256 Chap. S.Tbe manner and fgne ofglorifying Gods nanne- Corn. a,. St. Auguf ine, but that thefe men putthemfelves in a way, by dif-efteeming Gods word, to have a Height efteem of his name, and by abating and prophaning his fr l word, to come to abufe and blafpheme his name. irThhe r fgF,,s. Yue, According to the fifth rule, the figns of glorifying Gods name, come in the next place ; which may be taken from the con{ideration of what it is compared to. We (hewed before, that to take his name was ufed in a double fence, either asa burden, or as aflandard, or a glorious thing : to take it as aburden in neceffariis ; in cafe of neceffity, by an oath, but when our neceffity is not urged but Gods glory, then we take it up as aBanner or Standard ; and fo by the behaviour of men to- wards that, we may know, whetherwe Rand rightly affected towards Godsname. I. In the Hoft,they followed the flandard, they flood Rill when it flood, and moved when it moved : fohere, if we make Gods name and glory our flandard, we(land affected, in our a$ions, meditations, and enterprifes,to go fo far as Gods glory calls, and no further ; to be lead by it, to go when it goes, and to fland when it flands ; and this when flefh and blood, and worldly powers and reafons would allure us to the contrary. If his glory commands all ourafiions, its agood fign we aime at the glory of his name, whereas many, when Gods glory bids Rand, they go, and when that calls back, go further; and when it calls on them to go, they fit flit! 2. It was a part of the Roman and Grmcian Difcipline among the Souldiers, when theyentered into the Camp, they fwear, Pagnabo err folus, e cum alas, they would fight for their Banner alone, and with company; now this applyed (hews, that the greate(t part of the world lothnot Peekhis glory, for it is cum alas, that gets Godthe glory, a fglis he (hall have little. If the red fhrink away, there are few that will keep that part of the oath to Bandfoil by the flandard, when the RealmThal runto Apoftacy. 3. 'Thirdly, whofoever belonged to our dandard, and had once profeffed himfelf of that band, it was prefeet death, if he had either inhis mouth hoflac fymbolum, or about himhófilern referarn, if he had either the enemies: watch -word; or the ene- mies badg, it was death. Now if we apply this, we may fee there are many among us, that in their outward carriage,profefs to fight under Chrifls Banner, yet their anions, their apparel,ere. are refluxdiaboli, badges of the enemy, and their fpeeches are the right watch-word of the Devil, worldly fpeeches,and worldly figns, which we daily wear, do prove, that we do carni & fangstni militari, fight for flefh andblood, and not for Gods glory. q. The fourth fign is the perifhing of a righteous man in his righteoufnefs to dye for the name of God.. Itwas the manner of the Lacedemanians at the delivery of the flandard to fay, ñ 7á1, i .i 42s, either bring this home, or be brought home upon at SówhenGod gives us his name, wemud fight for it,&.either bring it home,or be broughthome upon it ; we mutt confers the name of Chrid, and either bring this Ihieldof faith found to God, or dyefor it, rather than loft it; as St. Paul was refol- ved, who faid,he was ready not only robe boundat j erufalem, bat todyefor the nameof Ìefm The fixt rule requires, that not only we glorifiehis name our felves, but that we procure others to do it, our fpeech mud be fuch, asmayeni.sifter grace to the hearers, fuch for which theymay glorifieGod, andnot our fpeech only, but our works tooas our Saviour exhorts, that when men fee our good wort;{, they may glorifie oar Father which is inHeaven, otherwife, if our lives be unreformed, we taufe the name of God to be evilfpokenof andblafphemed, we open the mouths of wicked men, and make ahemfay, the words we profefs hath no power, our Religion is a Doftrine of been- tioufnefs, in which the power of Godlinefs doth not appear. And thus much for the fird part of this Commandment,The prohibition. Thefecond partof this precept is the Commination, or penalty threatned; God will not hold himguilders, &c. ForrbeLord And here in the tall place comes thepenalty, or commination, for breach of this will nothuid Commandment. In the firft place it is worth the obferving, that God ufeth the himg,nililefs, Idiome"or.Rileof a Court of Affize in this commination, 'and well may he do it, fie' for heeuer keepssii Affne, and Delinquents of all forts are arraigned continually, and amótlgft them, thofe that take his name in vain: and that before him ( the judge )