Chap. U. Q f thefourthCoritnhartclment in.eeneral. Corn. 4, tei Nbw it is a rule in Divinity, that when anyword is given to God, and man bòth, it is to be applyed in a different refpefl;and fohere this word aferibed to God, is to be understood, fub modo deJlinandi,by wayof appointing it fo tobe : and to manfúb modoapplicandi, by way of applying it to that it was appointed. So wheGod ap= pointethany thing to an holy ufe,he is faid to fan fHfie it ; and when man applyeth it to the ufe to whichGod hath fo appointed it, he is faid alfo to fandific it; Asit is-fure, that by nature all men are alike before God, and differ not by nature, Firm rh;nrr fo may it be faid of Bread, Water, Wine,Dayes, v c. by nature all are alike, and f rom others. of from one isnot moreholy than another. Yet in the Law, faith God, concerning the If- _iv., no; 24,, raelites, Ihavefiparatedyoufromotherpeople,that youfhould be mine. When God fetteth min apart, that he fhould be his, either as a Minifter in the Church, or as a Magilirate in the Commonwealth; then this'his feparation, or putting a part, is the beginning of his fanlifying, So Water, which is feparated from commonufes, and delinated to Baptifm, and the Creatures of Bread aid Wine, in the Adminitlration of the Lords Supper, there is naturally no more in them, than in the other of the like kind, till tht; he fo fepa- rated and fet apart from the other, and appropriated to God , and holy ufes. Só may we likewife fay of Dayes ; naturally there is nomore holinefs in one, than in another : only Gods ordinance, by fepàrating one day from another for himfelfi makes it to be more holy than the reit. Now it is the natured filch things, whether it be manorbead, fo feparated from common ufe, and thereby fan1fified to theLord, that they mutt continue fo, and be Les à7 29,124 neither boughtnor fold, nor otherwayes alienated , Therefore we find, that under the Law, the Tabernacle and whatfoever was ufed in it about the fervice of God, Mull be put to no other Life, thehre-pans,,flefh-hoobr, feofifersmade for the facriface, yea.the bafett inftruments to flit thefire, and the meat in the Caldron, whereof a hbamen or offering was to be, íhould not beput into any other ; nor the pots on no lîxsd. sé. 29 otherfire, nor the/infers to anyother lamp, butto thefe in the Tabernacle. So this is 3 ° the natureof a thing fanttified, and it therein difkeereth from other things, that what is fanelified or feparate for Gad, mutt not be converted or applyed to any otherufe, and fo for dayes, fachas are fanElified or fet apart for God, mutt be applyed to no other ufe, unlefsGod himfelf or his Church by Authority from him, and that upon grounds warrantedby God, difpence therein in fome fpecial cafes. Other things may bedone in partuponother dayes, but not upon this. The Pfalmift (as before ) faith,he will meditateevery dayandnight; and everydayhe will praife God and give p¡al. I.2. thank! to him : and in the evening, morning, and at noon day,( thrice a day) he will r45. z6 pray. Nayfeven times aday he wall praife God yet all theft are but on part of the 55 its.. day, for in the fix dayes other things, may be joyntly done, with thofe holy exercifes, r, 9 ró4' and may lawfully take up a part of the day : but this day being a moll holy day, as feparated to Gods ufe and fervice, muff be fanyified, not in part, or joyntly with other imployments, but muít folely be kept tohis ferviceand ufe, , Now a quellion mayarife, whether Godfanhified this day to himfélf, or tò us-? Certainly the Apoftle tells us, that omnia munda mundis, all things areclean to the 'tb , fánl, :. clean : and God is {riot{ pure and holy, and therefore needs nothing to be fanftified Tic.i. 15, to him;therefore this fanitifying mutt needs be for us. And the fame Apoftie faith, this is the willof God, evenyour( not his)fanthofication ;forwithout holinefs none(hall fee God : and therefore to the end that we might be holy, did he fan&ifie this day, his word and other things, &c. And fo by the fecond part of fanelißcatiori by an- noting a blel1ng to this day,bebleffed it and made it holy, as in the Sacrament of the H`b. a s. s. Eucharift he bleffed thebread( and his dicere) isfacere, he gave it power to increafe holinefs in us. And as to theBread there; fa to this day here, hehath annexed a fpe- cial biding, whereby it is fanlbfted to us, and thatin a twofold refpefl. r. Reta= rive, as applyed to the means of holinefs, prayer, word, &c. As a thingmuy be ''t 26 'E faid to beholy, as the placewhere Mofes Rood, as alfo, all that belonged to the Ex0' ;' s' Tabernacle, becaufe they were applyed to the means of holinefs. z. Effeihive, in regard Of the fruit Of holinefs, which is wrought in us on that day, and pralhfed in our felves, Saniioficamini 6-- lanai eflote. Be fanflified and be holy. So that all which hath bin laid, amounteth to thus much, God hath let apart nr