260 Chap. 1. Of the fourihComnlanciment ingeneral Corn. 4. This Commandment being of as large, or larger extent, andmore copious iti Whpthis cam- words than the fecond, fhould'work in us no lefsregard, and conhderation of this mandmeht ü Jo. than of that. Nor is it in vain that God hath fo enlarged it. We fee that four duties large. of the fecondTableare ended in a word as it were. Non occides, Thoufhalt not kg. Non machaberis, Thoufhalt not commit Adultery. Nonfuraber#s, Thouf l:alr notflea'. Non falfamteflimonium fores, Thou f'ia't not bear falfe witntfi. And the rcafornis, becaufe civilhonefty, and thewritings of Heathen Philofophers, ( who were chiefly guided by the light of Nature ) and civil Laws urge the obferving of them : and our Bars, and Judgment.feats condemn fins therein forbidden : but the fifth Com- mandment ( becaufe God forefaw our ¡tiff-necked humours, that We would not wilingly,or eafilybebrought under fubjec`fion) God thought it neceffary to fence it withäreafon. So likewife in the tenth;there is greatparticularity ufed, becaufe men ate apt to conceive that their thoughts are free, and that they fhall not come to judgment for ufing their liberty in them. In the firft Table, every Commandment bath' its particular reafon ; but this fotrth s%x fp:ct.0 Precept hathmore than any. It hathfix particular refpcc`ts, not to be found in any things to br ob- of theother. ferved in th't commandment. I. Whereas the reíl: run either barely in the_affirmative, as the fifth, or barely in the negative, as the other : in this both parts are expreffed. The affirmative in thefe words, Remember thou keep holy, &c.' and the' negative in thefe, Thou ;halt dono manner of work, &c. fo that a mans inclination to the breach of this Command- ment, is both waycs met withal. i.`In this,.This precept is not only given to our Pelves, but to all others that .be- long tous, God proceeds hereto a wonderful kindof particularity, by a particular enumeration,comprehendeth all that with us, and by us may be violaters of this Commandment, namingall which he doth not in anyof the other. 3 The other Commandmentsare imperative onely, and run in a peremptory way of command : whereas the word here ufed, though it be of the Imperative mood, yet it rather intreatsthan commands, Remember : and may ferve as a note of feparation from the other. Imperat ( fuadet, it both commandsand intreats 4.. And whereas the reafons of the former Commandmentsare terrible, fearful, and threa tning; in this they areeafie and reafonable ; the 'main reafon of this be- ing, that no more is required to be doneby us, thanwas done by God himfelf, we oughtto do it, becaufe God hath done it. g. Whereas none of the soft have above one reafon, to perfwade and move us to the duty, this hath, befides one principal,' trio flatumina, three other props or reafons, fo that itexceeds themall in the multitude of reafons, to perfwade us to the obfervance of ir. 6. Lally, to move and hir up our regard to this Commandment, in a more efpe= cial manner, and that it might not be thought a light matter, eitherto break or keep it, as we are apt to think, God hath in the' very front of it fer, nerds no,: leves, no flight notes : Recordare, remember ; and obferva, keep it. Wemull have a fpeçial care Dens. s: rn of thekeeping of it, and to thatend we mull remember it. rhl iAtimñd The Commandment hath two parts. r. APrecept. z. The ctimologie, that is, meat. the Reafons, or the perfwafions to keep it,. a The Precept. The Precept contains in it, an affirmative part and a negative. The affirmative in the eighth verte, Remember thefabbathday to keep it holy. The Negative in the ninth and tenth vertes : in ir thoufhálrdo no. manner,&c. For she firft, that we may underhand it the better, we mullknow, what is meant by fabbath, and what by fanc4ifyingr r. Sabbath in the original fignifieth rest, and fuch a reft which fome labour bath gone before, a reft after labourceffatio, strafing, Lev. 05. 3 4 .or interntiflion from labour. . Sucha reft is defcribed in the Law. When the land had' been laboured, and tilled fix years before God gave the 'people charge, that it fhould lye fallow, and' reft the feventhyear, and this wasa pollitickLaw. So after the labour of fix dayes, God requireth herea ceffation from work the feventh day : let that be a dayPet apart, reft on that day. Z. The word [Sanliifie J is twice ufed inthis Commandment, in the beginning, Wb is meant and in the end, and is applyed to two. I. To God in the end( verfe r t:) The Lord by¡antlifjt' e. bleffedandfantbified it. 2. To man (vers. 8. ) remember thefabbath to fanai fie it. Now