Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. 3. of Vows. Chap. 4, 25; formance is but one of the conditions required in a vow, therefore we will add the ref}, which are thefe. re c ed;r;ont r. For the perfon that vows, he mull be fat juris, a person free in that he vows vewu'red ma from the Authorityof another; one that bath power in himfelf to make and per- form a vow. Achild under the power of a father, afervant under the power of a matter, the woman under the power of the Husband, are not capable of making a vow, without the content of them under whom they are and therefore under the rah 4' 2. Law, the father might make void the vow of his Daughter, and the Husband of r Tnu5. r. the Wife, made without their confent, either exprels or implicite. Nor have the or, Man or Woman in fomecafes power to make a vow without mutual content. Cn- tinentia & a'ia ( faith Saint Augufline ) :iavenda nonfont a conjugatisniflex confenfuNamb. 3o. 5° voluntatecommuni. Er ti preproperefabium fiserit, masts eft corrigenda temerotas, quamperf1v :ndapromo o, And Periculofe promittitur ( faith Saint erom ) quod ad hue is alterius poreftate eft. Continency, and fuch like things are not to be vowed by AiAnnnr, married perfons, but by common confent of both i and if any thingbeover haftily Ep. 45. done in this kind, the rafhnefs muff becorrefted, rather than the promife fulfilled. It is dangerous to promife that which is inanother mans power. z. The vow it felf muff'bepofibile, poffible to be performed. M was faid be- fore of a promiffory Oath, fo inregard of the affinity, we may fay of a vow, for the matterof it, it mutt be pofbile and licitum, r. poffible for us, and within our power. Now what is poffibsle, and what impofbile, may make a hard matter to define. And hence fome difallocv the vows made in former ages, as not poffible to be kept, as to vow Jingle life, of which We may fay, that to fay all may do it, is dangerous ; fo to fay that none may do it, is no lefs dangerous. We mutt there fore take heed, thatthe Heathen man rife not up in judgment againft us, who Paid, that AT* isaaaafaeg, cum nonpajepreten ditttr, the true cáuLe is, we will not, when we pretend wesannot; we fay, we have not the gift, when as indeed we want mother it the gift of abftinence in meats and drinks; which they had in former ages, and thence came a generalpoffibility:for therih' tovöw'.( Bot now in oUr dayes Tertullians Layingmay be verified, that multivorantia C multinubentia muff go to- gether : becaufe there aremany feaftings anddrinkings, there mull be many mar- riages. The Heathenman Laid, that libido eft-fpuma ongluviei, lull is the froth of gluttony. Therefore men mud learn to abfÉäin, and then they cannot fay they are unable to make this vow. 3: Again, the thing we vow muff be licitum, an unlawful thing is not to be Jaoges tß.3. Vowed. Such as was the vow of Michas Mother, of r roo.. pieces of fìlver, for a r Sim. r. 5,/, graven and molten Image. And Abfoloms vow at Hebron, to colour his Treafon againth hisFather. And that of the Jews, not to eat or drink till they had killed St. Ad. 23.1s. Paul: for voveri non debet quad Deo difplicet, we mull not vow that which: is dif- pleafing to God;, for if Godwill not have it paid, he would ,pot have it vowed. ThereforeSaint I idore faith to such votaries, Inmalts pramiAs;refcinde fidem, pa turpi voto mesta.decretum; and Saint ,fee o111, in vovendo fort Rufous, quo difcretipaem non 2 /7 oq -"n 1 f. adhibuit, 6- in reddendo impipa: And Ouod incaste voveflo, ee-,furias that is, if the" pht. thing be finful; if it be only againft thy profit, thouhaft tyed,thy felf to perform it. And Saint Aquiline injufta vincula rumpit ju titia; for it is impia promifis qua /celere impletur, its a wicked vow, that ends and is performed in wickednefs, 4. It muff alto be Deo dognom, a thing worthy of Gods ,acceptance. It muff be no frivolous thing that we vow, but such asmay tend to his honour, and. our own good. Wemuff promise re sgratam, a thing acceptable to God, else he will not Amcs 5.22, vouchfafe to look upon it, no fuch frivolous thing, as he that vowed the (having of his head , or he that cat the kernels andvowed to offer the (hells to' 'Miter. the vowing, nab trouble t or, quisó, before deliverance orfterefos-edeliveran etleNiry,hebettettoobtan it after to Phewour thankfulness for what we havereceived 3 , examples we have of both, approvedby God; of the first in David, I will.;pay my vows; which I fpake when I was in trouble. And of the Ifraeliter in their di(lrefs. And this kind pre. t2. of vow we fee is allowable : for God delivered Davidout of all his trouble; and Numb, u. a it is Laid in the textconcerning the Ifraelires,.that the Lordheard the voice of Ifrael, al-