Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

162 Chap. t. The ref of the Sabbath Ccrm.g. or fandified this day, to the end that it may be applyed wholly, either to the means of fanetification, as hearing the word, prayer, meditation, and other Religious du. ties : or to thepradtife of fandification, by thefe means wrought in us. Andhe fandified it, or gave it a bleffrng, that what means we ufe this day of fandification, (hall be two fold bleffed, and of more cffed`t and force tous, then what we do upon another day, not fanetified and fet apart as this is. Now feeing Cod bath fo fanfìifi_dit, it is our duties, that as he bath fandified it, with his bleffing,we mud do the lìke,and fandtifie it too, which confias in two things. we muf4fastii- 1.. Inoureftimation. and accomptof it, which is for our judgment. z. Secondly, fie it. In the ufe of it, which is for our practice. i in our judge 1. We muff account of it inour judgment as a day holy unto God, not as a corn. ment. mon day : but as a Prince is furred among men, fo this is to be reputed holy among Aß. to. i5 dayes, a day of dayes : that of God toSt, Peter muft be our Rule, What God harts fanttified, make not thou eommmn. z L our pia- 2; For ufe, that we fo ufe it. This ufe is well fet down by the Prophet. We mull lhee. not do our oren work, No common thoughts are to exercife our brains : and as our Eta 58, c 3 thoughts muff betakenup with common affairs, fo neither muff our Communicati- onbe of fuch things, nor our praelife; but our thoughts words and adfions mull be fanftified,and fuch as tend to the pr.,`?:iòò of holinefs. For ( according to that of theProphet) If that which isfatFdilleá tca:ch that whi- b is common, it amparteti not Agg, a. r3. holinefs to the thing prophaneor com,,a ; but the common polluteth the thing which to fantlefed e fo that the touching, or deaiing in any unholy adtion that day is a poilu- ntac, 5 25. ringof the day. This we mutt takeneed of, eife, as our Saviour faith in another cafe, AWoman may be chaff, yet dultery may be committed, if a wicked eye look apon'h-r r,: luft after her: fo though holy things remain holy in themfclves, yet we May pollute them, and make them unholy, (asmuch as in us lyeth) by our potieted actions. CHAP. Il. What is commanded here. 1. Aref. 2. Santlification. Reftisrequired notfor át fill; but for the duties ofPate-it:fixation. Reafuns that the Sabbath is not wholly nor princi- pally Ceremonial. .Addition 21. Out of the Authors other workc, declaring hès mean- ing in two things. 1. That the Lords oy is jure divino. 2. That the Yewilb-Sab- batb is abolifht by Chrifis death, provedby hintat large, out of Scriptures, and Arti- quity, inhisfpeech againfTrask in Star-Chamber, Ow here are two things, and bothcommanded, butnot alike or equally, but of the ether- ?,i theone for the other. , The firft is Scmtitfcation which is the lad end and `td drift of God in this Commandment,and that which is required for it felf. z. The ar cif. other which is the means fuhordinate to it, is Ref, without which, fandification of the day cannot behad, as Cod requireth. To-make it plain, The Heathen by the light of naturecould fee, that every thing is then belt ordered, when it hath but one Office, and is ordained to do butone thing at once; for whatfoever would be throughly done,would bedone alone : the reafon is, bccaufc we are res fnitc, (nice creatures, andif two things be done at once, and together, one will be done imperfedly, becaufeour thoughts will be difiraded be- tween both; for part of our thoughts will be taken off, when they are let upon feve- ral objets, fo that we cannot wholly intend two things at once. It was Adams cafe Gen. 2.15. in the flute of Innocency : for he having a natural foulandfinite, was not able to intend thedreffrng of the Garden commanded him, and the fandification of the Sabbath together,and therefore God wouldhave him imploy fixdayes upon the firft, Gen. Z' 3' and bleffed thefeventh day to bcbeffowed in his worfhip And this was theend why Cod inlituted, bleffed, and fandified the fevcnth day,for a remedy againft diftra- Rion, efpecially in the folemne worfhip of God, which is enough to take up the whole man, and ought to be without all diftradfions; and therefore permitteth none to be intent to anyother thing during the performance of it.