrath of God, and (hall be tormented with fire and brimftone. 2. There is another degree, beyond that of not denying his Mailers Name, which every good fervant is bound to, and which his Matter eape is from him, that is, find- ing for bis Name when it is blafphemed, confefiing and defending it to the death, as bra 59.í6;t7. the Martyrs have done. Becaufe ehereswas none that offered to defend Gods Name, when Judgment was turned backward,andJullice hood afar off, Truth was fallen in . the ftreets, and equity could not enter, therefore he threatens terrible judgment, he puts on the garments ofvengeance, faith the Prophet. 3. Laftly, we mutt not forget Gods Name , but often make mention of it. The Pfal 0.17. Prophet David threatens a terrible punifhment to luch. The wicked (hall be turned into Hell, and all the people that forget God. Take he&d, faith Mofes,that you forget not the Lord, Deer. q.. 9. A man would think it were rmpoffible, that any fhould for- get him,but Saint Jeromi tells us, how a man may forget him, if we behave our felves foin our fpeech that nothingcomes from us that favourerh ofGod, then we may be Ice as. x7. trulyPaid to forget him. A man is faid to forget Gods Name, when he breaketh the firft Gomfnandment, as it is in 7eremy. Their Fathers have forgotten my Name for Baal, and fo for the refl. And therefore they that truly takeup this banner, meditate day and night, how Pfal. a. x. they may do that which [hall be to their Malters glory. They (peak (as King David aí9.97 did) ofhis glorious Honourand Majefty. Solomon faith, that a jul mans mouthBoth f aa5, 5. metlitári fapientiam, fpeak of Wifdom , he (peaks fomething which may redound to Pro. to. r r. the glory of GodsName ; and therefore be calls the tongue of the wife man yew,/ aít4 12.10. 8. vita, & ápfamproem, a vein of life, and health it fell; out of which comes Glory to God, and health to himfelf ; but we maynow fay, Rarum eft nomen Jehovah, the P10. ti.a. reverend mention of Gods Name is rare in tome mens mouths, they feldom fpeak of bina,;unlefs it be to dilhonourhimby prophane fwearing and curling ; or elfe they do (like Salomono fools) ebullire vanitatem, belch out folly, or babble and fome out vanity , 1