Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. 4. The Sabbath nbt wholly Ceremonial. Chap. 2. 26 Now if Adam in that eftatecould not befree from diftraftion, much more have we needof remedy againft it. And therefore is this reft and ceafing from fervile workcommanded, to free usfrom it, and to further our San&ification: and thus cometh in this reft, becaufe this total Sanftification cannot be performed without ceafing from labour and doing our Own works : for without relt we cannot fan tifie : and if our reft thould hinder our Sa etification, it ought to be taken away and omitted. And indeed our Saviour Chrift acknowledgeth, that man was madefor the refs, but for fan.Tbfication. Sanftification was his end, and man was created and made p1 ..2.27. for that. Reft isbut afubordinate end, and man was not made for it, but rather reft. was made forman. Reif is but the means to attain to fanftification which is mini end, and that for whichhe was made. For as the Apostle faith of bodily exërcife,it profiteth little, fo it may be faid of bodily reft, that bodily reft profiteth little, or r Tim. 4 it. indeed nothingat all, except it be applyed to fanftification, which is the end nor doth God approve of it without this, but wholly difliketh it. 7b fcope of this ReverendAuthour, is not here to prove, that the commandof the Sabbath is wholly Moral, and in nopart Ceremonial but to prove againff the Anabnp.;e s t tills, Familifts, andother Selparies, who deny all difeindion of deyes under the G'ef pel, both whether that it is not wholly or principally Ceremonial, ar his reafons do plainly fhew-; for that Ceremonial; it isfo inpart, is co pled afterwards, where the Authour faith, that the flriltreft en: Joyned the yews, of not kindling afire, nor dreffingmeat on the Sabbath,was Ceremonial; andobligedonly the ,yews. Nor can it be imagined, but that he knew very well, that as the Sabbath was a Type of Chriffs reft in the grave, of ourdaily redfrom r fin, andof our eternal refs, Heb 4. Andas itfsgnifaeda refffrom the Egyptianfervitude, Déut. p. That in thefe refpeets it was Ceremonial, and is abolifht. And although his opinionTeems to be, that the Lords day Which we ebferve, infeead of the Sabbath, is jure divino, (inwhichpoint learnedmendo differ, and of which we Jhall fpeakfomething hereafter ) yet, that the ,yewifh i abbath, which as it concerned the yews in a peculiar manner, is litterally injoyned, by the Fourth Command- ment, is abolifht by the death of Chrift, is his opinion clearly expreffed elfe. where. Of thefirft, be fpeakr in one of his Sermonsof theRefurrer ion, on i Cor. r z. r6; Senn. r;.oftbo where labouring toprove the Feaffof Fallerto beas ancient as,theApoffles, amon, other Refurrettsoä. arguments he brings onefrom the Lords day, in thefe words. But we have amore fare P+SC 329. ground thenall theft.. The Lords da) hath Telimony in Scripture : I infifl upon that Apse t as that Eaterday muff deeds be as ancient as it. For howcame it to be theLords day, but that as it is in the Pfalm, The Lord made it ? And why made he it ? but becaufethe pia; ftone cartafide ( that is.£hrifl ) was made the headof the corner ? that is, becau/e Au`. Epeft: then theLord rofe, becaufe his Refurrellion fell upon it. Where heplainly affirms, the 119,; t;. Lords day to befomade, by the Lord himfelf, and that becaufe Chris rafe upon thst day: Nowfor the other point, that the yews Sabbath was Ceremonial, and abrogated, by Ghrilfs death, is proved at large by his fpeech in Star-Chamber againfl Trafe, published inter opera pofthuma, where among other things he fpe,,kr thus. TheApofilr inter olio )' reckoning up diverfe others, concludes with the Sabbath and .immediately upon it adds; which. all Are bút shadows of things to come. s' (Sabbath and all) but the body is Chrift. The body had, the shadow to vanish, that which was to come, whenit is come, to what end anyfigure of. it ? itceafeth too. That to hold thefhadow,of the Sabbath is to continue, is to hold Chrift the body is not yet come. It hath beenever the Churches I3ollrine, That Chrift made anendof all Sabbaths .b , his Sabbath in the grave. That Sabbathwas the laffof them, and that aloe Lords; day cameprefently in place of it. Dominicus dies Christi refurreftione declaratus eft Chriffianis, &exillocmpit habere feftivitatem fuam, faith Auguffine, The Lords day was by theRefurreeion of Chrift declared to be the Christians day, and from40. 149. t . that very rime (of Chrifts Refurredion) it began tobècelebrated as the Chriftian mansfettival: Fan-