Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Chap. z. Hon' Gods name is to beglorified. Com. 3. 237 vanity : The practice of King David was, to thew forth Gods Righteoufnefs ; and pralm t5. make mention of ir, andof it only. And in the Prophet c^fays Song ye (hall find , We . x6. will maremention only of thy Name. Godwould executehis Judgments upon Pharaoh, Efa. a6. that he might get him a Name , or that his Name might be declared or fpokenof through all the world. Exod. 9. t6. This mention, this honorifca mentio, is of three forts. Hem ad's* menti- a. In bunking often of it, of which bath been formerly fpoken. onG name. 2. In (peaking well of his Name. 3. In fpeaking reverentlyof it. 1. Wemuff fpeak often of it, His Name mutt be aorvlpúnt,nror, often and much to be talked of, this is the end of all his great wonders, to have his name famous, & fpoken of in the world, as is already Chewed. 2. His Name mutt be Ëvróymroo, bleffed or well fpoken of. The fpeaking well, or prat. 70. 4. blelling of Gods Name, wehave a pattern from the Patriarchs, and Saints of God. It and 72. Orr was their Epiphonema, or dole after Mercies and Judgments. Theypall fay alway, Exa.18, ad. faith the Pfalmift , The Lord be praifed; as himfelf faith elfewhere , ßlejpd be his PGI. 1x4. í lorioáu amefor ever. etbro, for the deliverance of e` o es and the I raelites Rth r4. g , f 3 l l ¡¡,;7;1,.. 6. from Pharaoh ; Bleffed be the Lord who path deliveredyou, &c. And of King David 41,13; B1e ffed be the Lord that bathnot given us over for a prey. Sp for Gods favour , as Neh. 9. S. the Women to Naomi. Tieffed be the Lord which loath not left thee this day without s Sam 25. 12. 4Kinfman. So was Davids thankfulnefs, Bleffedbe the Lord, becaufe he loath heard'''. La" thl voice of my fupplications, andbleffedbe the Lordfrom everlafEing. And Nehemiah and the people , Bleffedbe thygloriosu 2+(yme, which is exalted above all bleffing and praife. As alto for his prefervation from finning as David being prevented by pral. 90, 4= Abigail , from fhedding 7abals Blood ; Bleffed be the LordGod of Ifrael. And lafily , for Gods Chaflifements and Crotfes as fob, The Lord gave , and the Lord hatb t ok n away, Welled be the Name ofthe Lord. This fpeaking well ofGod and convertinghis bleflings and judgments into an honourable mention of his Name is commanded, Contrary to this it is , when a man receiving Comemercy, thinks it not great e- nough, and therefore grudges, and is unthankful ; or being under tome affietion or Lev. 22.3aí judgment, thinks it too great, and fo murmurs and complains, and converts all to the difpraife of God. 3, His Name mutt be xsSdcor,reverend and venerable. We mutt fpeak reverently of Gods Name, not make it common, as if wedid account of it no better than a none Col. 3.17. in the ßreet, and of his fervice, asthat of a common perfon. Ye fhall not prophane pfal. ra4. my holy Name,faith God, that is, not ufe it commonly; for to the fan tifyingofhis Name is oppofite the prophaning of it,or making it common. Thuswhenmen fpeak ofGods Nature, of his Decrees and Judgments, and of the great myfteries of Reli- gion, withoutfear or reverence; as if they were difcourfing of ordinary matters, they do not reverence his Name much lets when it is abufed and prophaned , as Witches do in Sorcery and evil arts ; oras Blafphemers, that ufe it irreverently , or by way of execration, when men afcribe to Godwhat iscontrary to his Nature, as to make him unjuft, cruel, the author of fin, &c. Beides there, there is another way ofapplying Gods Name to our a&ions , and that both to our own and other mens. i. To our own, for this we have a Precept. Whatfoever ye do, faith the Apottle, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord : and how is that ? by calling upon neat. ío.11, his Name for a bleffing ; when we fay with the Pfalmift , our help ftandeth in the ñame ofthe Lord. 2. To others, thusGod commanded the Levites to put his name upon the people, and filets them. How that is, the Pfalmift Cheweth, by wilhing them good luck in the name oftheLord. The contrary to this is to curie,when with the fame tongue, as St. James faith, we blets God the Father, and curie men. This is a terrible abufe, to ufe the nameofGod . as a curie to our felves or others,'which is given for a blelling only,' ( as when men vvifli that God gvould confound them) and foas St. Augu.ftine faith,faciunt Deism carnificem futon, they make God their own executioner, whereas God bath given his name fora ftrong tower of defence,' Thusmuch for tanâifyinghis namein our words;'nowforour aidions. We mutt James ;, 9, make his name glorious in our actions, which is, t, when our a&ions are fuch, that ph' 4.3 Mar. 5. 6, Men teeing our good works, May glórifie our Father which is in Heaven. Therefore 2 UM a. to.,'