Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Chap. ;. of takiny, Gods'name by4tnoitfi. Corti. 3, =45 a. To our felves ; for he that fweareth, fwearethby him that is greater than him- Heb 6. 16, felf. Now he that fweareth by the Creature, preferreth it before himfelf.. 3. To the Cr. attire that is content with that place, that Honour which. God hath placed it in _,iu if it could, would be avenged of us, fór giving to it the honour ttab. r. It, 12. due to itsCreator. 3. The thìi thing commanded; may begathered from the next words,( Invain) :viz.. that we ought to fwear in a right manner ; otherwife we take Gods name in o froearí, ;aright mom, eïo vain, though we fwearonly by the name of God. And this duty of (wearing a- right, with due qualifications in an oath,is gatheredby Sr. Jerome out of ,jeremyq.z, and after him by other expofitors, where the Prophet faith, of a peoplethat Ihould fweararight, They fhould fwear, in veritate, judicio, & jufhitia, in truth, in judge- rti erem ment, and in righteoufnefs. Animadvericndu ., ( faith he ) pod jusjurandtsm hos habet comues, veri.atem,judicium,atque jufittiam : f ifta defuerunt, nequaquam Brit juramen_ tuna, fèdperju-rium; we are toobferve that an oathhath theft Concomitants, Truth, Judgement, andRighteoufnefs : if thefe be tvanting, we,cannót anyway call rat an oath, but perjury. . r ;, , i :: ì r, Againft tranfgretfing the firft, you niay fee Gods abfolute Prohibition. Ye (hall 7n rank. not fwear by my name falfly : and St. Auguftirri faith, thathe that fweareth falfly' I év, rq, ta, feemeth to bea man, but indeed is nobetter than a, beaft ; yea, detefi`andá beasa, a beaft tohedetefted. Diodor. Siculus, (thé Heathen Hiftárian ) faith Perjari paria capitis pleeiunturf doth he fwear falfly ?; let him loofe his head.. And the Wife man faith, If a man fwear invain [ falfly 3 he fhali notAbe innocent, but his houfe Reclus, a3. t e. thali be full of plagues. And God himfelf commanding, that he that fweareth, Mouldfwear by the God of truth, feemeth to intimate,:. that we are not to fwear, Era' '5' 16. but in truth. Aman may fwear falfly, either in juramenro affertoria,, or promif/orio. a In of -- fertion, when either in re cognita, upon our certain knowledge we teflifiea falfhood ; Deverbis yaeó or in re dubia, when wedoubt the matter willfall out otherwifethanwe fwear, yet Apof. Mine we will affirm it uponoath, for we may think that to be true which is falfe, and jarbreferm.s4 th en we fwear rattilyand in vain. Or we may knowor think that to be 'falfe, which is fo, and fwtar it for true, and fwear wickedly in vain. And thefe two perjuries differ. For in the flrft cafe, though it beperjury, yet it is not wilful. As if I fell a horfe, and fwear ( as I think ) he is found, yet proves lame. In the other, it isfiat perjury. As if I fell a Jewel for true and right, and fwear it to be fo,though I know it to be a counterfeit done. Such was jurnmenrum Petri, St. Peters oath, fwéaringg that he knew not Chrift ; a fearful thing, it cod many tears, before herecovered himfelf. And there is a third perjury, whenwe fwear that tobe true,which we 'think falfe, yet proves true. As, I ask a man, whether a thirdperfon were at fuch a place, at fuck a time : he ( though he thinks he were not, yet for Tome end) fwcarshe was, and that proves true whichhe fwears; yet is he perjured. For in the,like cafe,,' St. ,t4uSuftine gives the reafon, Xntereft tluemadmodum' verbum; procedatrer anima :. ream lens-mainnon fatit, nifi mens rea ; regard mutt be liad to the heart;'whence words proceeds : the tonguefinsnot, but where the mind fins with it. , Nor is it fafe to fwear with a mental refervation."That bathnot deceitfully, faith: the Pfalmift. It is not he that fhali dwell in Gods Tabernacle, but hethat (peak- Pfai. 24, 4. eth the truth from his heatt.and that bath ufed no deceit in his tongue. The .Poets. r5.2, 3. jesravi lingua, mentem injuratam gere, will,not ferve the turn. But the oath. of the mouthmúdapee with themeaning of the heart.. God will hot be mocked. Dens Gal. 6. fieaccipit ut idle quidat. He will make a litteral interpretation of ir. t or as I f dare deJa nma b;, faith, Zuacmr<que ante veráorum quisjtiretiDeür tauten, gai confàiéntix tafiis ejq,,ira.hoc accipit,firm- ills casijuratur,intclligst; with,whatcunning foever of words orfëfwears, God, who knows mans hearrYtakes the oath; as he to whom the oath is made; Both underfland lt.. ..r. 2. And as in.the oath of atiertton, folk that of promife :a mart May fwear -falfly loo; Either when we promife and bind thatby oath, which wemean not to .performs : tjis,4I borrowmoney, and bind my felt by oath to .a day, and fail , can be l never meantor intended it . cr"whtrrWe do' the like by oath's 'arid fail Pm , Illy. As, I borrow money, andifee as well. a: poffibilityhotsl may repay t; as a purr pofe in my felt to perform', find thereupon fwear to repay at a at time inthe in4 terim,,