Coin.3. f tal¿ingGods wane by an 0th. Chap. . X39 work oferrours, faith the Prophet : and as there is truth in natural things, fo is there a truth in moral things, which if it be wanting, our fpeech is vain. 2. Ifuejut, it is vain too. If I be wicked, why then labour I in vain, faith holy 7,ob : and, the very hope of unjuft menper,lh, faith the wife Man : and, They walk ina Vain fhadow, and difqutet themfelves in vain. If juflice be wanting in our *ions, or truth in our aflertions and promifes, they are vain ; and w ufe Gods name in either,, is to take his name in vain. So that if either we take the name of God .to no end, but make it common, and take is op as acuffome till it come to a habit, not for any good end ; or if our hearts be not hable and fixed, but light and inconftant , when we take it ; or if we take it to colour, or bottler out any fal!hood, or any unjufl a&, we take it in vain, and break this Commandment. CHAP. III. Of taking Gods name by an oath. The caufes andgrounds of an oath. The parts of it, Cancellation, Execration. How godis glorified by anoath. What is here commanded. a. To fwear. Inwhat cafes. For Gods glory. Mans neceffity. For thepublique good. The oath ex officio whether lawful or no. Of private and voluntary oaths, 2. Tofwearby Cod, not by Idols or creatures. 3. Not to take his name in vain, but to[wear in I. Truth, in oaths alertory, promiffory, 2. yudgement, 3. 7u/flee. Againft voluntary oaths, whether lawful. Offwearing from the heart. 'The mean' to be ufed againft vain fwearing. The fagnes ofkeeping this Commandment. Of drawing others to keep it. Of the taking Gods name by an Oath. W jE faid before, that the word which we tranulate, taking the Name of God, / V fignified in the original, to take up, and that in a double ufe. r. Ingloriofs, as aBanner, with whichwe have now done. The other ufe is, in neceffarits, as a burden: of which now. If there be any thing whichwe (land in need of for the ufe, though it be heavy, and weighty, yet we will take it up. Sodid acob the great ffoue before the well, when upon the comming together of the flock, neceffity urged him to it. Now as the firti ufe ingloriofs, was folely to the glory and praife of God, by taking up his name, as a flandard orbanner by praife; fo this in neceffariis, the taking his name up, as onus a burden, by lawful fwearing or taking an oath, looks allo at mans bene- fit to end controverfies ; for an oath for confirmation tomen is an end of all ftrife. Heb. 6. t6ó And although God be not fo much glorified in this, as in the other, yet in regard of our neceffary ufe of anoath, this bath in amanner taken up the wholeCommandment, there being little mentionof the other. . Concerning which we muff thew, firít the nature of the duty, and then pro; teed according to the former rules given, for expounding the leverai command- meats. Concerning the nature of an oath, this will appear, ifwe confider, c, r. The neceffity, or thecaufes andgrounds ofan oath. 2. Theparts of it. 3. How it tends to Gods glory. r. For the firft. It is expedient and neceflary, that all (lrifes and controverfiea the neceffity of fhould have an end, and not be continued ; which cannot be, unleffe the one part of an oath. the matter in controverfie be confirmed above the other. And thereforewe find, Heb. 6. 16. that before God would proceed to judgement againft Sodom, he would go down Gen. t8.2r.i fitft, ut certo cognofcat, that he may know the certainty, and proceed upon a fore ground. Now the bet way of proceeding to find out the truth , is by ar- guments and reafons, where they may be had ; which courfe yofeph took to know the truth, whether his brethrenwere fpies or no, by bringing with them their bro- 4a, 2OP tiler Benjamin, when they returned; for thereby it would certainly appear, that they were no [pies. But When Arguments or reafons are wanting, then are we to come to the fecond taufe, which is by witneffes : a way approved by God himfelf, who tr.