Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

I. 44 .C6311-'4. 'b^ tai,inu. Gods fCr ?fl b- is- O iEl, Con-. 3. fohn) fware by him that liveth fur ever and ever. And God himfelf in his promife Ayce' lo. of bie i n to Abraham, by my felf I have fworn faith the Lord. An in Efay, `' g Y ií' Efa.g, á;. have fworn by my felf. And in his denuntiation of vengeance upon Eli and his t Sate: 3:I4 houfe. I have fwornunto the houfe of Eli, 6-c. And in his promife to David, I Pfal. P9. 3. have fworn to David taty'fervant. And I have fworn once by my holinefs, that I 34' will not fail David, with diverfe other. And all thefe make againft the vainconceit of the Anabaptiffs, and if there be any other of that fond opi ion, that hold it unlawful to fwearat all, upon that fpecch of our Saviour fwarenot at all. When as hismeaning in that place was not to abrogate the Law ( for he teffified that hecame not to take it away, but to fulfil Mar. 5. it_) but to give them the true interpretation andmeaning of it, and to reduce them I7 to the true and found fenfe of it. If his meaning had been, to forbid fwearingu see AuZf on any occafion, hewould have faid, Non afj mes nomen et omnino,Thou (halt not take ttom. _ J, ,u the name of the Lord at all : butas he forbids all rafh, vain,and unnecefi'ary and F 3o .1r v' 1. voluntary oathes, fo he confutes the doctrine of the Scribes and Pharifes, who thought that if one fware by any thing but the name of God, as by Heaven and e. / is o_,,ir_.6,.. Tatth,.6c. That fuch oathes didnot bind, nor were to be regarded, when our Sa- viour teaches, that to fwareby any of the Creatures of God, is to fware by God himfelf. The fir(k thing then commanded is to fware, and the contrary praffife of Ana- baptiffsishere forbidden. ¡r v, a. Tbe.fpeond thing commanded, in the affirmativepart may be gathered from the .next word ( nomen Domine De; rxi ) the name of the Lord thy God ; whichim- plyes that weought to fware by the name of God, and by no other name, I have fw,brn(. faith:God ) thatevery tongue (hall fware by me It is his prerogative royal, one of his priviledges,,and iris therefore often called jags jurandum , ehova. An Ea 45 S. oat1 of the:Lord (hall be between them. And the oath of the Lord thy God, and s. is the Preaeher, I advife the to keep the Kings commandment, and that in regard of çc!-:8, r. tite oathpf 9.4. .Therefore to vouchfafe this honour to others, or to transfer this prerogative to-others,isprohibited, and this is done twowayes. . When men leave out the name of God in their oathes, and fwear byother Amos 8.14. things for a woful vengeanceis threatned to fuch by the Prophet. They that fwear -, by thefiniof4irr<aria and forgetGod, Pic. even they (hall fall and never rife up aaán: I .2 . When:we joyn anyother thing, or name with it. For God threatens to cut Z°1'h r 5' off them, that (hall fware by the Lord and by Malcham. And yofephis difcom- Gee.45 -9' mended by many for fwearing by the life of Pharoab, this joyning others with God, whether it be afalfe God, or any Creature, both are forbidden. Jul. 23 .7. r WeMuff.not fwear by them that are no Gods. Idols. it was ,yofuahs charge to.the people.uponhis death-bed, that w.henthey fhould come among other nati- on, theyfhould not fo muchasmention the namesof their Gods, nor can fe any to 16. ,. Riveby thern5King ,3avidobférved this rule. He wouldnot mention their names Eso 23.13. tgithin.hislips, dt was Gods exprefs commands ye(hall make no mention of their Gods,neither 4háll'itbe heard -out of thy mouth. And for the breach of this, God thuughthitnfelf fò difpáragedby ,j=udah, that he knew not howtto let themgo unpu- nifhed.. Hawfaith.he, Mould I fpare thee for this ? Thy-.children have forfaken me, 5 , and fworn by them that are no Gods. The Pfalmiff faith, that theywhich run after 1 , 67..4. oilier Gods {hall have greatdtrouble, and that he would not offer their drink-offe- + -of 2.1 .2 " rings ártdf_Saerifreès, nor make :mention of their names within his lips: and God. Zadi. í3Y2, threatens,that he would take thename of. Baslim out of their mouth, that they Mould forget him z. Andfor thefecond, "to fwear by any Creature (though fuel oaths being made do bind, betaufe of the relation to God) yet they ought not to be; for if any í bearbythat whichis notßodiit is an abomination. é ' The reafont 'Why we fhoutdcimtjoyn anyother thing Man oath with Gods name, its in refpeCf òf a three fold injury that wilt arifeby if. r a t Toctíoclhimfelf, whorequireth this honour to beekhibited to him alone, and i i beiíigrhis }iterogative, is neldtobe communicated to others', He bath magnified his nanieabevcfailattings. .%; .. lat;ot , t; : ii, ,. 2. To